Sahi Pro Flowcharts
Using Flowcharts
Actions Reference
UI Elements
Sahi Pro Classic
Using Sahi
Sahi APIs
Sahi Scripting
Online Docs
Sahi Pro Flowcharts
Using Flowcharts
Actions Reference
UI Elements
Sahi Pro Classic
Using Sahi
Sahi APIs
Sahi Scripting
Trouble Shooting
Online Docs
Using Flowcharts
Actions Reference
UI Elements
Using Sahi
Sahi APIs
Sahi Scripting
Trouble Shooting
Evaluation Questions
Browser and OS support
AJAX support
SSL support
Configuring Sahi
Can Sahi work without proxy configuration?
Can Sahi work with IE mode on Microsoft Edge?
How does Sahi identify elements?
Standard attributes
Adding a custom element
Identifying elements by an attribute not available with Sahi
Relation to an anchor element
Handling streaming responses
File Downloads
Pdf and Word files
Iterate a list of wsdl urls
Saving an image
File download dialog appears with Save & Open options
Blank page after download
Blank page appears
File does not get downloaded to download folder in Sahi
Downloaded file does not get saved
How to delete cookies
How to show custom fields in reports
How to show custom fields in Excel reports
How to access custom fields in a test script
How to customize HTML reports
Eclipse configuration for Syntax Highlighting and Template proposals and Refactoring in Sahi scripts
Sahi scripts - .sah Vs .js
Eclipse configuration
Refactoring a script into functions
Renaming a function or variable name
Navigate to functions
How can I access an Outlook email from a Sahi script?
How do I extract visible text of a div that changes dynamically?
How do I extract text partially from dynamically changing visible text?
Example 1
Example 2
How can I automate FTP file transfer?
Writing Unit tests - A Use Case
Getting the text of a tool tip
Getting cell data from a table
Multiple scripts folders and Network Share
Multiple Scripts folders
Scripts on a network share
Using license file
How to scroll
Check movement of scrollbar
Using Diagnose
Diagnose does not return any results
How to login automatically on windows
How is _under different in 5.x.y?
UserDefinedId not visible in V5.x.y by default
Web Services via REST APIs
Sahi with Notepad++
Sahi with TextPad
Minimized and closed Remote Desktop Connection
Minimised Remote Desktop Connection
Closed Remote Desktop Connection
System on Standby Mode
How to start Sahi Runner as Service
Steps to run Sahi Pro as a Service
Verifying Sahi installation
How can I run the same script multiple times with different parameters simultaneously?
How can I launch/execute a url that initiates some long running activity?
Is it possible to add watch variables and debug a Sahi script?
Copy row text and output to csv file
Java assertEquals
How to handle onbeforeunload popup
Using pound and euro symbols
Reading an XML file
Integration with XStudio
Integration with FitNesse
Using _rteWrite()
Accessing Sahi from a different browser
How can I prevent caching of page?
Text of alert shown through
_wait does not work inside an Excel file
When is _condition needed?
_assertExists parameters
Java driver tests in parallel
Accessing a random row from a grid
How do I set Date field which has date separator?
Integrate Sahi with existing test repository tools
Read data from Excel using Sahi APIs
_assertExists in if condition
Assert equality of arrays
Does Sahi Excel framework support .xlsx files?
Identifying parent of element
Identify element class using Java Driver
Scripts in suite do not run in order
401 authentication dialog
Browser in testrunner command
Run tests in multiple browsers simultaneously
Selective login
Silverlight support
Dropdown with Java driver
Getting absolute file path
Regular expressions in Sahi
Regular expression usecase
Check to see that page is functional
Excel files as part of Suite
Reports database
Scheduling tests
Drag and drop
Single smoke script to test multiple sites
_debug() output
Sahi with file: URLs
Other Resources
How to collect Javascript Code Coverage for multiple domain?
This section lists some frequently asked questions.