Mobile APIs

Mobile APIs help automate Android and iOS apps. This page lists information about Non Accessor Mobile APIs.
Refer to Android Accessor APIs and iOS Accessor APIs for details on Mobile Accessor APIs.
Refer to Android Accessor APIs and iOS Accessor APIs for details on Mobile Accessor APIs.

Types of APIs

APIs Common Across Application Types

These APIs have the same signature across different application types like Browser, Desktop and Mobile.

Examples: _click, _setValue, _isVisible, _exists etc.

These APIs are not listed here. Refer to the general documentation for details on these APIs.

Mobile Common APIs

These APIs are common to both Android and iOS.

These APIs have a _m prefix in camel case, example: _mSwipeLeft.

These APIs work on an Android device/emulator as well as on an iOS device/simulator.

Refer to Common APIs for both Android and iOS for details.

Android APIs

These APIs are specific to Android.

These APIs have an _a prefix in camel case, example: _aPressBack.

These APIs will work only on an Android device/emulator.

Refer to Android APIs for details.


These APIs are specific to iOS.

These APIs have an _i prefix in camel case, example: _iRotate.

These APIs will work only on an iOS device/simulator.

Refer to iOS APIs for details.