Java APIs
Since: | Sahi Pro | Desktop Add-On | Mobile Add-On | SAP Add-On | AI Assist Add-On |
NA | 7.0.0 | NA | NA | NA |
Available for modes: Java
$applicationPath | string | absolute path of JNLP specific application |
null |
Sahi Pro Flowcharts Action :Launch Java WSApplication
Launch Java Web Start Application.
Launch Java Web Start Application.
dangerDEPRECATED: _launchJavaWSApplication is deprecated since Sahi Pro Desktop Add-On 7.5.0. Use _launchJavaApplication instead.
Since: | Sahi Pro | Desktop Add-On | Mobile Add-On | SAP Add-On | AI Assist Add-On |
NA | 7.5.0 | NA | NA | NA |
Available for modes: Java
_launchJavaApplication($applicationPath[, $applicationLaunchCommand[, $applicationType]])
$applicationPath | string | absolute path of the Java application |
$applicationLaunchCommand | string optional | command to launch the Java application. |
$applicationType | string optional | parameter specifying the type of java application. |
null |
Sahi Pro Flowcharts Action :Launch Java Application
Launch Java Application.
Launch Java Application.
_launchJavaApplication("C:/Users/sample.jar", "java -jar");
_launchJavaApplication("C:/Users/sampleOracleApp.jar", "java -jar", "ORACLE");
_launchJavaApplication("C:/Users/sampleJavaFxApp.jar", "java -jar", "JAVAFX");
_launchJavaApplication("C:/Users/SampleJavaWS.jnlp", "javaws");
infoNOTE: Pass "JAVAFX" as the $applicationType in order to automate any JavaFx application.
Since: | Sahi Pro | Desktop Add-On | Mobile Add-On | SAP Add-On | AI Assist Add-On |
NA | 10.0.0 | NA | NA | NA |
Available for modes: Java
_launchBrowserForApplet($URL, $browserLaunchCommand)
$URL | string | URL to launch the Applet |
$browserLaunchCommand | string | command to launch the browser for Applet. |
null |
Sahi Pro Flowcharts Action :Launch Browser For Applet
Launch browser for Applet and open the specified URL. This API is required for Automating Applet Using Only Desktop Automation.
Launch browser for Applet and open the specified URL. This API is required for Automating Applet Using Only Desktop Automation.
_launchBrowserForApplet("", "C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft/Edge/Application/msedge.exe");
_launchBrowserForApplet("", "C:/Program Files/Internet Explorer/iexplore.exe -private");
Since: | Sahi Pro | Desktop Add-On | Mobile Add-On | SAP Add-On | AI Assist Add-On |
NA | 10.0.0 | NA | NA | NA |
Available for modes: Java
None |
null |
Sahi Pro Flowcharts Action :Exit Java Process
Exits the Java Application process.
Use this API instead of _closeWindow if the java process is not exiting after closing the application manually or through Sahi Pro. This API helps to release resoures from machine.
Exits the Java Application process.
Use this API instead of _closeWindow if the java process is not exiting after closing the application manually or through Sahi Pro. This API helps to release resoures from machine.
Since: | Sahi Pro | Desktop Add-On | Mobile Add-On | SAP Add-On | AI Assist Add-On |
NA | 7.5.0 | NA | NA | NA |
Available for modes: Java
$element | element | element to be dragged |
null |
Sahi Pro Flowcharts Action :Drag Native
Simulates a drag action
Simulates a drag action
// Drag the item
_dragNative(_jvJListItem(_jvJList("Countries"), "India"));
Since: | Sahi Pro | Desktop Add-On | Mobile Add-On | SAP Add-On | AI Assist Add-On |
NA | 7.5.0 | NA | NA | NA |
Available for modes: Java
$element | element | element where the dragged element will be dropped |
null |
Sahi Pro Flowcharts Action :Drop Native
Simulates a drop action
Simulates a drop action
// drop the item
// drag and drop action on same window
_selectWindow("Country List");
_dragNative(_jvJListItem(_jvJList("Countries"), "India"));
// drag and drop action on different window
_selectWindow("Country List");
_dragNative(_jvJListItem(_jvJList("Countries"), "India"));
_selectWindow("Application Form");
Since: | Sahi Pro | Desktop Add-On | Mobile Add-On | SAP Add-On | AI Assist Add-On |
NA | 8.0.0 | NA | NA | NA |
Available for modes: Java
$tableEl | element | Table element |
array of integers | array with first value as row index and second value as column index of the table. |
Sahi Pro Flowcharts Action :Get Cell Index
var $cell = _getCellIndex(_jvCell(_jvJTable("SampleTable"), "43"));
_assertEqual(0, $cell[0]); // row number is 0 (i.e index 0 of $cell array).
_assertEqual(1, $cell[1]); // column number is 1 (i.e index 1 of $cell array).
_assertEqual("43", _getText(_jvCell(_jvJTable("SampleTable"), $cell[0], $cell[1]))); //Fetch value of table cell at [0,1].
Since: | Sahi Pro | Desktop Add-On | Mobile Add-On | SAP Add-On | AI Assist Add-On |
NA | 8.0.0 | NA | NA | NA |
Available for modes: Java
$element | element | Element whose icon's path we need |
string | Path of the graphic image that the element displays. |
Sahi Pro Flowcharts Action :Get Icon Path
var $icon_path = _getIconPath(_jvJLabel("Success"));
_assertEqual("/success.png/", $icon_path);