Issues in Chromium based browsers

Multiple Chrome instances

symptom Whenever Chrome browser is launched from the Dashboard, multiple instances of the Chrome browser are opened.
resolution Install Sahi to a path that does NOT contain spaces.

Playback fails randomly on popup windows

symptom Playback fails for popup windows in Chromium project based browsers namely Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, etc. This failure happens when the popup window is in the background. This issue is observed in Chrome 77 and above.
causeChromium project based browsers namely Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, etc. employ WebContent Occlusion feature. With this feature, the browser hides the content of a window that is not in use. So playback with Sahi fails on such windows having no content.
resolution Disable this feature by following the steps in the examples below.
  1. Google Chrome:
    In browser_types.xml, search for chrome. Add --disable-backgrounding-occluded-windows to startup options for Google Chrome.
  2. Microsoft Edge:
    In browser_types.xml, search for msedge. Add --disable-backgrounding-occluded-windows to startup options for Microsoft Edge.
<options>--no-default-browser-check --user-data-dir=$userDir\browser\chrome\profiles\sahi$threadNo --proxy-server=$port --disable-popup-blocking --always-authorize-plugins --allow-outdated-plugins --enable-npapi --incognito --disable-background-networking --disable-component-update --disable-renderer-backgrounding --disable-backgrounding-occluded-windows</options>