File Manipulation APIs

Text Files


Since: Sahi ProDesktop Add-OnMobile Add-OnSAP Add-OnAI Assist Add-On

Available for modes: Browser | Windows | Java | Android | iOS | SAP

_readFile($filePath[, $encoding])

File path of file to be read as text. File path is resolved relative to current script file.
File path of file to be read as text. File path is resolved relative to files folder of the current project.
$encodingstring optional Encodes the data in file. Defaults to "UTF-8"

stringContent of the file

Sahi Pro Flowcharts Action :Read File


Reads the file and returns a string.
var $contents = _readFile("users.txt");


Since: Sahi ProDesktop Add-OnMobile Add-OnSAP Add-OnAI Assist Add-On

Available for modes: Browser | Windows | Java | Android | iOS | SAP

_writeFile($string, $filePath[, $overwrite[, $encoding]])

$stringstring String to write to file.
File path of file to write into. File path is resolved relative to current script file.
File path of file to write into. File path is resolved relative to files folder of the current project.
$overwriteboolean optionalIf true, overwrites content. Default is false, which appends at the end of existing content.
$encodingstring optionalEncoding to be used while writing. Default is "UTF-8"


Sahi Pro Flowcharts Action :Write File


_writeFile("First Line", "out.txt", true); // overwrites content in file
_writeFile("Second Line", "out.txt"); // appends second line in file


Since: Sahi ProDesktop Add-OnMobile Add-OnSAP Add-OnAI Assist Add-On

Available for modes: Browser | Windows | Java | Android | iOS | SAP

_writeToFile($string, $filePath[, $overwrite[, $encoding]])

$stringstring String to write to file.
File path of file to write into. File path is resolved relative to current script file.
File path of file to write into. File path is resolved relative to files folder of the current project.
$overwriteboolean optionalIf true, overwrites content. Default is false, which appends at the end of existing content.
$encodingstring optionalEncoding to be used while writing. Default is "UTF-8"


Sahi Pro Flowcharts Action :Write To File


This API is the same as _writeFile. Only the name is different.


Since: Sahi ProDesktop Add-OnMobile Add-OnSAP Add-OnAI Assist Add-On

Available for modes: Browser | Windows | Java | Android | iOS | SAP


File path of file to delete. File path is resolved relative to current script file.
File path of file to delete. File path is resolved relative to files folder of the current project.

booleantrue if the file was deleted on the filesystem, else false

Sahi Pro Flowcharts Action :Delete File


_deleteFile("out.txt"); // deletes out.txt


Since: Sahi ProDesktop Add-OnMobile Add-OnSAP Add-OnAI Assist Add-On

Available for modes: Browser | Windows | Java | Android | iOS | SAP


File path of file to check. File path is resolved relative to current script file.
File path of file to check. File path is resolved relative to files folder of the current project.

booleantrue if the file exists on the filesystem, else false

Sahi Pro Flowcharts Action :File Exists


_fileExists("out.txt"); // returns true if out.txt exists.


Since: Sahi ProDesktop Add-OnMobile Add-OnSAP Add-OnAI Assist Add-On

Available for modes: Browser | Windows | Java | Android | iOS | SAP

_renameFile($oldFilePath, $newFilePath)

File path of file to rename. File path is resolved relative to current script file.
File path of file to rename. File path is resolved relative to files folder of the current project.
New path of file to write into. File path is resolved relative to current script file.
New path of file to write into. File path is resolved relative to files folder of the current project.

booleantrue if the file was renamed on the filesystem, else false

Sahi Pro Flowcharts Action :Rename File


Renames or moves a file from oldFilePath to newFilePath
_renameFile("original.txt", "renamed.txt"); // renames original.txt to renamed.txt
_renameFile("original.txt", "newPath/renamed.txt"); // moves and renames original.txt to newPath/renamed.txt


Since: Sahi ProDesktop Add-OnMobile Add-OnSAP Add-OnAI Assist Add-On

Available for modes: Browser | Windows | Java | Android | iOS | SAP

_copyFile($srcFilePath, $destFilePath)

File path of an existing file to copy, must not be null. File path is resolved relative to current script file.
File path of an existing file to copy, must not be null. File path is resolved relative to files folder of the current project.
File path of the new file, must not be null. File path is resolved relative to current script file.
File path of the new file, must not be null. File path is resolved relative to files folder of the current project.


Sahi Pro Flowcharts Action :Copy File


copy a file from srcFilePath to destFilePath
_copyFile("source.txt", "dest.txt"); // copies the source.txt into dest.txt

CSV Files

CSV Files are a convenient way to store data. Being text based, they can be easily version controlled and diffed. Sahi has APIs to read and write to CSV Files.


Since: Sahi ProDesktop Add-OnMobile Add-OnSAP Add-OnAI Assist Add-On

Available for modes: Browser | Windows | Java | Android | iOS | SAP

_readCSVFile($filePath[, $props])

file path to csv file. File path is resolved relative to current script file.
file path to csv file. File path is resolved relative to files folder of the current project.
$propsobject optionalProperties to specify for:
wordSeparator: string: Word separator character. Defaults to comma.
ignoreEmptyRows: boolean: Ignores the empty lines. Defaults to false.
includeHeader: boolean: If true, returns the header row also as the first row. Defaults to false.
encoding: string: Encodes the data in csv file. Defaults to "UTF-8".

two dimensional array of stringsa 2 dimensional array of all values in the csv file

Sahi Pro Flowcharts Action :Read CSVFile


includeHeader default value is changed to false from version 8.0.0. To make previous version scripts continue as it is, change csv.include_header property to true in
_readCSVFile api expect only one char for Word separator. If $wordSeparator has more than one char, only first char will be taken as $wordSeparator.
Given a userinfo.csv file with data

var $userinfo = _readCSVFile("data/userinfo.csv");
var $userName = $userinfo[0]; // returns 2,Sam,20,Male since includeHeader default value is false

Given a employee.csv file with data

var $employee = _readCSVFile("data/userinfo.csv");
var $employee1 = _readCSVFile("data/userinfo.csv", {includeHeader:true});
var $employee2 = _readCSVFile("data/userinfo.csv", {wordSeparator:";",includeHeader:true,ignoreEmptyRows:true});
var $employee3 = _readCSVFile("data/userinfo.csv", {encoding:"ISO-8859-1"});
var $csvLength = $employee.length // returns 2 since includeHeader default value is false
var $csvLength1 = $employee1.length // returns 3
var $csvLength2 = $employee2.length // returns 1 since ignoreEmptyRows and includeHeader are true


Since: Sahi ProDesktop Add-OnMobile Add-OnSAP Add-OnAI Assist Add-On

Available for modes: Browser | Windows | Java | Android | iOS | SAP

_writeCSVFile($array2d, $filePath[, $overwrite[, $wordSeparator[, $forceQuotes[, $padEmptyCells]]]])

$array2d2 dimensional array Two dimensional array of data.
File path of csv file to write to. File path is resolved relative to current script file.
File path of csv file to write to. File path is resolved relative to files folder of the current project.
$overwriteboolean optional If true, overwrites data. Default is false, which appends data.
$wordSeparatorstring optional Word separator character. Defaults to comma.
$forceQuotesboolean optional Force strings to be inside quotes in the csv file. Defaults to true.
$padEmptyCellsboolean optional Empty cells at the end of rows are not trimmed. Ensures an equal number of commas (separators) in each line. Defaults to false.


Sahi Pro Flowcharts Action :Write CSVFile


    infoNOTE: $forceQuotes was added Since Sahi Pro: 6.2.0. For old document Refer here

                 $padEmptyCells was added Since Sahi Pro: 7.0.0. For old document Refer here

Writes the 2 dimensional array into the csv file.

var $data = [];
$data[0] = ["1", "Ram", 18, "Male"];
$data[1] = ["2", "Sam", 20];

_writeCSVFile($data, "data/userinfo.csv", false, ",", true, true);
//forces data to be inside quotes with specified word separator and empty cells at the end of rows are not trimmed.
//appends data into userinfo.csv.

var $moreData = [["3", "Lak", 30, "Male","Married"]];
_writeCSVFile($moreData, "data/userinfo.csv", false, ",", true, true);

The above code will create data/userinfo.csv with data
