Web Crawler APIs

abstract Web Crawler APIs are used to navigate to all pages of a website to check if the links are working.


Since: Sahi ProDesktop Add-OnMobile Add-OnSAP Add-OnAI Assist Add-On

Available for modes: Browser

_crawlWebsite($websiteURL, $depth, $csvOutputFilePath)

$websiteURLstring URL of the website to crawl
$depthinteger Specify how deep Sahi should navigate in each link
Path of output csv file.
Path of output csv file. Relative path resolves relative to files folder of the current project.


Sahi Pro Flowcharts Action :Crawl Website


This API is used for testing links on a website. Sahi will navigate to all the links and store the information in a csv file. This csv file contains the testpage, number of links found and any error found on each link (errors: Javascript error on link click or network error).
// Verifies all the links present in sahitest.com
_crawlWebsite("http://sahitest.com", 1, "output1.csv");

// Verifies all the links present in sahitest.com and also verifies all the links present in each link of sahitest.com
_crawlWebsite("http://sahitest.com", 2, "output2.csv");

// Use _artifact API to save a copy of the output file and access it from Sahi Reports page.