
It is possible for users to pass in a unique id of their own to differentiate a suite from another. This is referred to as UserDefinedId.

Passing UserDefinedId

You can pass/set the UserDefinedId in a variety of ways.

UserDefinedId not visible in V5.x.y by default

By default, UserDefinedId is not displayed in the list of Suite Reports.

To display it, do the following steps.
  1. Take a backup of userdata\config\reports\html\suites_list.xsl.
  2. Edit userdata\config\reports\html\suites_list.xsl.
    1. Right at the start, you will see two XSL params showUserDefinedId and showBaseUrl.
      <xsl:param name="showUserDefinedId" select="'false'" />
      <xsl:param name="showBaseUrl" select="'true'" />
    2. Set showUserDefinedId to 'true'. The line will look like:
      <xsl:param name="showUserDefinedId" select="'true'" />
      info NOTE that true is inside single quotes inside the double quotes.
    3. Set showBaseUrl as "'true'" or "'false'" based on whether you want to display the Base Url (Start Url) or not.
From then on, your reports will start displaying the User Defined Id.