Client Certificate Authentication

abstract This section describes how to handle client certificate authentication in Sahi.
Some applications seek a client certificate from the user for authentication. User will be able to connect to such applications only when a valid certificate is provided. When user tries to open such an application, the web browser may prompt to select a certificate as shown in the image below.

There are two ways to handle client certificate authentication in Sahi:

  1. Using _setClientCertificate API

    • Add _setClientCertificate API to your script and specify the certificate details.
    • // Add the application domain to the current script session.
      // Specify details of the certificate to be used for authentication
      _setClientCertificate("c:/myownpath/testuser1.pfx","Mg0BChVBGh1XOB0K", "PKCS12");
      // Navigate to the application that seeks a client certificate
    • This API supports different types of certificates. For example, PKCS12 (.p12, .pfx), JKS (.jks), JCEKS (.jceks, .jcs) etc.
    • Since this API sets a certificate in the current script session, different certificates can be used simultaneously in different browser instances.

  2. Using certificate present in the system

    • If the client certificate file is not available but the certificate is installed in the system, follow below steps.
    • Add the following property in the file. Restart Sahi.
    • If this does not work, add the following properties in the file. Restart Sahi.
    infoBy default, the userdata property is set as WINDOWS-MY to use certificates available in the keystore for the current Windows user. When this property is set as WINDOWS-ROOT, all the certificates trusted by the current machine can be used.