Action APIs

Sahi's Action APIs simulate user actions on the application screen.
Sahi Pro Flowchart's Actions simulate user actions on the application screen.
Normally Sahi tries to perform actions by trigerring events on the application. This approach facilitates play back without the application window being in focus.

Mouse Events

Mouse events simulate the user's mouse based actions.

Combo keys are available with some mouse events to simulate SHIFT click, CTRL click etc.
These are used for multi-selecting on some UIs.


Click simulates a user's click on the given element.

$elementHTML DOM element element to click on
$combostring optionalAny combo key: can be "CTRL", "SHIFT", "ALT" or "META";
Can also be two or more keys together like "CTRL|SHIFT"
This argument is applicable only for Browser mode
Return Value

Modes Supported :
Raw Script
_click(_button("Click Me"));
_click(_button("Click Me"), "CTRL"); // clicks with CTRL key pressed
_click(_button("Click Me"), "CTRL|SHIFT"); // clicks with CTRL and SHIFT keys pressed

// With _xy
_click(_xy(_button("Click Me"),4,5)); // Click at coordinates 4,5 pixels inside the button

Sahi Pro Classic API :_click

Double Click

Double Click simulates a user's click on the given element.

$elementHTML DOM element element to double click on
$combostring optionalAny combo key: can be "CTRL", "SHIFT", "ALT" or "META";
Can also be two or more keys together like "CTRL|SHIFT"
This argument is applicable only for Browser mode
Return Value

Modes Supported :
Raw Script
_doubleClick(_button("DblClick Me"));
_doubleClick(_button("DblClick Me"), "CTRL"); // double clicks with CTRL key pressed
_doubleClick(_button("DblClick Me"), "CTRL|SHIFT"); // double clicks with CTRL and SHIFT keys pressed

// With _xy
_doubleClick(_xy(_button("DblClick Me"),4,5)); // double click at coordinates 4,5 pixels inside the button

Sahi Pro Classic API :_doubleClick

Right Click

Right Click simulates a user's click on the given element.

$elementHTML DOM element element to right click on
$combostring optionalAny combo key: can be "CTRL", "SHIFT", "ALT" or "META";
Can also be two or more keys together like "CTRL|SHIFT"
This argument is applicable only for Browser mode
Return Value

Modes Supported :
Raw Script
_rightClick(_button("Right Click Me"));
_rightClick(_button("Right Click Me"), "CTRL"); // right clicks with CTRL key pressed
_rightClick(_button("Right Click Me"), "CTRL|SHIFT"); // right clicks with CTRL and SHIFT keys pressed

// With _xy
_rightClick(_xy(_button("Right Click Me"),4,5)); // right click at coordinates 4,5 pixels inside the button

Sahi Pro Classic API :_rightClick

Mouse Down

Mouse Down simulates a mousedown on the given element.

$elementHTML DOM element element to perform mouse down on
$isRightboolean optionalSet to true for a left-hand mouse, default false
$combostring optionalAny combo key: can be "CTRL", "SHIFT", "ALT" or "META";
Can also be two or more keys together like "CTRL|SHIFT"
This argument is applicable only for Browser mode
Return Value

Modes Supported :
Raw Script
_mouseDown(_button("Mouse Down"));
_mouseDown(_button("Mouse Down"), true); //mouseDown for a left-hand mouse
_mouseDown(_button("Mouse Down"), false, "CTRL"); //mouseDown with CTRL key pressed
_mouseDown(_button("Mouse Down"), false, "CTRL|SHIFT"); //mouseDown with CTRL and SHIFT keys pressed

Sahi Pro Classic API :_mouseDown

Mouse Up

simulates a mouseup on the given element.

$elementHTML DOM element element to perform mouse up on
$isRightboolean optionalSet to true for a left-hand mouse, default false
$combostring optionalAny combo key: can be "CTRL", "SHIFT", "ALT" or "META";
Can also be two or more keys together like "CTRL|SHIFT"
This argument is applicable only for Browser mode
Return Value

Modes Supported :
Raw Script
_mouseUp(_button("Mouse Up"));
_mouseUp(_button("Mouse Up"), true); // mouseup for a left-hand mouse
_mouseUp(_button("Mouse Up"), false, "CTRL"); // mouseup with CTRL key pressed
_mouseUp(_button("Mouse Up"), false, "CTRL|SHIFT"); // mouseup with CTRL and SHIFT keys pressed

Sahi Pro Classic API :_mouseUp

Mouse Over

Mouse Over simulates mouse hovering on the given element.

$elementHTML DOM element element to perform hover over or move the mouse over.
$combostring optionalAny combo key: can be "CTRL", "SHIFT", "ALT" or "META";
Can also be two or more keys together like "CTRL|SHIFT"
This argument is applicable only for Browser mode
Return Value

Modes Supported :
Raw Script
_mouseOver(_button("Click Me"));
_mouseOver(_button("Click Me"), "CTRL"); // mouseOver with CTRL key pressed
_mouseOver(_button("Click Me"), "CTRL|SHIFT"); // mouseOver with CTRL and SHIFT keys pressed

Sahi Pro Classic API :_mouseOver


Checks or unchecks the given checkbox or checks radio element.

$checkBoxOrRadioElementHTML DOM element The check box or Radio element to check or uncheck.
$checkedboolean optional Set to false to uncheck the checkbox. Default value is true. This is available since Sahi Pro v11.0.0.8.
Return Value

Modes Supported :
Raw Script

Sahi Pro Classic API :_check

Select Option

Selects one or more elements in a select dropdown.

$elementHTML DOM element Select dropdown
$optionToSelectstring|integer|array of strings|array of integers Option's text, id or index;
can also pass an array of options for multi-select
Only option's text can be passed for SAP mode
$isMultipleboolean optionalset isMultiple true for multiselect
This argument is not available for SAP mode
Return Value

Modes Supported :
Raw Script
_setSelected(_select("Age"), "28"); // Selects the option visible as "28" in a select box
_setSelected(_select("color"), 1);  // Selects the second option in a select box
_setSelected(_select("color"), "red");         // Selects red in a multiselect box
_setSelected(_select("color"), "blue", true);  // Selects blue also in the multiselect box
_setSelected(_select("color"), ["red", "blue"]); // Unselects previous and selects red and blue in a multiselect box
_setSelected(_select("color"), [1,2,3]); // Unselects previous and selects the second, third and fourth options in a multiselect box
_setSelected(_select("color"), ["green", "yellow"], true); // Keeps previous options selected and selects "green" and "yellow" also

Sahi Pro Classic API :_setSelected

Set Value From List

Selects one or more elements from the datalist or simulates text entry into input elements for $inputData(Data to filter).

$elementHTML DOM element Input element
$inputDatastring|array of strings Data to filter (case-insensitive).
$optionToSelectstring|integer|array of strings|array of integers optionalOption's text, id or index; The text can be a pure string or a regular expression with an index
can also pass an array of options for multi-select.
Note- Array of options can only work with email input type element on other browsers than firefox.
Return Value

Modes Supported :
Raw Script
_setValueFromList(_textbox("Age"), "28", 0); // Selects the first option visible after writing "28" from the list.
_setValueFromList(_textbox("Shirt"), "large", "/red/"); // Selects the first option matches with red after writing "large" from the list.
_setValueFromList(_textbox("Shirt"), "large"); // Populates textbox identified as _textbox("Shirt") with "large".
// Below code selects both of the first email ids visible after writing "green" and "yellow" from the list(if browser is other than firefox).
_setValueFromList(_email("color"), ["green", "yellow"], [0, 0]);

Sahi Pro Classic API :_setValueFromList


Expands the tree node.

$elementWindows|Java|SAP element Tree element to be expanded
$identifierstring optionalIdentifier of tree node.
  • For SAP mode, this identifier must be hierarchical path of the tree node.
  • Identifier is not optional for SAP mode
Return Value

Modes Supported :
Raw Script
// For windows applications

// For Java applications
_expand(_jvJTree("First"), "Root"); //If tree is passed as an argument, pass visible text of tree node.
_expand(_jvJTreeItem(_jvJTree("First"), "Root")); //If tree item passed as an argument, then no need to pass visible text of tree node.

// For SAP mode
_expand(_tree("wnd[0]/usr/cntlTREE_CONTROL_CONTAINER/shellcont/shell"), "SAP menu/Accounting/Document Verification");
_expand(_tree("wnd[0]/usr/cntlTREE_CONTROL_CONTAINER/shellcont/shell"), "SAP menu/Logistics/Shipment Order"));

Sahi Pro Classic API :_expand


Collapses the tree node.

$elementWindows|Java|SAP element Tree element to be collapsed
$identifierstring optionalIdentifier of tree node.
  • For SAP mode, this identifier must be hierarchical path of the tree node.
  • Identifier is not optional for SAP mode
Return Value

Modes Supported :
Raw Script
// For windows applications

// For Java applications
_collapse(_jvJTree("First"), "Root"); //If tree is passed as an argument, pass visible text of tree node.
_collapse(_jvJTreeItem(_jvJTree("First"), "Root")); //If tree item passed as an argument, then no need to pass visible text of tree node.

// For SAP mode
_collapse(_tree("wnd[0]/usr/cntlTREE_CONTROL_CONTAINER/shellcont/shell"), "SAP menu/Accounting/Document Verification");
_collapse(_tree("wnd[0]/usr/cntlTREE_CONTROL_CONTAINER/shellcont/shell"), "SAP menu/Logistics/Shipment Order"));

Sahi Pro Classic API :_collapse

Drag and Drop

Simulates a drag and drop action

$dragElementHTML DOM element Element to be dragged
$dropElementHTML DOM element Element on which the dragged element will be dropped
$windowNamestring optional Target window for dropped element (available only for Windows mode)
Return Value

Modes Supported :
Raw Script
// Drag the item and drop it in the shopping cart
_dragDrop(_image("item"), _byId("ShoppingCart"));
// Drag the item and drop it at coordinates 20,40 pixels inside shopping cart
_dragDrop(_image("item"), _xy(_byId("ShoppingCart"), 20, 40));

// Examples for Windows mode

//Drag and Drop actions will be performed on same window.
_selectWindow("Source Window");
_dragDrop(_image("item.jpg"), _listitem("images"));
//Drag and Drop actions will be performed on different windows.
_selectWindow("Source Window");
_dragDrop(_image("item.jpg"), _listitem("images"), "Destination Window");

Sahi Pro Classic API :_dragDrop

Drag and Drop at X, Y

Drag and Drop at X, Y simulates a drag and drop action. It drags the element and drops it at the given x, y coordinate.

$dragElementHTML DOM element Element to be dragged
$xinteger x coordinate of drop point on the page
$yinteger y coordinate of drop point on the page
$isRelativeboolean optional Specifies whether the coordinates are relative to current position of draggable element.
Return Value

Modes Supported :
Raw Script
// If _image("item") is located at coordinates (50, 150)

// Drag the item and drop it at the coordinate (100, 300)
// The end result is that the element's coordinates will be at (100, 300)
_dragDropXY(_image("item"),  100, 300);

// Drag the item and drop it at the coordinate (50+100, 150+300)
// The end result is that the element's coordinates will be at (150, 450)
_dragDropXY(_image("item"),  100, 300, true);

Sahi Pro Classic API :_dragDropXY

Drop File

Drop File simulates file drop. It drops file on specified element.

Path of the file to be uploaded.
Path of the file to be uploaded. Relative path resolves relative to files folder of the current project.
$dropElementHTML DOM element Element on which file will be dropped.
Return Value

Modes Supported :
Raw Script
// drop file in the shopping cart element
_dropFile("D:/image.jpg", _byId("ShoppingCart"));
// drop file in gallery element
_dropFile("D:/sun.jpg", _div("gallery"));

Sahi Pro Classic API :_dropFile


Mouse Event based APIs like _click, _doubleClick, _rightClick, etc. are normally triggered at 0,0 coordinates of that element (top left). This action can be used to specify other coordinates on element where the event should be fired.
Mouse Event based Actions like Click, Double Click, Right Click, etc. are normally triggered at 0,0 coordinates of that element (top left). This action can be used to specify other coordinates on element where the event should be fired.

$elementHTML DOM element Element within which we want to perform the mouse action
$xinteger x co-ordinate in pixels
$yinteger y co-ordinate in pixels
Return Value
HTML DOM element

Modes Supported :
Raw Script
_click(_xy(_button("id"), 10, 20)) // Clicks inside the button, 10px from the left and 20 pixels from the top.

// Negative values can be given to specify offset from right and bottom.
_click(_xy(_button("id"), -5, -10)) // Clicks inside the button, 5px from the right and 10px from the bottom.

Sahi Pro Classic API :_xy

Touch Events


Simulates a tap event(touch event) on the HTML element

$elementHTML DOM element HTML form element that needs to be tapped
$countinteger optionalnumber of times the element needs to be tapped. Default value is 1.
Return Value

Modes Supported :
Raw Script

Sahi Pro Classic API :_tap


Simulates a touch event on the HTML element

$elementHTML DOM element HTML form element on which we need to fire a touch event
$countinteger optionalnumber of times the element needs to be touched. Default value is 1.
Return Value

Modes Supported :
Raw Script

Sahi Pro Classic API :_touch

Touch Start

Simulates a touch start event on the HTML element

$elementHTML DOM element HTML form element on which we need to fire a touch start event
Return Value

Modes Supported :
Raw Script

Sahi Pro Classic API :_touchStart

Touch End

Simulates a touch end event on the HTML element

$elementHTML DOM element HTML form element on which we need to fire a touch end event
Return Value

Modes Supported :
Raw Script

Sahi Pro Classic API :_touchEnd

Touch Cancel

Simulates a touch cancel event on the HTML element

$elementHTML DOM element HTML form element on which we need to cancel the ongoing touch event
Return Value

Modes Supported :
Raw Script

Sahi Pro Classic API :_touchCancel

Touch Move

Simulates a touch move event on the HTML element

$elementHTML DOM element HTML form element which we need to move/drag.
$moveXinteger number of pixels the element needs to move in x-direction
$moveYinteger number of pixels the element needs to move in y-direction
$isRelativeboolean optionalif true, the element will move relative to the current location of the element.
If false, element will move to the position where the horizontal coordinate and vertical coordinate are 'moveX' and 'moveY'.
Default value is true.
Return Value

Modes Supported :
Raw Script

Sahi Pro Classic API :_touchMove


Simulates a touch move event on the HTML element

$elementHTML DOM element HTML form element on which we need to simulate swipe event.
$moveXinteger number of pixels the element needs to move in x-direction
$moveYinteger number of pixels the element needs to move in y-direction
$isRelativeboolean if true, the element will move relative to the current location of the element.
If false, element will move to the position where clientX and clientY are moveX and moveY.
Return Value

Modes Supported :
Raw Script

Sahi Pro Classic API :_swipe

Keyboard Events

Set Value

Simulates text entry into input elements like textbox, textarea etc.
The events are performed in the following sequence :
  1. Focus on element
  2. Enter the value to be set
  3. Remove focus from the element

$elementHTML DOM element HTML form element whose value is to be set
$valuestring Value to be set
$propsobject optionalProperties to specify for clearing the textbox, keyboard buttons to hide keyboard (Specific to iOS Automation) and triggering keyboard events (specific to Android Automation).

1. iOSKeyboardButton, string, optional
Keyboard button identifier, which is used to dismiss the keyboard. This property is specific to iOS automation.

2. clearTextbox, boolean, optional
Default is false. If specified as true, the textbox is cleared by selecting all text and pressing the delete key. This property is specific to iOS automation.

3. triggerKeyEvents, boolean, optional
Default is false. If specified as true, keyboard events will be triggerd for the value to be set. This property is specific to Android automation.
Return Value

Modes Supported :
Raw Script
// Populates textbox identified as _textbox("user") with Ram
_setValue(_textbox("user"), "Ram");

// Below example is specific to iOS Automation.
// Clears the texbox first and populates textbox identified as _textbox("user") with Ram and click on the return button of the keyboard.
_setValue(_textbox("user"), "Ram", {"iOSKeyboardButton":"return", "clearTextbox":true});

// Below example is specific to Android Automation.
// Trigger the keyboard events for value to be set
_setValue(_textbox("user"), "Ram", {"triggerKeyEvents":true});

Sahi Pro Classic API :_setValue

Key Down

Simulates pressing down a key on the given element.

$elementHTML DOM element Any HTML element
$charInfocharacter|integer|pr_KC charInfo can be:
  • a character (eg. 'b')
  • charCode of a character (eg. 98)
  • an array of [keyCode, charCode] (eg. [13,13] for pressing ENTER key)
$combostring optionalAny combo key: can be "CTRL", "SHIFT", "ALT" or "META";
Can also be two or more keys together like "CTRL|SHIFT"
Return Value

Modes Supported :
Raw Script
_keyDown(document.body, 'a');
_keyDown(document.body, 98);
_keyDown(document.body, [13,13]);
_keyDown(document.body, 'a', "CTRL");

Sahi Pro Classic API :_keyDown

Key Up

Simulates releasing a key press on the given element.
    infoNOTE: Key Up is available for Windows and Flex since Sahi Pro: 8.0.0. For old document refer here

$elementHTML DOM element Any HTML element
$charInfocharacter|integer|pr_KC charInfo can be:
  • a character (eg. 'b')
  • charCode of a character (eg. 98)
  • an array of [keyCode, charCode] (eg. [13,13] for pressing ENTER key)
$combostring optionalAny combo key: can be "CTRL", "SHIFT", "ALT" or "META";
Can also be two or more keys together like "CTRL|SHIFT"
Return Value

Modes Supported :
Raw Script
_keyUp(document.body, 'a');
_keyUp(document.body, 98);
_keyUp(document.body, [13,13]);
_keyUp(document.body, 'a', "CTRL");

Sahi Pro Classic API :_keyUp

Key Press

Simulates pressing a key on the given element. Does keyDown and keyUp together.

$elementHTML DOM element Element that supports keyPress action
$keyInfocharacter|integer|array of integers|string keyInfo can be specified as:
  • A character (eg. 'b')
  • A charCode of a character (eg. 98)
  • An array of [keyCode, charCode] (eg. [13,13] for pressing ENTER key)
  • As a string (eg. "Ctrl|S") in SAP mode.
$combostring optionalAny combo key: can be "CTRL", "SHIFT", "ALT" or "META";
Can also be two or more keys together like "CTRL|SHIFT"
Not applicable for SAP mode
Return Value

Modes Supported :
Raw Script
_keyPress(document.body, 'a');
_keyPress(document.body, 98);
_keyPress(document.body, [13,13]);
_keyPress(document.body, 'a', "CTRL");

// Below samples are for SAP mode
_keyPress(_window("Create Inquiry: Initial Screen"), "Enter");
_keyPress(_window("Create Inquiry: Overview"), "Ctrl|S");
_keyPress(_gridView("wnd[0]/usr/cntlBCALVC_TOOLBAR_D100_C1/shellcont/shell"), "F4");

Sahi Pro Classic API :_keyPress


Types the text into the element. Different from _setValue. Type does not bring or remove focus from element.

$elementHTML DOM element element in which the text is to be typed
$textstring text to be typed
Return Value

Modes Supported :
Raw Script
_type(_textbox("user"), "am");

Sahi Pro Classic API :_type

Set Password

Types the password into the element. Different from _setValue. For encrypting the password use _encrypt or use password encoder from editor.

$elementHTML DOM element element in which the password is to be typed
$textstring encrypted password to be typed
$isPlainTextboolean optional If true, password is treated as plain text. Default is false.
Return Value

Modes Supported :
Raw Script
_setPassword(_password("password"), "MgkKEQBU");

Sahi Pro Classic API :_setPassword

Focus Events


Brings focus to given element.

$elementHTML DOM element Any HTML element to focus on
Return Value

Modes Supported :
Raw Script

Sahi Pro Classic API :_focus

Remove Focus

Similar to clicking somewhere else on the window to remove focus from given element.
Forces onblur events to be called.
Blur happens automatically during Sahi's script execution.
This action is rarely used explicitly. Same as _blur.

$elementHTML DOM element Any HTML element to remove focus from
Return Value

Modes Supported :
Raw Script

Sahi Pro Classic API :_removeFocus


Similar to clicking somewhere else on the window to remove focus from given element.
Forces onblur events to be called.
Blur happens automatically during Sahi's script execution.
This action is rarely used explicitly. Same as _removeFocus.

$elementHTML DOM element Any HTML element to remove focus from
Return Value

Modes Supported :
Raw Script

Sahi Pro Classic API :_blur

Text Selection

Selecting text for manipulation (like selecting text in a Rich Text Editor to change font to bold)

Select Range


$elementHTML DOM element element to select on
$rangeStartinteger start position of selection
$rangeEndinteger end position of selection
Return Value

Modes Supported :
Raw Script
// If the text was "abcdefghij"
_selectRange(_rte(1), 2, 4); // selects text cd
var $text = _getSelectionText(); // $text = "cd"

_selectRange(_rte(1), 2, 2); // places the cursor at 3rd position without any selection

Sahi Pro Classic API :_selectRange

Select Text Range


$elementHTML DOM element element to select on
$searchTextstring text to search for and select. The text can be a pure string or a regular expression with an index
$positionstring optionalcan be "before" or "after". if specified, the selection moves to the start or end of searchText.
Return Value

Modes Supported :
Raw Script
//Given a sample string
//This bright red apple is sweeter than that dull red apple

_selectTextRange(_rte(1), "red apple"); // selects the first red apple
_selectTextRange(_rte(1), "red apple[1]"); // selects the second red apple
_selectTextRange(_rte(1), "/ap.le/[1]"); // selects the second apple
var $text = _getSelectionText(); // $text = "apple"
_selectTextRange(_rte(1), "/ap.le/[1]", "before"); // moves the cursor before the second apple, with no selection
_selectTextRange(_rte(1), "/ap.le/[1]", "after"); // moves the cursor after the second apple, with no selection

Sahi Pro Classic API :_selectTextRange

Page Navigation

Navigate To URL

Navigate To URL loads the given url in the top frame of the window.
To load in a popup window, first select that window using _selectWindow API.
To load in a popup window, first select that window by adding Select Window Action.

$urlstring URL to navigate to. Can be relative to current page.
$forceReloadboolean optional If the current page URL is same as url, Sahi will not reload the page by default.
Set to true to force reload when urls are same.
Return Value

Modes Supported :
Raw Script
// If current page is not
_navigateTo(""); // Will navigate to this page.

// If current page is itself ""
_navigateTo(""); // will do nothing
_navigateTo("", true); // Will force navigation to this page.

_navigateTo(""); // loads in the popup window.

Sahi Pro Classic API :_navigateTo
info To force reload of the current page without knowing the URL, you may use
_call(top.location.reload()); // reload via Javascript
// or
_windowAction("refresh"); // native event

Native Events

In rare cases where Mouse events do not work properly, we switch to native events. These events are created by the underlying Operating System. The application window needs to be in focus for this to work properly.

These APIs only work if the application and Sahi are running on the same system. So these APIs are not available on mobile devices.

Some native events may not function on all platforms. To simulate native events on macOS, Sahi requires Accessibility permissions. Follow these steps to grant permission:
  1. Open System Settings (or System Preferences on older macOS versions).
  2. Go to Privacy & Security > Accessibility.
  3. Locate the terminal application you use to run Sahi.
  4. Ensure it is checked (enabled).
For native events, the window and element SHOULD be in focus.
Use _focusWindow() before using native events in a script.
Add Focus Window Action before using native events based Actions.
When using suites, do one of these
  • isolate all scripts with native events into its own suite, and run that suite using 1 thread only.
  • OR Use _lock and _unlock in scripts where contention for window focus is possible.

Type Native

Types the text using native events

$textstring Text to type
Return Value

Modes Supported :
Raw Script

Sahi Pro Classic API :_typeNative

Key Press Native

Presses the specified keyboard key.

Every keyboard comes with a standard layer, and a shift layer. The standard layer usually contains lowercase letters and numbers, while the shift layer contains capital letters and symbols. Keys on the shift layer can be passed directly to this action. They can also be simulated using a combination key. For example, to press '@', you can directly pass '@' as key to this action. You can also pass '2' as key and 'SHIFT' as combo key to press '@' with U.S keyboard layout.

$keystring Key to be pressed, e.g. "a", "F4", "ENTER", "+", "7".
$combostring optionalAny combo key such as "CTRL", "SHIFT", "ALT", "WINDOWS" or "META".
Can also be two or more keys together like "CTRL|SHIFT", "CTRL|ALT|SHIFT".
Return Value

Modes Supported :
Raw Script
_setValue(_textbox("search"), "coffee");
_keyPressNative("ENTER"); // Press enter key

_keyPressNative("F4", "ALT"); // Presses Alt+F4
_keyPressNative("t", "CTRL|SHIFT"); // Presses Ctrl+Shift+t
_keyPressNative("0", "CTRL"); // Presses Ctrl+0

Sahi Pro Classic API :_keyPressNative

Type Key Code Native

Presses the keyboard key for given keyCode
infoAPI _keyPressNative should be preferred over Type Key Code Native.
infoAction Key Press Native should be preferred over Type Key Code Native.
java.awt.event.KeyEvent defines keyCodes as constants which can be passed to this function.
Users can type even those characters which might not be present on a keyboard's primary layer (characters which can be typed without using any key combinations) but has an ASCII code associated with them.

The user need to define the character in Sahi/userdata/config/keyCode_combinations.txt file in following format:

"VK_keyCode constant":"ASCII Code" Example:- "VK_DOLLAR":"36"

$keyCodeinteger Key Code of keyboard key to be pressed.
Return Value

Modes Supported :
Raw Script
_setValue(_textbox("search"), "coffee");
_typeKeyCodeNative(java.awt.event.KeyEvent.VK_ENTER); // Press enter key
_typeKeyCodeNative(java.awt.event.KeyEvent.VK_DOLLAR); // Press dollar key defined in keyCode_combinations.txt file

Sahi Pro Classic API :_typeKeyCodeNative

Focus Window

Brings the window above all other windows.
It is generally needed before using other native events or before taking screen shots
For popup windows, use _selectWindow first.
For popup windows, add Select Window Action first.

Return Value

Modes Supported :
Raw Script
_focusWindow(); // bring window into focus.

// For popup windows, use _selectWindow first
_selectWindow("popWin"); // target further statements at popWin window
_focusWindow(); // bring popup window into focus.

Sahi Pro Classic API :_focusWindow

Window Action

Performs various window level actions.
For popup windows, use _selectWindow first.
For popup windows, add Select Window Action first.

$actionstring Action can be one of
  • "focus"
  • "maximize"
  • "minimize"
  • "restore"
  • "refresh"
  • "resize"
$widthinteger optional Specifies the width of the browser window while using the 'resize' option.
$heightinteger optional Specifies the height of the browser window while using the 'resize' option.
Return Value

Modes Supported :
Raw Script
_windowAction("focus"); // focus window. Same as _focusWindw
_windowAction("maximize"); // maximize window.
_windowAction("minimize"); // minimize window.
_windowAction("restore"); // restore window.
_windowAction("refresh"); // refresh window.
_windowAction("resize",500,300); // resize the window with the given width and height.

// maximizing a popup window
_selectWindow("popWin"); // first select the popWin window to target further steps on.

Sahi Pro Classic API :_windowAction

Click Native

Simulates a native click event on the element.
warningBefore calling this action, we need to call _focusWindow to bring the window into focus.
warningBefore Click Native Action, we need to add Focus Window Action to bring the window into focus.

$elementHTML DOM element Element that has to be clicked.
$combostring optional Any combo key: can be "CTRL", "SHIFT", "ALT" or "META";
Can also be two or more keys together like "CTRL|SHIFT"
$isRightboolean optional If true, the click is a right click
$isDoubleboolean optionalIf true, the click is a double click
Return Value

Modes Supported :
Raw Script

Sahi Pro Classic API :_clickNative

Right Click Native

Simulates a native right click event on the element.
warningBefore calling this action, we need to call _focusWindow to bring the window into focus.
warningBefore Right Click Native Action, we need to add Focus Window Action to bring the window into focus.

$elementHTML DOM element element that has to be clicked.
$combostring optional Any combo key: can be "CTRL", "SHIFT", "ALT" or "META";
Can also be two or more keys together like "CTRL|SHIFT"
Return Value

Modes Supported :
Raw Script

Sahi Pro Classic API :_rightClickNative

Double Click Native

Simulates a native double click event on the element.
warningBefore calling this action, we need to call _focusWindow to bring the window into focus.
warningBefore Double Click Native Action, we need to add Focus Window Action to bring the window into focus.

$elementHTML DOM element element that has to be double clicked.
$combostring optional Any combo key: can be "CTRL", "SHIFT", "ALT" or "META";
Can also be two or more keys together like "CTRL|SHIFT"
Return Value

Modes Supported :
Raw Script

Sahi Pro Classic API :_doubleClickNative

Click at X, Y

Simulates a click event at the point (x,y).
warningBefore calling this action, we need to call _focusWindow to bring the window into focus.
warningBefore Click at X, Y Action, we need to add Focus Window Action to bring the window into focus.

$xinteger x coordinate of the screen position to be clicked
$yinteger y coordinate of the screen position to be clicked
$combostring optional Any combo key: can be "CTRL", "SHIFT", "ALT" or "META";
Can also be two or more keys together like "CTRL|SHIFT"
$isRightboolean optional If true, the click is a right click
$isDoubleboolean optionalIf true, the click is a double click
Return Value

Modes Supported :
Raw Script
_clickNativeXY(100, 200);
_clickNativeXY(150,300, "ALT"); // ALT + click

Sahi Pro Classic API :_clickNativeXY

Mouse Over Native

Simulates a native mouse over event on the element.
warningBefore calling this action, we need to call _focusWindow to bring the window into focus.
warningBefore Mouse Over Native Action, we need to add Focus Window Action to bring the window into focus.

$elementHTML DOM element Element to perform hover over or move the mouse over.
$combostring optional Any combo key: can be "CTRL", "SHIFT", "ALT" or "META";
Can also be two or more keys together like "CTRL|SHIFT"
Return Value

Modes Supported :
Raw Script

Sahi Pro Classic API :_mouseOverNative

Drag and Drop using Native Events

Simulates a dragdrop event from element 1 to element 2 using native events.
warningBefore calling this action, we need to call _focusWindow to bring the window into focus.
warningBefore Drag and Drop using Native Events Action, we need to add Focus Window Action to bring the window into focus.

$elHTML DOM element the draggable element
$el2HTML DOM element the droppable element
Return Value

Modes Supported :
Raw Script
_dragDropNative(_div("draggable"), _div("droppable"));

Sahi Pro Classic API :_dragDropNative

Drag from X1, Y1 and Drop at X2, Y2 using Native Events

Simulates a dragdrop event from element at first set of coordinates to element at second set of coordinates, using native events.
warningBefore calling this action, we need to call _focusWindow to bring the window into focus.
warningBefore Drag from X1, Y1 and Drop at X2, Y2 using Native Events Action, we need to add Focus Window Action to bring the window into focus.

$x1integer x coordinate of the draggable element
$y1integer y coordinate of the draggable element
$x2integer x coordinate of the droppable element
$y2integer y coordinate of the droppable element
Return Value

Modes Supported :
Raw Script
_dragDropNativeXY(100,50, 100,150);

Sahi Pro Classic API :_dragDropNativeXY

File Upload

File upload can be done using the three APIs _setFile3, _setFile2, _setFile. File upload can also be done using Native Events, provided the browser is in the foreground. The three APIs _setFile3, _setFile2, _setFile do not require the browser to be in the foreground and hence are more stable than the Native Events.

There may be client-side validations for the HTML File element in your application. So it may require certain javascript events to be triggered during file upload.
API _setFile3 triggers the necessary javascript events on the HTML File element. It correctly handles client-side validations and does not require substitution as needed for API _setFile2. Thus API _setFile3 is recommended for file upload.
File upload can be done using the Set File Action. File upload can also be done using Native Events, provided the browser is in the foreground. However, Set File Action does not require the browser to be in the foreground and hence is more stable than the Native Events.

Also, there may be client-side validations for the HTML File element in your application. So it may require certain javascript events to be triggered during file upload.
Action Set File triggers the necessary javascript events on the HTML File element. It correctly handles client-side validations. Thus Set File Action is recommended for file upload.

Set File

API Set File performs file upload operation.
warning Due to security reasons, browsers restrict reading the file path being uploaded. Consequently, during recording, the parameter $filePaths will not be captured correctly. It needs to be updated with the correct file path(s) after recording.
warning Using the recorder will record Set File with appropriate arguments except for special case described below.

Special Case :

In few applications, popup window for file upload is triggered after clicking on a clickable HTML element like button. Also, after clicking on this HTML element, the HTML File element is removed from the HTML page.

In such cases, a step _click($clickableElement); will be recorded. But API Set File will not be recorded. To fix this, modify the recorded script as below.
  1. Replace _click($clickableElement); with Set File($clickableElement, $filePaths);. Run the script to verify.
  2. If file upload fails. it implies that API Set File was not able to automatically find the correct HTML File element. So, follow the instructions below to find correct HTML File element.
    1. Replace the step Set File($clickableElement, $filePaths); with below debugging steps.

      // Use below steps to debug and find the new HTML File element
      var $fileElements = _collectElementsInfo("_file");
      for (var $i=0; $i < $fileElements.length; $i++) {
           var $fileElementIdentifier = $fileElements[$i]["identifiers"]["name"];
           Set File($clickableElement, $filePaths, null, $fileElementIdentifier);
           _log("File element identifier - " + $fileElementIdentifier);
           //assertion for file upload
    2. Run the script. Open the Logs. Note down the identifier of the HTML File element for which file upload assertion passed.
    3. Replace the debugging steps added earlier with a single step Set File($clickableElement, $filePaths, null, _file($fileElementIdentifier));.

$elementHTML DOM element HTML File Element that triggers the popup window for file upload.

There is a special case in which another clickable HTML element needs to be passed instead of file element. This Special Case is described in details..
$filePathsstring|array of strings
Path of the files to be uploaded. A file path can be absolute as well as relative. When relative, the file path is resolved relative to the current script file path.
Path of the files to be uploaded. A file path can be absolute as well as relative. When relative, the file path is resolved relative to the files folder of the current project.
$actionURLstring optional The form action URL to which the file is submitted. This is an optional parameter.
Use it in cases where the form's action URL is changed on setting the file.
By default, it uses the form's current action URL.
$fileElementHTML DOM element optional HTML File Element. Needed only for a special case when another clickable HTML element is passed as 1st parameter instead of file element. This Special Case is described in details. This is available since Sahi Pro v9.2.1.
Return Value

Modes Supported :
Raw Script
_setFile3(_file("id"), "data.csv");
_setFile3(_span("upload"), "details.xlsx");
_setFile3(_span("upload"), "profile.pdf", null, _file("id"));
_setFile3(_file("id"), ["C:/abc/efg.jpg", "C:/abc/abc.png"]);
//when the HTML Form's action URL is changed on setting the file
_setFile3(_file("id"), "C:/abc/efg.jpg", "formSubmit.jsp");
_setFile3(_file("id"), ["C:/abc/efg.jpg", "C:/abc/abc.png"], "formSubmit.jsp");

Sahi Pro Classic API :_setFile3


  1. Look to see if there are any exceptions on the Sahi console (the command prompt). If it shows any FileNotFoundException, correct the path of your file.
  2. Check if the URL to which the form is being submitted is correct. Sometimes the URL changes when the form is submitted. In such a case, specify the third parameter actionURL. Refer here to identify the Action URL.
  3. File upload with full path in Internet Explorer, find the detailed resolution here.

Identifying Action URL

  1. Launch a browser from the Sahi Dashboard.
  2. Perform the file upload functionality in your app manually.
  3. Check the output on the Sahi Pro console. It will look something like this.
    [java] FileUpload: Multipart Request Found
    [java] Action URL for upload:
    [java] http://localhost/demo/php/fileUpload.php
    [java] The above action URL may be required as the third parameter while
    [java] using Set File Action or _setFile3 API.
    [java] Recording: false
    [java] For troubleshooting, click on 'Enable Traffic Logs' link on the Sahi Dashboard
    [java] and perform the upload operation. Upload logs will be created in
    [java] sahi/userdata/logs/file_upload/ folder.

    As you can see from the output, http://localhost/demo/php/fileUpload.php is the action url in this case.
  4. Once you have identified the action url, use that as the third parameter actionURL.
info Examples for _setFile3 are available in sahi/userdata/scripts/sahitests/setFile3.sah.
Examples for _setFile and _setFile2 are available in sahi/userdata/scripts/sahitests/fileUpload.sah.
These can be run with start URL

File upload using native events

Sometimes file uploads with the previous method may fail. In such cases we resort to native events.
function setFileUpload($fileEl, $path) {
	_wait(1000); // needed
	// focus on the element
	// click "space" to bring up the browser dialog
	// type the file path
	// press enter
// Then invoke it like this:
setFileUpload(_file("id"), "C:/abc/efg.jpg");
setFileUpload(_file("id"), _resolvePath("uploadme.txt")); // resolves relative to this file

File Download

File download overview

Sahi Pro detects file downloads, and automatically saves them to sahi/userdata/temp/download directory.
Sahi Pro also adds the sessionId to the file name, so that multiple simultaneous tests do not overwrite each others files.
For example, if you click on a "download" link which downloads a "setup.exe" file, this is how Sahi Pro will handle it.
  1. Click on "download" link
  2. Sahi detects that it is a downloadable file, based on its MimeType and Content-Disposition headers.
    It then downloads and saves the file into sahi/userdata/temp/download/ after renaming it to
    something like: sahi_0384a26207e6104f5f08868032bd170de76d__setup.exe
  3. Once the file is downloaded Sahi exposes the original name of the file ("setup.exe") through the API: _lastDownloadedFileName
  4. Another API, _saveDownloadedAs, allows the file to be renamed and copied over to a convenient directory for you to work on.
  5. API _clearLastDownloadedFileName clears out the last downloaded file name so that further files can be downloaded and worked upon.
  6. Once the file is downloaded, the original name of the file ("setup.exe") can be read using the Last Downloaded File Name Action
  7. Action Save Downloaded As allows the file to be renamed and copied over to a convenient directory for you to work on.
  8. Action Clear Last Downloaded FileName clears out the last downloaded file name so that further files can be downloaded and worked upon.

Last Downloaded File Name

Returns the last downloaded file name.

Return Value
stringName of the last downloaded file

Modes Supported :
Raw Script

Sahi Pro Classic API :_lastDownloadedFileName

Save Downloaded As

Renames/copies the file into specified directory for further processing.

File path to copy this file into. Needs to be a file path not a directory. If path is relative, it is resolved relative to userdata directory.
File path to copy this file into. Needs to be a file path not a directory. If path is relative, it is resolved relative to the files folder of the current project.
Return Value

Modes Supported :
Raw Script

Sahi Pro Classic API :_saveDownloadedAs

Clear Last Downloaded FileName

Clears out the the last downloaded file name so that further files can be downloaded and worked upon.
After usig this, the API _lastDownloadedFileName will return empty untill another file is downloaded.
After using this, the Action Last Downloaded File Name will return empty untill another file is downloaded.

Return Value

Modes Supported :
Raw Script

Sahi Pro Classic API :_clearLastDownloadedFileName

File download APIs example

Sample Raw Script for File Download:
_assertNull(_lastDownloadedFileName()); // nothing so far
_click(_link("download")); // click on download link
// Wait for a while till _lastDownloadedFileName() becomes NOT null. This is when the download is complete.
// We wait for a maximum of 90 seconds or till _lastDownloadedFileName() becomes NOT null.
// If you find that your file is huge and takes much longer, run the following statement in a loop for 5 or 6 retries.
// Do NOT increase 90000 to more than 120000.
_wait(90000, _lastDownloadedFileName() != null);
// Assert the name of the downloaded file.
_assertEqual("setup.exe", _lastDownloadedFileName()); // check if downloaded

if (_lastDownloadedFileName() != null) {
	_saveDownloadedAs("c:/myownpath/setup.exe"); // save to another path
	_clearLastDownloadedFileName(); // clear the variable
	_assertNull(_lastDownloadedFileName()); // check to see if cleared.

File download troubleshooting

info Sahi detects that a file is to be downloaded, based on
  1. its content type (configurable via sahi/userdata/config/download_contenttypes.txt)
  2. The Content-Disposition: attachment header
  3. Whether the URL is configured in sahi/userdata/config/download_urls.txt
If you see a file download dialog during playback, do the following:
  1. Check if the download URL follows a specific pattern. If yes, add the pattern of the URL to download_urls.txt Eg., if your download url is, add
    to sahi/userdata/config/download_urls.txt
  2. If there are multiple files that are to be downloaded, and they all are of a particular content-type, add the content type to sahi/userdata/config/download_contenttypes.txt
  3. If your file download response always has content-disposition as "attachment", you can tell sahi to download them by default by setting
    in sahi/userdata/config/

Handling file downloads triggered in a new window

Sometimes a webpage may open a new window to show a PDF file. In this case, we need to ask Sahi to send a HTML response back using the _sendHTMLResponseAfterFileDownload API.
Sometimes a webpage may open a new window to show a PDF file. In this case, we need to ask Sahi to send a HTML response back using the Action Send HTML Response After File Download.

Send HTML Response After File Download

Links to download files like PDF, Excel, Doc, etc. may open a new window. These windows may not have HTML content and thus cannot be automated. In such cases, use Send HTML Response After File Download to send back an HTML response after file download.

Add Send HTML Response After File Download with parameter enable as true before the step which triggers the download. To turn it off, add Send HTML Response After File Downloadwith parameter enable as false.

info Technical Explanation:
When the browser navigates to a downloadable file, Sahi automatically downloads the file.
After the file has downloaded Sahi sends a 204 response which essentially asks the page to stay where it is.
Now if that original page has Sahi's code in it, the Sahi script will proceed normally.
If it does not, then the script will stop. Since the PDF window is a fresh window, there is no content in it and Sahi's script stops.

$enableboolean true enables html response behaviour, false disables html response
$headersobject optionalAdditional headers to be set in the HTML response sent after file download. This is available since Sahi Pro v9.1.1.
Return Value

Modes Supported :
Raw Script
_assertNull(_lastDownloadedFileName()); // nothing so far

_click(_link("Show PDF in new Window"));
_wait(90000, _lastDownloadedFileName() != null);
_assertEqual("test.pdf", _lastDownloadedFileName());

if (_lastDownloadedFileName() != null) {
	_clearLastDownloadedFileName(); // clear the variable
	_assertNull(_lastDownloadedFileName()); // check to see if cleared.
// Close the popup window
_selectWindow("/File Downloaded/");
_click(_link("Close Window"));

// Select back the main window


Sahi Pro Classic API :_sendHTMLResponseAfterFileDownload

File download from a different domain

When a file is downloaded from a domain different than that of the invoking page, the file will get downloaded to userdata\temp\download folder successfully. But since the download is from a different domain, it is not associated with the current script session.
Hence _lastDownloadedFileName() will return null and so _saveDownloadedAs() will fail.
To solve this problem, add _addToSession("http://newdomain") in the script before triggering download.
Hence Action Last Downloaded File Name will return a null value. Consequently, Save Downloaded As will fail.
To solve this problem, add Action Add Domain To Session with the parameter domain as applicable before triggering download.

Add Domain To Session

Adds the domain to the current browser session during Playback.
infoWhen a file is downloaded from a domain different than that of the invoking page, the downloaded file is not associated with the current script session. In such cases, use Add Domain To Session to add that domain to the current browser session.

$domainstring Domain to be associated with the current script session
Return Value

Modes Supported :
Raw Script
// Add new domain url to Sahi's playback session
// NOTE _addToSession comes before click

Sahi Pro Classic API :_addToSession

Window open/close APIs

Close Window

This action closes the current window. If the title argument is specified, this action closes the window having the specified title.

$titlestring optional Title of the window to close. A regular expression can also be specified here. This argument is available only for SAP mode and Java mode.
Return Value

Modes Supported :
Raw Script
// Close popup

// Close the current window in SAP mode

// Close a window having specified title in SAP mode or Java mode
_closeWindow("Create Inquiry");
_closeWindow("/Purchase Order No./");
_closeWindow("/Purchase Order No. [0-9]{5}/");

Sahi Pro Classic API :_closeWindow

Close Browser

Closes the browsers in the current session in the middle of a run.

$releaseCapacityboolean optional Set to true if the browser was launched using _launchNewBrowser().
Return Value

Modes Supported :
Raw Script
_setValue(_textbox("user"), "test");
_setValue(_password("password"), "secret");
_setValue(_textbox("q"), "2");

Sahi Pro Classic API :_closeBrowser

Open Browser

Opens the browser in the current session in the middle of a run. This can be used to reopen browser after _closeBrowser API.
Opens the browser in the current session in the middle of a run. This can be used to reopen browser after Close Browser Action.

Return Value

Modes Supported :
Raw Script
_setValue(_textbox("user"), "test");
_setValue(_password("password"), "secret");
_setValue(_textbox("q"), "2");

Sahi Pro Classic API :_openBrowser

Open Window

Opens a new browser window.

$urlstring optional URL of the page to open. If no URL is specified, a new window with "about:blank" is opened.
$namestring optional name of the window.
$sizearray of integers optional height and width of the window.
Return Value

Modes Supported :
Raw Script

Sahi Pro Classic API :_openWindow

Calling Generic Code


Call is a generic API to bypass Sahi's action APIs and directly call javascript on the DOM.

$expressionexpression Any expression which needs to be evaluated on the browser
Note that the expression is not quoted and is NOT a string.
Return Value
stringThe completion value of evaluating the given code. If the completion value is empty, undefined is returned.

Modes Supported :
Raw Script
// For example, a date field may bring up the calendar, but selecting the year,month etc. may be time consuming.
// For repeated flows, one may want to bypass this by directly setting the value of the field through javascript.
_call(_textbox("date").value = "25/02/1990");

var $a=_call(2 + 2);
_log($a);// returns 4

Sahi Pro Classic API :_call


Eval, like _call, is a generic API to bypass Sahi's action APIs and directly call javascript on the DOM.
However, Eval takes a string instead of an expression.

$evalStringstring Any string which needs to be javascript 'eval'ed on the browser
Return Value
stringThe completion value of evaluating the given code. If the completion value is empty, undefined is returned.

Modes Supported :
Raw Script
// For example, a date field may bring up the calendar, but selecting the year,month etc. may be time consuming.
// For repeated flows, one may want to bypass this by directly setting the value of the field through javascript.
_eval("_textbox(\"date\").value = \"25/02/1990\"");

var $a=_eval('2 + 2');
_log($a);// returns 4

Sahi Pro Classic API :_eval


Set Client Certificate

Some applications seek a client certificate for authentication. This action sets the certificate to be used for authentication in the current script session. This action must be called before navigating to the application. Refer Client Certificate Authentication page for details.

$pathstring Client certificate file path. If path is relative, it is resolved relative to userdata directory.
$passwordstring Client certificate password in encrypted format
$keyStoreTypestring Keystore type can be JCEKS, JKS, DKS, PKCS11 or PKCS12
Return Value

Modes Supported :
Raw Script
_setClientCertificate("c:/myownpath/testuser1.jks","Mg0BChVBGh1XOB0K", "JKS");

// Certificate file path can be specified relative to Sahi userdata directory.
_setClientCertificate("certgen/certs/testuser2.p12","MgkKEQBU", "PKCS12");
_setClientCertificate("certgen/certs/testuser3.pfx","MgkKEQBU", "PKCS12");

Sahi Pro Classic API :_setClientCertificate

Set Authentication

Some applications seek HTTP authentication. This action can be used to add credentials for HTTP authentication schemes like Basic, Digest, NTLM, etc. Refer 401 Authentication page for details to handle HTTP authentication.

This action must be added before navigating to the application. After this action gets executed, the credentials will be used for HTTP authentication in the current script session.
Some applications seek HTTP authentication. This action can be used to add credentials for HTTP authentication schemes like Basic, Digest, NTLM, etc. Refer 401 Authentication page for details to handle HTTP authentication.

This action must be added before navigating to the application. After this action gets executed, the credentials will be used for HTTP authentication in the current Path.

$usernamestring Username for authentication
$passwordstring Password for authentication
$schemestring HTTP Authentication schemes like Basic, Digest, NTLM, etc.
$realmstring optionalAuthentication realm as requested by the authentication server
Return Value

Modes Supported :
Raw Script
// Add credentials to authenticate user 'user1' user for authentication realm 'Secure Gateway'.
_setAuthentication("user1", "JtkMEBE=", "", "Secure Gateway");

// Add credentials to authenticate user 'user2' user for authentication scheme 'basic'.
_setAuthentication("user2", "JtkMEBE=", "basic");

// To specify credentials for any authentication
_setAuthentication("user", "PtkMEGE=", "", "/.*/");

Sahi Pro Classic API :_setAuthentication