Accessor APIs - Polymer Elements


Sahi Pro

API_div(identifier [, relation1 [, relation2 ...]])
TagTag: DIV
 class="shaded bigfont" >div text</DIV>
Identifiersvisible text, id, css class, data-testid, index

Valid Accessors and alternatives: (Assume this is the 6th div in the UI and 2nd div with class "shaded bigfont")
//visible text
_div("div text")
//visible text with regular expression
_div("/iv te/")
//visible text with regular expression
//css class with index
_div("shaded bigfont[1]")
//css class with regular expression and index
//multiple attributes as JSON
_div({className: "shaded bigfont", sahiIndex: 1})
//multiple attributes as JSON including regular expression
_div({className: "/shaded .*font/", sahiIndex: 1})
// Use sahiIndex for index, className for class and sahiText for visible text attributes.
Relations Relational APIs _in, _near, _leftOf, _rightOf, _under, _above can be used. Relations Sample
// with _in
_div("div text", _in(_div("Container")))

// index with 2 relational APIs, _rightOf and _under
_div(0, _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))

// with regular expression and relations
_div("/bigfont/", _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))
Valuevisible text (this is the default attribute used in assertions etc.)
Actions Default event recorded is _click

Example usage:
_click(_div("div text"));
_click(_div("/bigfont/[1]", _rightOf(_span("Name"))));
Assertions Example assertions:
// Check if element exists
// Check if element is visible
_assertEqual("div text", _getText(_div("div_id")));


Sahi Pro

API_coreIconButton(identifier [, relation1 [, relation2 ...]])
 aria-label="descriptive label"
 class="shaded bigfont" >coreIconButton text</CORE-ICON-BUTTON>
Identifiersaria-label, visible text, id, css class, index

Valid Accessors and alternatives: (Assume this is the 6th coreIconButton in the UI and 2nd coreIconButton with class "shaded bigfont")
_coreIconButton("descriptive label")
//visible text
_coreIconButton("coreIconButton text")
//visible text with regular expression
_coreIconButton("/nButton te/")
//visible text with regular expression
//css class with index
_coreIconButton("shaded bigfont[1]")
//css class with regular expression and index
//multiple attributes as JSON
_coreIconButton({className: "shaded bigfont", sahiIndex: 1})
//multiple attributes as JSON including regular expression
_coreIconButton({className: "/shaded .*font/", sahiIndex: 1})
// Use sahiIndex for index, className for class and sahiText for visible text attributes.
Relations Relational APIs _in, _near, _leftOf, _rightOf, _under, _above can be used. Relations Sample
// with _in
_coreIconButton("descriptive label", _in(_div("Container")))

// index with 2 relational APIs, _rightOf and _under
_coreIconButton(0, _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))

// with regular expression and relations
_coreIconButton("/bigfont/", _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))
Valuevisible text (this is the default attribute used in assertions etc.)
Actions Default event recorded is _click

Example usage:
_click(_coreIconButton("descriptive label"));
_click(_coreIconButton("/bigfont/[1]", _rightOf(_span("Name"))));
Assertions Example assertions:
// Check if element exists
// Check if element is visible
_assertEqual("coreIconButton text", _getText(_coreIconButton("coreIconButton_id")));


Sahi Pro

API_coreIcon(identifier [, relation1 [, relation2 ...]])
 aria-label="descriptive label"
 class="shaded bigfont" >coreIcon text</CORE-ICON>
Identifiersaria-label, visible text, id, css class, index

Valid Accessors and alternatives: (Assume this is the 6th coreIcon in the UI and 2nd coreIcon with class "shaded bigfont")
_coreIcon("descriptive label")
//visible text
_coreIcon("coreIcon text")
//visible text with regular expression
_coreIcon("/Icon te/")
//visible text with regular expression
//css class with index
_coreIcon("shaded bigfont[1]")
//css class with regular expression and index
//multiple attributes as JSON
_coreIcon({className: "shaded bigfont", sahiIndex: 1})
//multiple attributes as JSON including regular expression
_coreIcon({className: "/shaded .*font/", sahiIndex: 1})
// Use sahiIndex for index, className for class and sahiText for visible text attributes.
Relations Relational APIs _in, _near, _leftOf, _rightOf, _under, _above can be used. Relations Sample
// with _in
_coreIcon("descriptive label", _in(_div("Container")))

// index with 2 relational APIs, _rightOf and _under
_coreIcon(0, _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))

// with regular expression and relations
_coreIcon("/bigfont/", _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))
Valuevisible text (this is the default attribute used in assertions etc.)
Actions Default event recorded is _click

Example usage:
_click(_coreIcon("descriptive label"));
_click(_coreIcon("/bigfont/[1]", _rightOf(_span("Name"))));
Assertions Example assertions:
// Check if element exists
// Check if element is visible
_assertEqual("coreIcon text", _getText(_coreIcon("coreIcon_id")));


Sahi Pro

API_coreAllayKeys(identifier [, relation1 [, relation2 ...]])
 aria-label="descriptive label"
 class="shaded bigfont" >coreAllayKeys text</CORE-ALLY-KEYS>
Identifiersaria-label, visible text, id, css class, index

Valid Accessors and alternatives: (Assume this is the 6th coreAllayKeys in the UI and 2nd coreAllayKeys with class "shaded bigfont")
_coreAllayKeys("descriptive label")
//visible text
_coreAllayKeys("coreAllayKeys text")
//visible text with regular expression
_coreAllayKeys("/layKeys te/")
//visible text with regular expression
//css class with index
_coreAllayKeys("shaded bigfont[1]")
//css class with regular expression and index
//multiple attributes as JSON
_coreAllayKeys({className: "shaded bigfont", sahiIndex: 1})
//multiple attributes as JSON including regular expression
_coreAllayKeys({className: "/shaded .*font/", sahiIndex: 1})
// Use sahiIndex for index, className for class and sahiText for visible text attributes.
Relations Relational APIs _in, _near, _leftOf, _rightOf, _under, _above can be used. Relations Sample
// with _in
_coreAllayKeys("descriptive label", _in(_div("Container")))

// index with 2 relational APIs, _rightOf and _under
_coreAllayKeys(0, _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))

// with regular expression and relations
_coreAllayKeys("/bigfont/", _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))
Valuevisible text (this is the default attribute used in assertions etc.)
Actions Default event recorded is _click

Example usage:
_click(_coreAllayKeys("descriptive label"));
_click(_coreAllayKeys("/bigfont/[1]", _rightOf(_span("Name"))));
Assertions Example assertions:
// Check if element exists
// Check if element is visible
_assertEqual("coreAllayKeys text", _getText(_coreAllayKeys("coreAllayKeys_id")));


Sahi Pro

API_coreStyle(identifier [, relation1 [, relation2 ...]])
 aria-label="descriptive label"
 class="shaded bigfont" >coreStyle text</CORE-STYLE>
Identifiersaria-label, visible text, id, css class, index

Valid Accessors and alternatives: (Assume this is the 6th coreStyle in the UI and 2nd coreStyle with class "shaded bigfont")
_coreStyle("descriptive label")
//visible text
_coreStyle("coreStyle text")
//visible text with regular expression
_coreStyle("/Style te/")
//visible text with regular expression
//css class with index
_coreStyle("shaded bigfont[1]")
//css class with regular expression and index
//multiple attributes as JSON
_coreStyle({className: "shaded bigfont", sahiIndex: 1})
//multiple attributes as JSON including regular expression
_coreStyle({className: "/shaded .*font/", sahiIndex: 1})
// Use sahiIndex for index, className for class and sahiText for visible text attributes.
Relations Relational APIs _in, _near, _leftOf, _rightOf, _under, _above can be used. Relations Sample
// with _in
_coreStyle("descriptive label", _in(_div("Container")))

// index with 2 relational APIs, _rightOf and _under
_coreStyle(0, _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))

// with regular expression and relations
_coreStyle("/bigfont/", _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))
Valuevisible text (this is the default attribute used in assertions etc.)
Actions Default event recorded is _click

Example usage:
_click(_coreStyle("descriptive label"));
_click(_coreStyle("/bigfont/[1]", _rightOf(_span("Name"))));
Assertions Example assertions:
// Check if element exists
// Check if element is visible
_assertEqual("coreStyle text", _getText(_coreStyle("coreStyle_id")));


Sahi Pro

API_coreTransitionPages(identifier [, relation1 [, relation2 ...]])
 aria-label="descriptive label"
 class="shaded bigfont" >coreTransitionPages text</CORE-TRANSITION-PAGES>
Identifiersaria-label, visible text, id, css class, index

Valid Accessors and alternatives: (Assume this is the 6th coreTransitionPages in the UI and 2nd coreTransitionPages with class "shaded bigfont")
_coreTransitionPages("descriptive label")
//visible text
_coreTransitionPages("coreTransitionPages text")
//visible text with regular expression
_coreTransitionPages("/itionPages te/")
//visible text with regular expression
//css class with index
_coreTransitionPages("shaded bigfont[1]")
//css class with regular expression and index
//multiple attributes as JSON
_coreTransitionPages({className: "shaded bigfont", sahiIndex: 1})
//multiple attributes as JSON including regular expression
_coreTransitionPages({className: "/shaded .*font/", sahiIndex: 1})
// Use sahiIndex for index, className for class and sahiText for visible text attributes.
Relations Relational APIs _in, _near, _leftOf, _rightOf, _under, _above can be used. Relations Sample
// with _in
_coreTransitionPages("descriptive label", _in(_div("Container")))

// index with 2 relational APIs, _rightOf and _under
_coreTransitionPages(0, _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))

// with regular expression and relations
_coreTransitionPages("/bigfont/", _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))
Valuevisible text (this is the default attribute used in assertions etc.)
Actions Default event recorded is _click

Example usage:
_click(_coreTransitionPages("descriptive label"));
_click(_coreTransitionPages("/bigfont/[1]", _rightOf(_span("Name"))));
Assertions Example assertions:
// Check if element exists
// Check if element is visible
_assertEqual("coreTransitionPages text", _getText(_coreTransitionPages("coreTransitionPages_id")));


Sahi Pro

API_coreAnimationGroup(identifier [, relation1 [, relation2 ...]])
 aria-label="descriptive label"
 class="shaded bigfont" >coreAnimationGroup text</CORE-ANIMATION-GROUP>
Identifiersaria-label, visible text, id, css class, index

Valid Accessors and alternatives: (Assume this is the 6th coreAnimationGroup in the UI and 2nd coreAnimationGroup with class "shaded bigfont")
_coreAnimationGroup("descriptive label")
//visible text
_coreAnimationGroup("coreAnimationGroup text")
//visible text with regular expression
_coreAnimationGroup("/tionGroup te/")
//visible text with regular expression
//css class with index
_coreAnimationGroup("shaded bigfont[1]")
//css class with regular expression and index
//multiple attributes as JSON
_coreAnimationGroup({className: "shaded bigfont", sahiIndex: 1})
//multiple attributes as JSON including regular expression
_coreAnimationGroup({className: "/shaded .*font/", sahiIndex: 1})
// Use sahiIndex for index, className for class and sahiText for visible text attributes.
Relations Relational APIs _in, _near, _leftOf, _rightOf, _under, _above can be used. Relations Sample
// with _in
_coreAnimationGroup("descriptive label", _in(_div("Container")))

// index with 2 relational APIs, _rightOf and _under
_coreAnimationGroup(0, _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))

// with regular expression and relations
_coreAnimationGroup("/bigfont/", _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))
Valuevisible text (this is the default attribute used in assertions etc.)
Actions Default event recorded is _click

Example usage:
_click(_coreAnimationGroup("descriptive label"));
_click(_coreAnimationGroup("/bigfont/[1]", _rightOf(_span("Name"))));
Assertions Example assertions:
// Check if element exists
// Check if element is visible
_assertEqual("coreAnimationGroup text", _getText(_coreAnimationGroup("coreAnimationGroup_id")));


Sahi Pro

API_coreAnimation(identifier [, relation1 [, relation2 ...]])
 aria-label="descriptive label"
 class="shaded bigfont" >coreAnimation text</CORE-ANIMATION>
Identifiersaria-label, visible text, id, css class, index

Valid Accessors and alternatives: (Assume this is the 6th coreAnimation in the UI and 2nd coreAnimation with class "shaded bigfont")
_coreAnimation("descriptive label")
//visible text
_coreAnimation("coreAnimation text")
//visible text with regular expression
_coreAnimation("/imation te/")
//visible text with regular expression
//css class with index
_coreAnimation("shaded bigfont[1]")
//css class with regular expression and index
//multiple attributes as JSON
_coreAnimation({className: "shaded bigfont", sahiIndex: 1})
//multiple attributes as JSON including regular expression
_coreAnimation({className: "/shaded .*font/", sahiIndex: 1})
// Use sahiIndex for index, className for class and sahiText for visible text attributes.
Relations Relational APIs _in, _near, _leftOf, _rightOf, _under, _above can be used. Relations Sample
// with _in
_coreAnimation("descriptive label", _in(_div("Container")))

// index with 2 relational APIs, _rightOf and _under
_coreAnimation(0, _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))

// with regular expression and relations
_coreAnimation("/bigfont/", _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))
Valuevisible text (this is the default attribute used in assertions etc.)
Actions Default event recorded is _click

Example usage:
_click(_coreAnimation("descriptive label"));
_click(_coreAnimation("/bigfont/[1]", _rightOf(_span("Name"))));
Assertions Example assertions:
// Check if element exists
// Check if element is visible
_assertEqual("coreAnimation text", _getText(_coreAnimation("coreAnimation_id")));


Sahi Pro

API_coreAnimationKeyframe(identifier [, relation1 [, relation2 ...]])
 aria-label="descriptive label"
 class="shaded bigfont" >coreAnimationKeyframe text</CORE-ANIMATION-KEYFRAME>
Identifiersaria-label, visible text, id, css class, index

Valid Accessors and alternatives: (Assume this is the 6th coreAnimationKeyframe in the UI and 2nd coreAnimationKeyframe with class "shaded bigfont")
_coreAnimationKeyframe("descriptive label")
//visible text
_coreAnimationKeyframe("coreAnimationKeyframe text")
//visible text with regular expression
_coreAnimationKeyframe("/ionKeyframe te/")
//visible text with regular expression
//css class with index
_coreAnimationKeyframe("shaded bigfont[1]")
//css class with regular expression and index
//multiple attributes as JSON
_coreAnimationKeyframe({className: "shaded bigfont", sahiIndex: 1})
//multiple attributes as JSON including regular expression
_coreAnimationKeyframe({className: "/shaded .*font/", sahiIndex: 1})
// Use sahiIndex for index, className for class and sahiText for visible text attributes.
Relations Relational APIs _in, _near, _leftOf, _rightOf, _under, _above can be used. Relations Sample
// with _in
_coreAnimationKeyframe("descriptive label", _in(_div("Container")))

// index with 2 relational APIs, _rightOf and _under
_coreAnimationKeyframe(0, _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))

// with regular expression and relations
_coreAnimationKeyframe("/bigfont/", _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))
Valuevisible text (this is the default attribute used in assertions etc.)
Actions Default event recorded is _click

Example usage:
_click(_coreAnimationKeyframe("descriptive label"));
_click(_coreAnimationKeyframe("/bigfont/[1]", _rightOf(_span("Name"))));
Assertions Example assertions:
// Check if element exists
// Check if element is visible
_assertEqual("coreAnimationKeyframe text", _getText(_coreAnimationKeyframe("coreAnimationKeyframe_id")));


Sahi Pro

API_coreAnimationProp(identifier [, relation1 [, relation2 ...]])
 aria-label="descriptive label"
 class="shaded bigfont" >coreAnimationProp text</CORE-ANIMATION-PROP>
Identifiersaria-label, visible text, id, css class, index

Valid Accessors and alternatives: (Assume this is the 6th coreAnimationProp in the UI and 2nd coreAnimationProp with class "shaded bigfont")
_coreAnimationProp("descriptive label")
//visible text
_coreAnimationProp("coreAnimationProp text")
//visible text with regular expression
_coreAnimationProp("/ationProp te/")
//visible text with regular expression
//css class with index
_coreAnimationProp("shaded bigfont[1]")
//css class with regular expression and index
//multiple attributes as JSON
_coreAnimationProp({className: "shaded bigfont", sahiIndex: 1})
//multiple attributes as JSON including regular expression
_coreAnimationProp({className: "/shaded .*font/", sahiIndex: 1})
// Use sahiIndex for index, className for class and sahiText for visible text attributes.
Relations Relational APIs _in, _near, _leftOf, _rightOf, _under, _above can be used. Relations Sample
// with _in
_coreAnimationProp("descriptive label", _in(_div("Container")))

// index with 2 relational APIs, _rightOf and _under
_coreAnimationProp(0, _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))

// with regular expression and relations
_coreAnimationProp("/bigfont/", _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))
Valuevisible text (this is the default attribute used in assertions etc.)
Actions Default event recorded is _click

Example usage:
_click(_coreAnimationProp("descriptive label"));
_click(_coreAnimationProp("/bigfont/[1]", _rightOf(_span("Name"))));
Assertions Example assertions:
// Check if element exists
// Check if element is visible
_assertEqual("coreAnimationProp text", _getText(_coreAnimationProp("coreAnimationProp_id")));


Sahi Pro

API_coreCollapse(identifier [, relation1 [, relation2 ...]])
 aria-label="descriptive label"
 class="shaded bigfont" >coreCollapse text</CORE-COLLAPSE>
Identifiersaria-label, visible text, id, css class, index

Valid Accessors and alternatives: (Assume this is the 6th coreCollapse in the UI and 2nd coreCollapse with class "shaded bigfont")
_coreCollapse("descriptive label")
//visible text
_coreCollapse("coreCollapse text")
//visible text with regular expression
_coreCollapse("/llapse te/")
//visible text with regular expression
//css class with index
_coreCollapse("shaded bigfont[1]")
//css class with regular expression and index
//multiple attributes as JSON
_coreCollapse({className: "shaded bigfont", sahiIndex: 1})
//multiple attributes as JSON including regular expression
_coreCollapse({className: "/shaded .*font/", sahiIndex: 1})
// Use sahiIndex for index, className for class and sahiText for visible text attributes.
Relations Relational APIs _in, _near, _leftOf, _rightOf, _under, _above can be used. Relations Sample
// with _in
_coreCollapse("descriptive label", _in(_div("Container")))

// index with 2 relational APIs, _rightOf and _under
_coreCollapse(0, _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))

// with regular expression and relations
_coreCollapse("/bigfont/", _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))
Valuevisible text (this is the default attribute used in assertions etc.)
Actions Default event recorded is _click

Example usage:
_click(_coreCollapse("descriptive label"));
_click(_coreCollapse("/bigfont/[1]", _rightOf(_span("Name"))));
Assertions Example assertions:
// Check if element exists
// Check if element is visible
_assertEqual("coreCollapse text", _getText(_coreCollapse("coreCollapse_id")));


Sahi Pro

API_coreDragDrop(identifier [, relation1 [, relation2 ...]])
 aria-label="descriptive label"
 class="shaded bigfont" >coreDragDrop text</CORE-DRAG-DROP>
Identifiersaria-label, visible text, id, css class, index

Valid Accessors and alternatives: (Assume this is the 6th coreDragDrop in the UI and 2nd coreDragDrop with class "shaded bigfont")
_coreDragDrop("descriptive label")
//visible text
_coreDragDrop("coreDragDrop text")
//visible text with regular expression
_coreDragDrop("/agDrop te/")
//visible text with regular expression
//css class with index
_coreDragDrop("shaded bigfont[1]")
//css class with regular expression and index
//multiple attributes as JSON
_coreDragDrop({className: "shaded bigfont", sahiIndex: 1})
//multiple attributes as JSON including regular expression
_coreDragDrop({className: "/shaded .*font/", sahiIndex: 1})
// Use sahiIndex for index, className for class and sahiText for visible text attributes.
Relations Relational APIs _in, _near, _leftOf, _rightOf, _under, _above can be used. Relations Sample
// with _in
_coreDragDrop("descriptive label", _in(_div("Container")))

// index with 2 relational APIs, _rightOf and _under
_coreDragDrop(0, _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))

// with regular expression and relations
_coreDragDrop("/bigfont/", _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))
Valuevisible text (this is the default attribute used in assertions etc.)
Actions Default event recorded is _click

Example usage:
_click(_coreDragDrop("descriptive label"));
_click(_coreDragDrop("/bigfont/[1]", _rightOf(_span("Name"))));
Assertions Example assertions:
// Check if element exists
// Check if element is visible
_assertEqual("coreDragDrop text", _getText(_coreDragDrop("coreDragDrop_id")));


Sahi Pro

API_coreDrawerPanel(identifier [, relation1 [, relation2 ...]])
 aria-label="descriptive label"
 class="shaded bigfont" >coreDrawerPanel text</CORE-DRAWER-PANEL>
Identifiersaria-label, visible text, id, css class, index

Valid Accessors and alternatives: (Assume this is the 6th coreDrawerPanel in the UI and 2nd coreDrawerPanel with class "shaded bigfont")
_coreDrawerPanel("descriptive label")
//visible text
_coreDrawerPanel("coreDrawerPanel text")
//visible text with regular expression
_coreDrawerPanel("/werPanel te/")
//visible text with regular expression
//css class with index
_coreDrawerPanel("shaded bigfont[1]")
//css class with regular expression and index
//multiple attributes as JSON
_coreDrawerPanel({className: "shaded bigfont", sahiIndex: 1})
//multiple attributes as JSON including regular expression
_coreDrawerPanel({className: "/shaded .*font/", sahiIndex: 1})
// Use sahiIndex for index, className for class and sahiText for visible text attributes.
Relations Relational APIs _in, _near, _leftOf, _rightOf, _under, _above can be used. Relations Sample
// with _in
_coreDrawerPanel("descriptive label", _in(_div("Container")))

// index with 2 relational APIs, _rightOf and _under
_coreDrawerPanel(0, _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))

// with regular expression and relations
_coreDrawerPanel("/bigfont/", _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))
Valuevisible text (this is the default attribute used in assertions etc.)
Actions Default event recorded is _click

Example usage:
_click(_coreDrawerPanel("descriptive label"));
_click(_coreDrawerPanel("/bigfont/[1]", _rightOf(_span("Name"))));
Assertions Example assertions:
// Check if element exists
// Check if element is visible
_assertEqual("coreDrawerPanel text", _getText(_coreDrawerPanel("coreDrawerPanel_id")));


Sahi Pro

API_coreDropdownBase(identifier [, relation1 [, relation2 ...]])
 aria-label="descriptive label"
 class="shaded bigfont" >coreDropdownBase text</CORE-DROPDOWN-BASE>
Identifiersaria-label, visible text, id, css class, index

Valid Accessors and alternatives: (Assume this is the 6th coreDropdownBase in the UI and 2nd coreDropdownBase with class "shaded bigfont")
_coreDropdownBase("descriptive label")
//visible text
_coreDropdownBase("coreDropdownBase text")
//visible text with regular expression
_coreDropdownBase("/downBase te/")
//visible text with regular expression
//css class with index
_coreDropdownBase("shaded bigfont[1]")
//css class with regular expression and index
//multiple attributes as JSON
_coreDropdownBase({className: "shaded bigfont", sahiIndex: 1})
//multiple attributes as JSON including regular expression
_coreDropdownBase({className: "/shaded .*font/", sahiIndex: 1})
// Use sahiIndex for index, className for class and sahiText for visible text attributes.
Relations Relational APIs _in, _near, _leftOf, _rightOf, _under, _above can be used. Relations Sample
// with _in
_coreDropdownBase("descriptive label", _in(_div("Container")))

// index with 2 relational APIs, _rightOf and _under
_coreDropdownBase(0, _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))

// with regular expression and relations
_coreDropdownBase("/bigfont/", _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))
Valuevisible text (this is the default attribute used in assertions etc.)
Actions Default event recorded is _click

Example usage:
_click(_coreDropdownBase("descriptive label"));
_click(_coreDropdownBase("/bigfont/[1]", _rightOf(_span("Name"))));
Assertions Example assertions:
// Check if element exists
// Check if element is visible
_assertEqual("coreDropdownBase text", _getText(_coreDropdownBase("coreDropdownBase_id")));


Sahi Pro

API_coreDropdown(identifier [, relation1 [, relation2 ...]])
 aria-label="descriptive label"
 class="shaded bigfont" >coreDropdown text</CORE-DROPDOWN>
Identifiersaria-label, visible text, id, css class, index

Valid Accessors and alternatives: (Assume this is the 6th coreDropdown in the UI and 2nd coreDropdown with class "shaded bigfont")
_coreDropdown("descriptive label")
//visible text
_coreDropdown("coreDropdown text")
//visible text with regular expression
_coreDropdown("/opdown te/")
//visible text with regular expression
//css class with index
_coreDropdown("shaded bigfont[1]")
//css class with regular expression and index
//multiple attributes as JSON
_coreDropdown({className: "shaded bigfont", sahiIndex: 1})
//multiple attributes as JSON including regular expression
_coreDropdown({className: "/shaded .*font/", sahiIndex: 1})
// Use sahiIndex for index, className for class and sahiText for visible text attributes.
Relations Relational APIs _in, _near, _leftOf, _rightOf, _under, _above can be used. Relations Sample
// with _in
_coreDropdown("descriptive label", _in(_div("Container")))

// index with 2 relational APIs, _rightOf and _under
_coreDropdown(0, _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))

// with regular expression and relations
_coreDropdown("/bigfont/", _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))
Valuevisible text (this is the default attribute used in assertions etc.)
Actions Default event recorded is _click

Example usage:
_click(_coreDropdown("descriptive label"));
_click(_coreDropdown("/bigfont/[1]", _rightOf(_span("Name"))));
Assertions Example assertions:
// Check if element exists
// Check if element is visible
_assertEqual("coreDropdown text", _getText(_coreDropdown("coreDropdown_id")));


Sahi Pro

API_coreDropdownMenu(identifier [, relation1 [, relation2 ...]])
 aria-label="descriptive label"
 class="shaded bigfont" >coreDropdownMenu text</CORE-DROPDOWN-MENU>
Identifiersaria-label, visible text, id, css class, index

Valid Accessors and alternatives: (Assume this is the 6th coreDropdownMenu in the UI and 2nd coreDropdownMenu with class "shaded bigfont")
_coreDropdownMenu("descriptive label")
//visible text
_coreDropdownMenu("coreDropdownMenu text")
//visible text with regular expression
_coreDropdownMenu("/downMenu te/")
//visible text with regular expression
//css class with index
_coreDropdownMenu("shaded bigfont[1]")
//css class with regular expression and index
//multiple attributes as JSON
_coreDropdownMenu({className: "shaded bigfont", sahiIndex: 1})
//multiple attributes as JSON including regular expression
_coreDropdownMenu({className: "/shaded .*font/", sahiIndex: 1})
// Use sahiIndex for index, className for class and sahiText for visible text attributes.
Relations Relational APIs _in, _near, _leftOf, _rightOf, _under, _above can be used. Relations Sample
// with _in
_coreDropdownMenu("descriptive label", _in(_div("Container")))

// index with 2 relational APIs, _rightOf and _under
_coreDropdownMenu(0, _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))

// with regular expression and relations
_coreDropdownMenu("/bigfont/", _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))
Valuevisible text (this is the default attribute used in assertions etc.)
Actions Default event recorded is _click

Example usage:
_click(_coreDropdownMenu("descriptive label"));
_click(_coreDropdownMenu("/bigfont/[1]", _rightOf(_span("Name"))));
Assertions Example assertions:
// Check if element exists
// Check if element is visible
_assertEqual("coreDropdownMenu text", _getText(_coreDropdownMenu("coreDropdownMenu_id")));


Sahi Pro

API_coreField(identifier [, relation1 [, relation2 ...]])
 aria-label="descriptive label"
 class="shaded bigfont" >coreField text</CORE-FIELD>
Identifiersaria-label, visible text, id, css class, index

Valid Accessors and alternatives: (Assume this is the 6th coreField in the UI and 2nd coreField with class "shaded bigfont")
_coreField("descriptive label")
//visible text
_coreField("coreField text")
//visible text with regular expression
_coreField("/Field te/")
//visible text with regular expression
//css class with index
_coreField("shaded bigfont[1]")
//css class with regular expression and index
//multiple attributes as JSON
_coreField({className: "shaded bigfont", sahiIndex: 1})
//multiple attributes as JSON including regular expression
_coreField({className: "/shaded .*font/", sahiIndex: 1})
// Use sahiIndex for index, className for class and sahiText for visible text attributes.
Relations Relational APIs _in, _near, _leftOf, _rightOf, _under, _above can be used. Relations Sample
// with _in
_coreField("descriptive label", _in(_div("Container")))

// index with 2 relational APIs, _rightOf and _under
_coreField(0, _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))

// with regular expression and relations
_coreField("/bigfont/", _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))
Valuevisible text (this is the default attribute used in assertions etc.)
Actions Default event recorded is _click

Example usage:
_click(_coreField("descriptive label"));
_click(_coreField("/bigfont/[1]", _rightOf(_span("Name"))));
Assertions Example assertions:
// Check if element exists
// Check if element is visible
_assertEqual("coreField text", _getText(_coreField("coreField_id")));


Sahi Pro

API_coreHeaderPanel(identifier [, relation1 [, relation2 ...]])
 aria-label="descriptive label"
 class="shaded bigfont" >coreHeaderPanel text</CORE-HEADER-PANEL>
Identifiersaria-label, visible text, id, css class, index

Valid Accessors and alternatives: (Assume this is the 6th coreHeaderPanel in the UI and 2nd coreHeaderPanel with class "shaded bigfont")
_coreHeaderPanel("descriptive label")
//visible text
_coreHeaderPanel("coreHeaderPanel text")
//visible text with regular expression
_coreHeaderPanel("/derPanel te/")
//visible text with regular expression
//css class with index
_coreHeaderPanel("shaded bigfont[1]")
//css class with regular expression and index
//multiple attributes as JSON
_coreHeaderPanel({className: "shaded bigfont", sahiIndex: 1})
//multiple attributes as JSON including regular expression
_coreHeaderPanel({className: "/shaded .*font/", sahiIndex: 1})
// Use sahiIndex for index, className for class and sahiText for visible text attributes.
Relations Relational APIs _in, _near, _leftOf, _rightOf, _under, _above can be used. Relations Sample
// with _in
_coreHeaderPanel("descriptive label", _in(_div("Container")))

// index with 2 relational APIs, _rightOf and _under
_coreHeaderPanel(0, _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))

// with regular expression and relations
_coreHeaderPanel("/bigfont/", _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))
Valuevisible text (this is the default attribute used in assertions etc.)
Actions Default event recorded is _click

Example usage:
_click(_coreHeaderPanel("descriptive label"));
_click(_coreHeaderPanel("/bigfont/[1]", _rightOf(_span("Name"))));
Assertions Example assertions:
// Check if element exists
// Check if element is visible
_assertEqual("coreHeaderPanel text", _getText(_coreHeaderPanel("coreHeaderPanel_id")));


Sahi Pro

API_coreIconSet(identifier [, relation1 [, relation2 ...]])
 aria-label="descriptive label"
 class="shaded bigfont" >coreIconSet text</CORE-ICONSET>
Identifiersaria-label, visible text, id, css class, index

Valid Accessors and alternatives: (Assume this is the 6th coreIconSet in the UI and 2nd coreIconSet with class "shaded bigfont")
_coreIconSet("descriptive label")
//visible text
_coreIconSet("coreIconSet text")
//visible text with regular expression
_coreIconSet("/conSet te/")
//visible text with regular expression
//css class with index
_coreIconSet("shaded bigfont[1]")
//css class with regular expression and index
//multiple attributes as JSON
_coreIconSet({className: "shaded bigfont", sahiIndex: 1})
//multiple attributes as JSON including regular expression
_coreIconSet({className: "/shaded .*font/", sahiIndex: 1})
// Use sahiIndex for index, className for class and sahiText for visible text attributes.
Relations Relational APIs _in, _near, _leftOf, _rightOf, _under, _above can be used. Relations Sample
// with _in
_coreIconSet("descriptive label", _in(_div("Container")))

// index with 2 relational APIs, _rightOf and _under
_coreIconSet(0, _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))

// with regular expression and relations
_coreIconSet("/bigfont/", _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))
Valuevisible text (this is the default attribute used in assertions etc.)
Actions Default event recorded is _click

Example usage:
_click(_coreIconSet("descriptive label"));
_click(_coreIconSet("/bigfont/[1]", _rightOf(_span("Name"))));
Assertions Example assertions:
// Check if element exists
// Check if element is visible
_assertEqual("coreIconSet text", _getText(_coreIconSet("coreIconSet_id")));


Sahi Pro

API_coreIconSetSvg(identifier [, relation1 [, relation2 ...]])
 aria-label="descriptive label"
 class="shaded bigfont" >coreIconSetSvg text</CORE-ICONSET-SVG>
Identifiersaria-label, visible text, id, css class, index, icon

Valid Accessors and alternatives: (Assume this is the 6th coreIconSetSvg in the UI and 2nd coreIconSetSvg with class "shaded bigfont")
_coreIconSetSvg("descriptive label")
//visible text
_coreIconSetSvg("coreIconSetSvg text")
//visible text with regular expression
_coreIconSetSvg("/nSetSvg te/")
//visible text with regular expression
//css class with index
_coreIconSetSvg("shaded bigfont[1]")
//css class with regular expression and index
//multiple attributes as JSON
_coreIconSetSvg({className: "shaded bigfont", sahiIndex: 1})
//multiple attributes as JSON including regular expression
_coreIconSetSvg({className: "/shaded .*font/", sahiIndex: 1})
// Use sahiIndex for index, className for class and sahiText for visible text attributes.
Relations Relational APIs _in, _near, _leftOf, _rightOf, _under, _above can be used. Relations Sample
// with _in
_coreIconSetSvg("descriptive label", _in(_div("Container")))

// index with 2 relational APIs, _rightOf and _under
_coreIconSetSvg(0, _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))

// with regular expression and relations
_coreIconSetSvg("/bigfont/", _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))
Valuevisible text (this is the default attribute used in assertions etc.)
Actions Default event recorded is _click

Example usage:
_click(_coreIconSetSvg("descriptive label"));
_click(_coreIconSetSvg("/bigfont/[1]", _rightOf(_span("Name"))));
Assertions Example assertions:
// Check if element exists
// Check if element is visible
_assertEqual("coreIconSetSvg text", _getText(_coreIconSetSvg("coreIconSetSvg_id")));


Sahi Pro

API_coreImage(identifier [, relation1 [, relation2 ...]])
 aria-label="descriptive label"
 class="shaded bigfont" >coreImage text</CORE-IMAGE>
Identifiersaria-label, visible text, id, css class, index

Valid Accessors and alternatives: (Assume this is the 6th coreImage in the UI and 2nd coreImage with class "shaded bigfont")
_coreImage("descriptive label")
//visible text
_coreImage("coreImage text")
//visible text with regular expression
_coreImage("/Image te/")
//visible text with regular expression
//css class with index
_coreImage("shaded bigfont[1]")
//css class with regular expression and index
//multiple attributes as JSON
_coreImage({className: "shaded bigfont", sahiIndex: 1})
//multiple attributes as JSON including regular expression
_coreImage({className: "/shaded .*font/", sahiIndex: 1})
// Use sahiIndex for index, className for class and sahiText for visible text attributes.
Relations Relational APIs _in, _near, _leftOf, _rightOf, _under, _above can be used. Relations Sample
// with _in
_coreImage("descriptive label", _in(_div("Container")))

// index with 2 relational APIs, _rightOf and _under
_coreImage(0, _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))

// with regular expression and relations
_coreImage("/bigfont/", _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))
Valuevisible text (this is the default attribute used in assertions etc.)
Actions Default event recorded is _click

Example usage:
_click(_coreImage("descriptive label"));
_click(_coreImage("/bigfont/[1]", _rightOf(_span("Name"))));
Assertions Example assertions:
// Check if element exists
// Check if element is visible
_assertEqual("coreImage text", _getText(_coreImage("coreImage_id")));


Sahi Pro

API_coreItem(identifier [, relation1 [, relation2 ...]])
 aria-label="descriptive label"
 class="shaded bigfont" >coreItem text</CORE-ITEM>
Identifiersaria-label, visible text, id, css class, index

Valid Accessors and alternatives: (Assume this is the 6th coreItem in the UI and 2nd coreItem with class "shaded bigfont")
_coreItem("descriptive label")
//visible text
_coreItem("coreItem text")
//visible text with regular expression
_coreItem("/Item te/")
//visible text with regular expression
//css class with index
_coreItem("shaded bigfont[1]")
//css class with regular expression and index
//multiple attributes as JSON
_coreItem({className: "shaded bigfont", sahiIndex: 1})
//multiple attributes as JSON including regular expression
_coreItem({className: "/shaded .*font/", sahiIndex: 1})
// Use sahiIndex for index, className for class and sahiText for visible text attributes.
Relations Relational APIs _in, _near, _leftOf, _rightOf, _under, _above can be used. Relations Sample
// with _in
_coreItem("descriptive label", _in(_div("Container")))

// index with 2 relational APIs, _rightOf and _under
_coreItem(0, _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))

// with regular expression and relations
_coreItem("/bigfont/", _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))
Valuevisible text (this is the default attribute used in assertions etc.)
Actions Default event recorded is _click

Example usage:
_click(_coreItem("descriptive label"));
_click(_coreItem("/bigfont/[1]", _rightOf(_span("Name"))));
Assertions Example assertions:
// Check if element exists
// Check if element is visible
_assertEqual("coreItem text", _getText(_coreItem("coreItem_id")));


Sahi Pro

API_coreLabel(identifier [, relation1 [, relation2 ...]])
 aria-label="descriptive label"
 class="shaded bigfont" >coreLabel text</CORE-LABEL>
Identifiersaria-label, visible text, id, css class, index

Valid Accessors and alternatives: (Assume this is the 6th coreLabel in the UI and 2nd coreLabel with class "shaded bigfont")
_coreLabel("descriptive label")
//visible text
_coreLabel("coreLabel text")
//visible text with regular expression
_coreLabel("/Label te/")
//visible text with regular expression
//css class with index
_coreLabel("shaded bigfont[1]")
//css class with regular expression and index
//multiple attributes as JSON
_coreLabel({className: "shaded bigfont", sahiIndex: 1})
//multiple attributes as JSON including regular expression
_coreLabel({className: "/shaded .*font/", sahiIndex: 1})
// Use sahiIndex for index, className for class and sahiText for visible text attributes.
Relations Relational APIs _in, _near, _leftOf, _rightOf, _under, _above can be used. Relations Sample
// with _in
_coreLabel("descriptive label", _in(_div("Container")))

// index with 2 relational APIs, _rightOf and _under
_coreLabel(0, _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))

// with regular expression and relations
_coreLabel("/bigfont/", _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))
Valuevisible text (this is the default attribute used in assertions etc.)
Actions Default event recorded is _click

Example usage:
_click(_coreLabel("descriptive label"));
_click(_coreLabel("/bigfont/[1]", _rightOf(_span("Name"))));
Assertions Example assertions:
// Check if element exists
// Check if element is visible
_assertEqual("coreLabel text", _getText(_coreLabel("coreLabel_id")));


Sahi Pro

API_coreList(identifier [, relation1 [, relation2 ...]])
 aria-label="descriptive label"
 class="shaded bigfont" >coreList text</CORE-LIST>
Identifiersaria-label, visible text, id, css class, index

Valid Accessors and alternatives: (Assume this is the 6th coreList in the UI and 2nd coreList with class "shaded bigfont")
_coreList("descriptive label")
//visible text
_coreList("coreList text")
//visible text with regular expression
_coreList("/List te/")
//visible text with regular expression
//css class with index
_coreList("shaded bigfont[1]")
//css class with regular expression and index
//multiple attributes as JSON
_coreList({className: "shaded bigfont", sahiIndex: 1})
//multiple attributes as JSON including regular expression
_coreList({className: "/shaded .*font/", sahiIndex: 1})
// Use sahiIndex for index, className for class and sahiText for visible text attributes.
Relations Relational APIs _in, _near, _leftOf, _rightOf, _under, _above can be used. Relations Sample
// with _in
_coreList("descriptive label", _in(_div("Container")))

// index with 2 relational APIs, _rightOf and _under
_coreList(0, _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))

// with regular expression and relations
_coreList("/bigfont/", _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))
Valuevisible text (this is the default attribute used in assertions etc.)
Actions Default event recorded is _click

Example usage:
_click(_coreList("descriptive label"));
_click(_coreList("/bigfont/[1]", _rightOf(_span("Name"))));
Assertions Example assertions:
// Check if element exists
// Check if element is visible
_assertEqual("coreList text", _getText(_coreList("coreList_id")));


Sahi Pro

API_coreLocalstorage(identifier [, relation1 [, relation2 ...]])
 aria-label="descriptive label"
 class="shaded bigfont" >coreLocalstorage text</CORE-LOCALSTORAGE>
Identifiersaria-label, visible text, id, css class, index

Valid Accessors and alternatives: (Assume this is the 6th coreLocalstorage in the UI and 2nd coreLocalstorage with class "shaded bigfont")
_coreLocalstorage("descriptive label")
//visible text
_coreLocalstorage("coreLocalstorage text")
//visible text with regular expression
_coreLocalstorage("/lstorage te/")
//visible text with regular expression
//css class with index
_coreLocalstorage("shaded bigfont[1]")
//css class with regular expression and index
//multiple attributes as JSON
_coreLocalstorage({className: "shaded bigfont", sahiIndex: 1})
//multiple attributes as JSON including regular expression
_coreLocalstorage({className: "/shaded .*font/", sahiIndex: 1})
// Use sahiIndex for index, className for class and sahiText for visible text attributes.
Relations Relational APIs _in, _near, _leftOf, _rightOf, _under, _above can be used. Relations Sample
// with _in
_coreLocalstorage("descriptive label", _in(_div("Container")))

// index with 2 relational APIs, _rightOf and _under
_coreLocalstorage(0, _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))

// with regular expression and relations
_coreLocalstorage("/bigfont/", _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))
Valuevisible text (this is the default attribute used in assertions etc.)
Actions Default event recorded is _click

Example usage:
_click(_coreLocalstorage("descriptive label"));
_click(_coreLocalstorage("/bigfont/[1]", _rightOf(_span("Name"))));
Assertions Example assertions:
// Check if element exists
// Check if element is visible
_assertEqual("coreLocalstorage text", _getText(_coreLocalstorage("coreLocalstorage_id")));


Sahi Pro

API_coreMenu(identifier [, relation1 [, relation2 ...]])
 aria-label="descriptive label"
 class="shaded bigfont" >coreMenu text</CORE-MENU>
Identifiersaria-label, visible text, id, css class, index

Valid Accessors and alternatives: (Assume this is the 6th coreMenu in the UI and 2nd coreMenu with class "shaded bigfont")
_coreMenu("descriptive label")
//visible text
_coreMenu("coreMenu text")
//visible text with regular expression
_coreMenu("/Menu te/")
//visible text with regular expression
//css class with index
_coreMenu("shaded bigfont[1]")
//css class with regular expression and index
//multiple attributes as JSON
_coreMenu({className: "shaded bigfont", sahiIndex: 1})
//multiple attributes as JSON including regular expression
_coreMenu({className: "/shaded .*font/", sahiIndex: 1})
// Use sahiIndex for index, className for class and sahiText for visible text attributes.
Relations Relational APIs _in, _near, _leftOf, _rightOf, _under, _above can be used. Relations Sample
// with _in
_coreMenu("descriptive label", _in(_div("Container")))

// index with 2 relational APIs, _rightOf and _under
_coreMenu(0, _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))

// with regular expression and relations
_coreMenu("/bigfont/", _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))
Valuevisible text (this is the default attribute used in assertions etc.)
Actions Default event recorded is _click

Example usage:
_click(_coreMenu("descriptive label"));
_click(_coreMenu("/bigfont/[1]", _rightOf(_span("Name"))));
Assertions Example assertions:
// Check if element exists
// Check if element is visible
_assertEqual("coreMenu text", _getText(_coreMenu("coreMenu_id")));


Sahi Pro

API_coreSubmenu(identifier [, relation1 [, relation2 ...]])
 aria-label="descriptive label"
 class="shaded bigfont"
 label="elementLabel" >coreSubmenu text</CORE-SUBMENU>
Identifiersaria-label, visible text, id, css class, label

Valid Accessors and alternatives: (Assume this is the 6th coreSubmenu in the UI and 2nd coreSubmenu with class "shaded bigfont")
_coreSubmenu("descriptive label")
//visible text
_coreSubmenu("coreSubmenu text")
//visible text with regular expression
_coreSubmenu("/ubmenu te/")
//visible text with regular expression
//css class with index
_coreSubmenu("shaded bigfont[1]")
//css class with regular expression and index
//multiple attributes as JSON
_coreSubmenu({className: "shaded bigfont", sahiIndex: 1})
//multiple attributes as JSON including regular expression
_coreSubmenu({className: "/shaded .*font/", sahiIndex: 1})
// Use sahiIndex for index, className for class and sahiText for visible text attributes.
Relations Relational APIs _in, _near, _leftOf, _rightOf, _under, _above can be used. Relations Sample
// with _in
_coreSubmenu("descriptive label", _in(_div("Container")))

// index with 2 relational APIs, _rightOf and _under
_coreSubmenu(0, _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))

// with regular expression and relations
_coreSubmenu("/bigfont/", _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))
Valuevisible text (this is the default attribute used in assertions etc.)
Actions Default event recorded is _click

Example usage:
_click(_coreSubmenu("descriptive label"));
_click(_coreSubmenu("/bigfont/[1]", _rightOf(_span("Name"))));
Assertions Example assertions:
// Check if element exists
// Check if element is visible
_assertEqual("coreSubmenu text", _getText(_coreSubmenu("coreSubmenu_id")));


Sahi Pro

API_coreMenuButton(identifier [, relation1 [, relation2 ...]])
 aria-label="descriptive label"
 class="shaded bigfont" >coreMenuButton text</CORE-MENU-BUTTON>
Identifiersaria-label, visible text, id, css class, index

Valid Accessors and alternatives: (Assume this is the 6th coreMenuButton in the UI and 2nd coreMenuButton with class "shaded bigfont")
_coreMenuButton("descriptive label")
//visible text
_coreMenuButton("coreMenuButton text")
//visible text with regular expression
_coreMenuButton("/uButton te/")
//visible text with regular expression
//css class with index
_coreMenuButton("shaded bigfont[1]")
//css class with regular expression and index
//multiple attributes as JSON
_coreMenuButton({className: "shaded bigfont", sahiIndex: 1})
//multiple attributes as JSON including regular expression
_coreMenuButton({className: "/shaded .*font/", sahiIndex: 1})
// Use sahiIndex for index, className for class and sahiText for visible text attributes.
Relations Relational APIs _in, _near, _leftOf, _rightOf, _under, _above can be used. Relations Sample
// with _in
_coreMenuButton("descriptive label", _in(_div("Container")))

// index with 2 relational APIs, _rightOf and _under
_coreMenuButton(0, _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))

// with regular expression and relations
_coreMenuButton("/bigfont/", _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))
Valuevisible text (this is the default attribute used in assertions etc.)
Actions Default event recorded is _click

Example usage:
_click(_coreMenuButton("descriptive label"));
_click(_coreMenuButton("/bigfont/[1]", _rightOf(_span("Name"))));
Assertions Example assertions:
// Check if element exists
// Check if element is visible
_assertEqual("coreMenuButton text", _getText(_coreMenuButton("coreMenuButton_id")));


Sahi Pro

API_coreOverlay(identifier [, relation1 [, relation2 ...]])
 aria-label="descriptive label"
 class="shaded bigfont" >coreOverlay text</CORE-OVERLAY>
Identifiersaria-label, visible text, id, css class, index

Valid Accessors and alternatives: (Assume this is the 6th coreOverlay in the UI and 2nd coreOverlay with class "shaded bigfont")
_coreOverlay("descriptive label")
//visible text
_coreOverlay("coreOverlay text")
//visible text with regular expression
_coreOverlay("/verlay te/")
//visible text with regular expression
//css class with index
_coreOverlay("shaded bigfont[1]")
//css class with regular expression and index
//multiple attributes as JSON
_coreOverlay({className: "shaded bigfont", sahiIndex: 1})
//multiple attributes as JSON including regular expression
_coreOverlay({className: "/shaded .*font/", sahiIndex: 1})
// Use sahiIndex for index, className for class and sahiText for visible text attributes.
Relations Relational APIs _in, _near, _leftOf, _rightOf, _under, _above can be used. Relations Sample
// with _in
_coreOverlay("descriptive label", _in(_div("Container")))

// index with 2 relational APIs, _rightOf and _under
_coreOverlay(0, _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))

// with regular expression and relations
_coreOverlay("/bigfont/", _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))
Valuevisible text (this is the default attribute used in assertions etc.)
Actions Default event recorded is _click

Example usage:
_click(_coreOverlay("descriptive label"));
_click(_coreOverlay("/bigfont/[1]", _rightOf(_span("Name"))));
Assertions Example assertions:
// Check if element exists
// Check if element is visible
_assertEqual("coreOverlay text", _getText(_coreOverlay("coreOverlay_id")));


Sahi Pro

API_corePages(identifier [, relation1 [, relation2 ...]])
 aria-label="descriptive label"
 class="shaded bigfont"
 value="apple" >corePages text</CORE-PAGES>
Identifiersaria-label, visible text, id, css class, index, selected

Valid Accessors and alternatives: (Assume this is the 6th corePages in the UI and 2nd corePages with class "shaded bigfont")
_corePages("descriptive label")
//visible text
_corePages("corePages text")
//visible text with regular expression
_corePages("/Pages te/")
//visible text with regular expression
//css class with index
_corePages("shaded bigfont[1]")
//css class with regular expression and index
//multiple attributes as JSON
_corePages({className: "shaded bigfont", sahiIndex: 1})
//multiple attributes as JSON including regular expression
_corePages({className: "/shaded .*font/", sahiIndex: 1})
// Use sahiIndex for index, className for class and sahiText for visible text attributes.
Relations Relational APIs _in, _near, _leftOf, _rightOf, _under, _above can be used. Relations Sample
// with _in
_corePages("descriptive label", _in(_div("Container")))

// index with 2 relational APIs, _rightOf and _under
_corePages(0, _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))

// with regular expression and relations
_corePages("/bigfont/", _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))
Valuevalue (this is the default attribute used in assertions etc.)
Actions Default event recorded is _click

Example usage:
_click(_corePages("descriptive label"));
_click(_corePages("/bigfont/[1]", _rightOf(_span("Name"))));
Assertions Example assertions:
// Check if element exists
// Check if element is visible
_assertEqual("apple", _getValue(_corePages("corePages_id")));


Sahi Pro

API_coreRange(identifier [, relation1 [, relation2 ...]])
 aria-label="descriptive label"
 class="shaded bigfont" >coreRange text</CORE-RANGE>
Identifiersaria-label, visible text, id, css class, index

Valid Accessors and alternatives: (Assume this is the 6th coreRange in the UI and 2nd coreRange with class "shaded bigfont")
_coreRange("descriptive label")
//visible text
_coreRange("coreRange text")
//visible text with regular expression
_coreRange("/Range te/")
//visible text with regular expression
//css class with index
_coreRange("shaded bigfont[1]")
//css class with regular expression and index
//multiple attributes as JSON
_coreRange({className: "shaded bigfont", sahiIndex: 1})
//multiple attributes as JSON including regular expression
_coreRange({className: "/shaded .*font/", sahiIndex: 1})
// Use sahiIndex for index, className for class and sahiText for visible text attributes.
Relations Relational APIs _in, _near, _leftOf, _rightOf, _under, _above can be used. Relations Sample
// with _in
_coreRange("descriptive label", _in(_div("Container")))

// index with 2 relational APIs, _rightOf and _under
_coreRange(0, _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))

// with regular expression and relations
_coreRange("/bigfont/", _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))
Valuevisible text (this is the default attribute used in assertions etc.)
Actions Default event recorded is _click

Example usage:
_click(_coreRange("descriptive label"));
_click(_coreRange("/bigfont/[1]", _rightOf(_span("Name"))));
Assertions Example assertions:
// Check if element exists
// Check if element is visible
_assertEqual("coreRange text", _getText(_coreRange("coreRange_id")));


Sahi Pro

API_coreScaffold(identifier [, relation1 [, relation2 ...]])
 aria-label="descriptive label"
 class="shaded bigfont" >coreScaffold text</CORE-SCAFFOLD>
Identifiersaria-label, visible text, id, css class, index

Valid Accessors and alternatives: (Assume this is the 6th coreScaffold in the UI and 2nd coreScaffold with class "shaded bigfont")
_coreScaffold("descriptive label")
//visible text
_coreScaffold("coreScaffold text")
//visible text with regular expression
_coreScaffold("/affold te/")
//visible text with regular expression
//css class with index
_coreScaffold("shaded bigfont[1]")
//css class with regular expression and index
//multiple attributes as JSON
_coreScaffold({className: "shaded bigfont", sahiIndex: 1})
//multiple attributes as JSON including regular expression
_coreScaffold({className: "/shaded .*font/", sahiIndex: 1})
// Use sahiIndex for index, className for class and sahiText for visible text attributes.
Relations Relational APIs _in, _near, _leftOf, _rightOf, _under, _above can be used. Relations Sample
// with _in
_coreScaffold("descriptive label", _in(_div("Container")))

// index with 2 relational APIs, _rightOf and _under
_coreScaffold(0, _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))

// with regular expression and relations
_coreScaffold("/bigfont/", _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))
Valuevisible text (this is the default attribute used in assertions etc.)
Actions Default event recorded is _click

Example usage:
_click(_coreScaffold("descriptive label"));
_click(_coreScaffold("/bigfont/[1]", _rightOf(_span("Name"))));
Assertions Example assertions:
// Check if element exists
// Check if element is visible
_assertEqual("coreScaffold text", _getText(_coreScaffold("coreScaffold_id")));


Sahi Pro

API_coreScrollHeaderPanel(identifier [, relation1 [, relation2 ...]])
 aria-label="descriptive label"
 class="shaded bigfont" >coreScrollHeaderPanel text</CORE-SCROLL-HEADER-PANEL>
Identifiersaria-label, visible text, id, css class, index

Valid Accessors and alternatives: (Assume this is the 6th coreScrollHeaderPanel in the UI and 2nd coreScrollHeaderPanel with class "shaded bigfont")
_coreScrollHeaderPanel("descriptive label")
//visible text
_coreScrollHeaderPanel("coreScrollHeaderPanel text")
//visible text with regular expression
_coreScrollHeaderPanel("/HeaderPanel te/")
//visible text with regular expression
//css class with index
_coreScrollHeaderPanel("shaded bigfont[1]")
//css class with regular expression and index
//multiple attributes as JSON
_coreScrollHeaderPanel({className: "shaded bigfont", sahiIndex: 1})
//multiple attributes as JSON including regular expression
_coreScrollHeaderPanel({className: "/shaded .*font/", sahiIndex: 1})
// Use sahiIndex for index, className for class and sahiText for visible text attributes.
Relations Relational APIs _in, _near, _leftOf, _rightOf, _under, _above can be used. Relations Sample
// with _in
_coreScrollHeaderPanel("descriptive label", _in(_div("Container")))

// index with 2 relational APIs, _rightOf and _under
_coreScrollHeaderPanel(0, _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))

// with regular expression and relations
_coreScrollHeaderPanel("/bigfont/", _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))
Valuevisible text (this is the default attribute used in assertions etc.)
Actions Default event recorded is _click

Example usage:
_click(_coreScrollHeaderPanel("descriptive label"));
_click(_coreScrollHeaderPanel("/bigfont/[1]", _rightOf(_span("Name"))));
Assertions Example assertions:
// Check if element exists
// Check if element is visible
_assertEqual("coreScrollHeaderPanel text", _getText(_coreScrollHeaderPanel("coreScrollHeaderPanel_id")));


Sahi Pro

API_coreScrollThreshold(identifier [, relation1 [, relation2 ...]])
 aria-label="descriptive label"
 class="shaded bigfont" >coreScrollThreshold text</CORE-SCROLL-THRESHOLD>
Identifiersaria-label, visible text, id, css class, index

Valid Accessors and alternatives: (Assume this is the 6th coreScrollThreshold in the UI and 2nd coreScrollThreshold with class "shaded bigfont")
_coreScrollThreshold("descriptive label")
//visible text
_coreScrollThreshold("coreScrollThreshold text")
//visible text with regular expression
_coreScrollThreshold("/lThreshold te/")
//visible text with regular expression
//css class with index
_coreScrollThreshold("shaded bigfont[1]")
//css class with regular expression and index
//multiple attributes as JSON
_coreScrollThreshold({className: "shaded bigfont", sahiIndex: 1})
//multiple attributes as JSON including regular expression
_coreScrollThreshold({className: "/shaded .*font/", sahiIndex: 1})
// Use sahiIndex for index, className for class and sahiText for visible text attributes.
Relations Relational APIs _in, _near, _leftOf, _rightOf, _under, _above can be used. Relations Sample
// with _in
_coreScrollThreshold("descriptive label", _in(_div("Container")))

// index with 2 relational APIs, _rightOf and _under
_coreScrollThreshold(0, _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))

// with regular expression and relations
_coreScrollThreshold("/bigfont/", _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))
Valuevisible text (this is the default attribute used in assertions etc.)
Actions Default event recorded is _click

Example usage:
_click(_coreScrollThreshold("descriptive label"));
_click(_coreScrollThreshold("/bigfont/[1]", _rightOf(_span("Name"))));
Assertions Example assertions:
// Check if element exists
// Check if element is visible
_assertEqual("coreScrollThreshold text", _getText(_coreScrollThreshold("coreScrollThreshold_id")));


Sahi Pro

API_coreSelection(identifier [, relation1 [, relation2 ...]])
 aria-label="descriptive label"
 class="shaded bigfont" >coreSelection text</CORE-SELECTION>
Identifiersaria-label, visible text, id, css class, index

Valid Accessors and alternatives: (Assume this is the 6th coreSelection in the UI and 2nd coreSelection with class "shaded bigfont")
_coreSelection("descriptive label")
//visible text
_coreSelection("coreSelection text")
//visible text with regular expression
_coreSelection("/lection te/")
//visible text with regular expression
//css class with index
_coreSelection("shaded bigfont[1]")
//css class with regular expression and index
//multiple attributes as JSON
_coreSelection({className: "shaded bigfont", sahiIndex: 1})
//multiple attributes as JSON including regular expression
_coreSelection({className: "/shaded .*font/", sahiIndex: 1})
// Use sahiIndex for index, className for class and sahiText for visible text attributes.
Relations Relational APIs _in, _near, _leftOf, _rightOf, _under, _above can be used. Relations Sample
// with _in
_coreSelection("descriptive label", _in(_div("Container")))

// index with 2 relational APIs, _rightOf and _under
_coreSelection(0, _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))

// with regular expression and relations
_coreSelection("/bigfont/", _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))
Valuevisible text (this is the default attribute used in assertions etc.)
Actions Default event recorded is _click

Example usage:
_click(_coreSelection("descriptive label"));
_click(_coreSelection("/bigfont/[1]", _rightOf(_span("Name"))));
Assertions Example assertions:
// Check if element exists
// Check if element is visible
_assertEqual("coreSelection text", _getText(_coreSelection("coreSelection_id")));


Sahi Pro

API_coreSelector(identifier [, relation1 [, relation2 ...]])
 aria-label="descriptive label"
 class="shaded bigfont"
 value="apple" >coreSelector text</CORE-SELECTOR>
Identifiersaria-label, visible text, id, css class, index, selected

Valid Accessors and alternatives: (Assume this is the 6th coreSelector in the UI and 2nd coreSelector with class "shaded bigfont")
_coreSelector("descriptive label")
//visible text
_coreSelector("coreSelector text")
//visible text with regular expression
_coreSelector("/lector te/")
//visible text with regular expression
//css class with index
_coreSelector("shaded bigfont[1]")
//css class with regular expression and index
//multiple attributes as JSON
_coreSelector({className: "shaded bigfont", sahiIndex: 1})
//multiple attributes as JSON including regular expression
_coreSelector({className: "/shaded .*font/", sahiIndex: 1})
// Use sahiIndex for index, className for class and sahiText for visible text attributes.
Relations Relational APIs _in, _near, _leftOf, _rightOf, _under, _above can be used. Relations Sample
// with _in
_coreSelector("descriptive label", _in(_div("Container")))

// index with 2 relational APIs, _rightOf and _under
_coreSelector(0, _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))

// with regular expression and relations
_coreSelector("/bigfont/", _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))
Valuevalue (this is the default attribute used in assertions etc.)
Actions Default event recorded is _click

Example usage:
_click(_coreSelector("descriptive label"));
_click(_coreSelector("/bigfont/[1]", _rightOf(_span("Name"))));
Assertions Example assertions:
// Check if element exists
// Check if element is visible
_assertEqual("apple", _getValue(_coreSelector("coreSelector_id")));


Sahi Pro

API_coreSplitter(identifier [, relation1 [, relation2 ...]])
 aria-label="descriptive label"
 class="shaded bigfont" >coreSplitter text</CORE-SPLITTER>
Identifiersaria-label, visible text, id, css class, index

Valid Accessors and alternatives: (Assume this is the 6th coreSplitter in the UI and 2nd coreSplitter with class "shaded bigfont")
_coreSplitter("descriptive label")
//visible text
_coreSplitter("coreSplitter text")
//visible text with regular expression
_coreSplitter("/litter te/")
//visible text with regular expression
//css class with index
_coreSplitter("shaded bigfont[1]")
//css class with regular expression and index
//multiple attributes as JSON
_coreSplitter({className: "shaded bigfont", sahiIndex: 1})
//multiple attributes as JSON including regular expression
_coreSplitter({className: "/shaded .*font/", sahiIndex: 1})
// Use sahiIndex for index, className for class and sahiText for visible text attributes.
Relations Relational APIs _in, _near, _leftOf, _rightOf, _under, _above can be used. Relations Sample
// with _in
_coreSplitter("descriptive label", _in(_div("Container")))

// index with 2 relational APIs, _rightOf and _under
_coreSplitter(0, _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))

// with regular expression and relations
_coreSplitter("/bigfont/", _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))
Valuevisible text (this is the default attribute used in assertions etc.)
Actions Default event recorded is _click

Example usage:
_click(_coreSplitter("descriptive label"));
_click(_coreSplitter("/bigfont/[1]", _rightOf(_span("Name"))));
Assertions Example assertions:
// Check if element exists
// Check if element is visible
_assertEqual("coreSplitter text", _getText(_coreSplitter("coreSplitter_id")));


Sahi Pro

API_coreTooltip(identifier [, relation1 [, relation2 ...]])
 aria-label="descriptive label"
 class="shaded bigfont" >coreTooltip text</CORE-TOOLTIP>
Identifiersaria-label, visible text, id, css class, index

Valid Accessors and alternatives: (Assume this is the 6th coreTooltip in the UI and 2nd coreTooltip with class "shaded bigfont")
_coreTooltip("descriptive label")
//visible text
_coreTooltip("coreTooltip text")
//visible text with regular expression
_coreTooltip("/ooltip te/")
//visible text with regular expression
//css class with index
_coreTooltip("shaded bigfont[1]")
//css class with regular expression and index
//multiple attributes as JSON
_coreTooltip({className: "shaded bigfont", sahiIndex: 1})
//multiple attributes as JSON including regular expression
_coreTooltip({className: "/shaded .*font/", sahiIndex: 1})
// Use sahiIndex for index, className for class and sahiText for visible text attributes.
Relations Relational APIs _in, _near, _leftOf, _rightOf, _under, _above can be used. Relations Sample
// with _in
_coreTooltip("descriptive label", _in(_div("Container")))

// index with 2 relational APIs, _rightOf and _under
_coreTooltip(0, _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))

// with regular expression and relations
_coreTooltip("/bigfont/", _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))
Valuevisible text (this is the default attribute used in assertions etc.)
Actions Default event recorded is _click

Example usage:
_click(_coreTooltip("descriptive label"));
_click(_coreTooltip("/bigfont/[1]", _rightOf(_span("Name"))));
Assertions Example assertions:
// Check if element exists
// Check if element is visible
_assertEqual("coreTooltip text", _getText(_coreTooltip("coreTooltip_id")));


Sahi Pro

API_paperButton(identifier [, relation1 [, relation2 ...]])
 aria-label="descriptive label"
 class="shaded bigfont" >paperButton text</PAPER-BUTTON>
Identifiersaria-label, visible text, id, css class, index

Valid Accessors and alternatives: (Assume this is the 6th paperButton in the UI and 2nd paperButton with class "shaded bigfont")
_paperButton("descriptive label")
//visible text
_paperButton("paperButton text")
//visible text with regular expression
_paperButton("/Button te/")
//visible text with regular expression
//css class with index
_paperButton("shaded bigfont[1]")
//css class with regular expression and index
//multiple attributes as JSON
_paperButton({className: "shaded bigfont", sahiIndex: 1})
//multiple attributes as JSON including regular expression
_paperButton({className: "/shaded .*font/", sahiIndex: 1})
// Use sahiIndex for index, className for class and sahiText for visible text attributes.
Relations Relational APIs _in, _near, _leftOf, _rightOf, _under, _above can be used. Relations Sample
// with _in
_paperButton("descriptive label", _in(_div("Container")))

// index with 2 relational APIs, _rightOf and _under
_paperButton(0, _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))

// with regular expression and relations
_paperButton("/bigfont/", _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))
Valuevisible text (this is the default attribute used in assertions etc.)
Actions Default event recorded is _click

Example usage:
_click(_paperButton("descriptive label"));
_click(_paperButton("/bigfont/[1]", _rightOf(_span("Name"))));
Assertions Example assertions:
// Check if element exists
// Check if element is visible
_assertEqual("paperButton text", _getText(_paperButton("paperButton_id")));


Sahi Pro

API_paperCheckbox(identifier [, relation1 [, relation2 ...]])
 aria-label="descriptive label"
 class="shaded bigfont" >paperCheckbox text</PAPER-CHECKBOX>
Identifiersaria-label, visible text, id, css class, index

Valid Accessors and alternatives: (Assume this is the 6th paperCheckbox in the UI and 2nd paperCheckbox with class "shaded bigfont")
_paperCheckbox("descriptive label")
//visible text
_paperCheckbox("paperCheckbox text")
//visible text with regular expression
_paperCheckbox("/heckbox te/")
//visible text with regular expression
//css class with index
_paperCheckbox("shaded bigfont[1]")
//css class with regular expression and index
//multiple attributes as JSON
_paperCheckbox({className: "shaded bigfont", sahiIndex: 1})
//multiple attributes as JSON including regular expression
_paperCheckbox({className: "/shaded .*font/", sahiIndex: 1})
// Use sahiIndex for index, className for class and sahiText for visible text attributes.
Relations Relational APIs _in, _near, _leftOf, _rightOf, _under, _above can be used. Relations Sample
// with _in
_paperCheckbox("descriptive label", _in(_div("Container")))

// index with 2 relational APIs, _rightOf and _under
_paperCheckbox(0, _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))

// with regular expression and relations
_paperCheckbox("/bigfont/", _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))
Valuevisible text (this is the default attribute used in assertions etc.)
Actions Default event recorded is _click

Example usage:
_click(_paperCheckbox("descriptive label"));
_click(_paperCheckbox("/bigfont/[1]", _rightOf(_span("Name"))));
Assertions Example assertions:
// Check if element exists
// Check if element is visible
_assertEqual("paperCheckbox text", _getText(_paperCheckbox("paperCheckbox_id")));


Sahi Pro

API_paperActionDialog(identifier [, relation1 [, relation2 ...]])
 aria-label="descriptive label"
 class="shaded bigfont" >paperActionDialog text</PAPER-ACTION-DIALOG>
Identifiersaria-label, visible text, id, css class, index

Valid Accessors and alternatives: (Assume this is the 6th paperActionDialog in the UI and 2nd paperActionDialog with class "shaded bigfont")
_paperActionDialog("descriptive label")
//visible text
_paperActionDialog("paperActionDialog text")
//visible text with regular expression
_paperActionDialog("/ionDialog te/")
//visible text with regular expression
//css class with index
_paperActionDialog("shaded bigfont[1]")
//css class with regular expression and index
//multiple attributes as JSON
_paperActionDialog({className: "shaded bigfont", sahiIndex: 1})
//multiple attributes as JSON including regular expression
_paperActionDialog({className: "/shaded .*font/", sahiIndex: 1})
// Use sahiIndex for index, className for class and sahiText for visible text attributes.
Relations Relational APIs _in, _near, _leftOf, _rightOf, _under, _above can be used. Relations Sample
// with _in
_paperActionDialog("descriptive label", _in(_div("Container")))

// index with 2 relational APIs, _rightOf and _under
_paperActionDialog(0, _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))

// with regular expression and relations
_paperActionDialog("/bigfont/", _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))
Valuevisible text (this is the default attribute used in assertions etc.)
Actions Default event recorded is _click

Example usage:
_click(_paperActionDialog("descriptive label"));
_click(_paperActionDialog("/bigfont/[1]", _rightOf(_span("Name"))));
Assertions Example assertions:
// Check if element exists
// Check if element is visible
_assertEqual("paperActionDialog text", _getText(_paperActionDialog("paperActionDialog_id")));


Sahi Pro

API_paperDialogBase(identifier [, relation1 [, relation2 ...]])
 aria-label="descriptive label"
 class="shaded bigfont" >paperDialogBase text</PAPER-DIALOG-BASE>
Identifiersaria-label, visible text, id, css class, index

Valid Accessors and alternatives: (Assume this is the 6th paperDialogBase in the UI and 2nd paperDialogBase with class "shaded bigfont")
_paperDialogBase("descriptive label")
//visible text
_paperDialogBase("paperDialogBase text")
//visible text with regular expression
_paperDialogBase("/alogBase te/")
//visible text with regular expression
//css class with index
_paperDialogBase("shaded bigfont[1]")
//css class with regular expression and index
//multiple attributes as JSON
_paperDialogBase({className: "shaded bigfont", sahiIndex: 1})
//multiple attributes as JSON including regular expression
_paperDialogBase({className: "/shaded .*font/", sahiIndex: 1})
// Use sahiIndex for index, className for class and sahiText for visible text attributes.
Relations Relational APIs _in, _near, _leftOf, _rightOf, _under, _above can be used. Relations Sample
// with _in
_paperDialogBase("descriptive label", _in(_div("Container")))

// index with 2 relational APIs, _rightOf and _under
_paperDialogBase(0, _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))

// with regular expression and relations
_paperDialogBase("/bigfont/", _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))
Valuevisible text (this is the default attribute used in assertions etc.)
Actions Default event recorded is _click

Example usage:
_click(_paperDialogBase("descriptive label"));
_click(_paperDialogBase("/bigfont/[1]", _rightOf(_span("Name"))));
Assertions Example assertions:
// Check if element exists
// Check if element is visible
_assertEqual("paperDialogBase text", _getText(_paperDialogBase("paperDialogBase_id")));


Sahi Pro

API_paperDialog(identifier [, relation1 [, relation2 ...]])
 aria-label="descriptive label"
 class="shaded bigfont" >paperDialog text</PAPER-DIALOG>
Identifiersaria-label, visible text, id, css class, index, heading

Valid Accessors and alternatives: (Assume this is the 6th paperDialog in the UI and 2nd paperDialog with class "shaded bigfont")
_paperDialog("descriptive label")
//visible text
_paperDialog("paperDialog text")
//visible text with regular expression
_paperDialog("/Dialog te/")
//visible text with regular expression
//css class with index
_paperDialog("shaded bigfont[1]")
//css class with regular expression and index
//multiple attributes as JSON
_paperDialog({className: "shaded bigfont", sahiIndex: 1})
//multiple attributes as JSON including regular expression
_paperDialog({className: "/shaded .*font/", sahiIndex: 1})
// Use sahiIndex for index, className for class and sahiText for visible text attributes.
Relations Relational APIs _in, _near, _leftOf, _rightOf, _under, _above can be used. Relations Sample
// with _in
_paperDialog("descriptive label", _in(_div("Container")))

// index with 2 relational APIs, _rightOf and _under
_paperDialog(0, _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))

// with regular expression and relations
_paperDialog("/bigfont/", _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))
Valuevisible text (this is the default attribute used in assertions etc.)
Actions Default event recorded is _click

Example usage:
_click(_paperDialog("descriptive label"));
_click(_paperDialog("/bigfont/[1]", _rightOf(_span("Name"))));
Assertions Example assertions:
// Check if element exists
// Check if element is visible
_assertEqual("paperDialog text", _getText(_paperDialog("paperDialog_id")));


Sahi Pro

API_paperDropdown(identifier [, relation1 [, relation2 ...]])
 aria-label="descriptive label"
 class="shaded bigfont"
 value="apple" >paperDropdown text</PAPER-DROPDOWN>
Identifiersaria-label, visible text, id, css class, index, selected

Valid Accessors and alternatives: (Assume this is the 6th paperDropdown in the UI and 2nd paperDropdown with class "shaded bigfont")
_paperDropdown("descriptive label")
//visible text
_paperDropdown("paperDropdown text")
//visible text with regular expression
_paperDropdown("/ropdown te/")
//visible text with regular expression
//css class with index
_paperDropdown("shaded bigfont[1]")
//css class with regular expression and index
//multiple attributes as JSON
_paperDropdown({className: "shaded bigfont", sahiIndex: 1})
//multiple attributes as JSON including regular expression
_paperDropdown({className: "/shaded .*font/", sahiIndex: 1})
// Use sahiIndex for index, className for class and sahiText for visible text attributes.
Relations Relational APIs _in, _near, _leftOf, _rightOf, _under, _above can be used. Relations Sample
// with _in
_paperDropdown("descriptive label", _in(_div("Container")))

// index with 2 relational APIs, _rightOf and _under
_paperDropdown(0, _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))

// with regular expression and relations
_paperDropdown("/bigfont/", _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))
Valuevalue (this is the default attribute used in assertions etc.)
Actions Default event recorded is _click

Example usage:
_click(_paperDropdown("descriptive label"));
_click(_paperDropdown("/bigfont/[1]", _rightOf(_span("Name"))));
Assertions Example assertions:
// Check if element exists
// Check if element is visible
_assertEqual("apple", _getValue(_paperDropdown("paperDropdown_id")));


Sahi Pro

API_paperDropdownMenu(identifier [, relation1 [, relation2 ...]])
 aria-label="descriptive label"
 class="shaded bigfont"
 label="elementLabel" >paperDropdownMenu text</PAPER-DROPDOWN-MENU>
Identifiersaria-label, visible text, id, css class, index, label

Valid Accessors and alternatives: (Assume this is the 6th paperDropdownMenu in the UI and 2nd paperDropdownMenu with class "shaded bigfont")
_paperDropdownMenu("descriptive label")
//visible text
_paperDropdownMenu("paperDropdownMenu text")
//visible text with regular expression
_paperDropdownMenu("/pdownMenu te/")
//visible text with regular expression
//css class with index
_paperDropdownMenu("shaded bigfont[1]")
//css class with regular expression and index
//multiple attributes as JSON
_paperDropdownMenu({className: "shaded bigfont", sahiIndex: 1})
//multiple attributes as JSON including regular expression
_paperDropdownMenu({className: "/shaded .*font/", sahiIndex: 1})
// Use sahiIndex for index, className for class and sahiText for visible text attributes.
Relations Relational APIs _in, _near, _leftOf, _rightOf, _under, _above can be used. Relations Sample
// with _in
_paperDropdownMenu("descriptive label", _in(_div("Container")))

// index with 2 relational APIs, _rightOf and _under
_paperDropdownMenu(0, _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))

// with regular expression and relations
_paperDropdownMenu("/bigfont/", _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))
Valuevisible text (this is the default attribute used in assertions etc.)
Actions Default event recorded is _click

Example usage:
_click(_paperDropdownMenu("descriptive label"));
_click(_paperDropdownMenu("/bigfont/[1]", _rightOf(_span("Name"))));
Assertions Example assertions:
// Check if element exists
// Check if element is visible
_assertEqual("paperDropdownMenu text", _getText(_paperDropdownMenu("paperDropdownMenu_id")));


Sahi Pro

API_paperIconButton(identifier [, relation1 [, relation2 ...]])
 aria-label="descriptive label"
 class="shaded bigfont"
 src="" >paperIconButton text</PAPER-ICON-BUTTON>
Identifiersaria-label, visible text, id, css class, index, icon, src

Valid Accessors and alternatives: (Assume this is the 6th paperIconButton in the UI and 2nd paperIconButton with class "shaded bigfont")
_paperIconButton("descriptive label")
//visible text
_paperIconButton("paperIconButton text")
//visible text with regular expression
_paperIconButton("/onButton te/")
//visible text with regular expression
//css class with index
_paperIconButton("shaded bigfont[1]")
//css class with regular expression and index
//multiple attributes as JSON
_paperIconButton({className: "shaded bigfont", sahiIndex: 1})
//multiple attributes as JSON including regular expression
_paperIconButton({className: "/shaded .*font/", sahiIndex: 1})
// Use sahiIndex for index, className for class and sahiText for visible text attributes.
Relations Relational APIs _in, _near, _leftOf, _rightOf, _under, _above can be used. Relations Sample
// with _in
_paperIconButton("descriptive label", _in(_div("Container")))

// index with 2 relational APIs, _rightOf and _under
_paperIconButton(0, _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))

// with regular expression and relations
_paperIconButton("/bigfont/", _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))
Valuevisible text (this is the default attribute used in assertions etc.)
Actions Default event recorded is _click

Example usage:
_click(_paperIconButton("descriptive label"));
_click(_paperIconButton("/bigfont/[1]", _rightOf(_span("Name"))));
Assertions Example assertions:
// Check if element exists
// Check if element is visible
_assertEqual("paperIconButton text", _getText(_paperIconButton("paperIconButton_id")));


Sahi Pro

API_paperAutogrowTextarea(identifier [, relation1 [, relation2 ...]])
 aria-label="descriptive label"
 class="shaded bigfont" >paperAutogrowTextarea text</PAPER-AUTOGROW-TEXTAREA>
Identifiersaria-label, visible text, id, css class, index

Valid Accessors and alternatives: (Assume this is the 6th paperAutogrowTextarea in the UI and 2nd paperAutogrowTextarea with class "shaded bigfont")
_paperAutogrowTextarea("descriptive label")
//visible text
_paperAutogrowTextarea("paperAutogrowTextarea text")
//visible text with regular expression
_paperAutogrowTextarea("/rowTextarea te/")
//visible text with regular expression
//css class with index
_paperAutogrowTextarea("shaded bigfont[1]")
//css class with regular expression and index
//multiple attributes as JSON
_paperAutogrowTextarea({className: "shaded bigfont", sahiIndex: 1})
//multiple attributes as JSON including regular expression
_paperAutogrowTextarea({className: "/shaded .*font/", sahiIndex: 1})
// Use sahiIndex for index, className for class and sahiText for visible text attributes.
Relations Relational APIs _in, _near, _leftOf, _rightOf, _under, _above can be used. Relations Sample
// with _in
_paperAutogrowTextarea("descriptive label", _in(_div("Container")))

// index with 2 relational APIs, _rightOf and _under
_paperAutogrowTextarea(0, _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))

// with regular expression and relations
_paperAutogrowTextarea("/bigfont/", _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))
Valuevisible text (this is the default attribute used in assertions etc.)
Actions Default event recorded is _click

Example usage:
_click(_paperAutogrowTextarea("descriptive label"));
_click(_paperAutogrowTextarea("/bigfont/[1]", _rightOf(_span("Name"))));
Assertions Example assertions:
// Check if element exists
// Check if element is visible
_assertEqual("paperAutogrowTextarea text", _getText(_paperAutogrowTextarea("paperAutogrowTextarea_id")));


Sahi Pro

API_paperCharCounter(identifier [, relation1 [, relation2 ...]])
 aria-label="descriptive label"
 class="shaded bigfont" >paperCharCounter text</PAPER-CHAR-COUNTER>
Identifiersaria-label, visible text, id, css class, index, target

Valid Accessors and alternatives: (Assume this is the 6th paperCharCounter in the UI and 2nd paperCharCounter with class "shaded bigfont")
_paperCharCounter("descriptive label")
//visible text
_paperCharCounter("paperCharCounter text")
//visible text with regular expression
_paperCharCounter("/rCounter te/")
//visible text with regular expression
//css class with index
_paperCharCounter("shaded bigfont[1]")
//css class with regular expression and index
//multiple attributes as JSON
_paperCharCounter({className: "shaded bigfont", sahiIndex: 1})
//multiple attributes as JSON including regular expression
_paperCharCounter({className: "/shaded .*font/", sahiIndex: 1})
// Use sahiIndex for index, className for class and sahiText for visible text attributes.
Relations Relational APIs _in, _near, _leftOf, _rightOf, _under, _above can be used. Relations Sample
// with _in
_paperCharCounter("descriptive label", _in(_div("Container")))

// index with 2 relational APIs, _rightOf and _under
_paperCharCounter(0, _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))

// with regular expression and relations
_paperCharCounter("/bigfont/", _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))
Valuevisible text (this is the default attribute used in assertions etc.)
Actions Default event recorded is _click

Example usage:
_click(_paperCharCounter("descriptive label"));
_click(_paperCharCounter("/bigfont/[1]", _rightOf(_span("Name"))));
Assertions Example assertions:
// Check if element exists
// Check if element is visible
_assertEqual("paperCharCounter text", _getText(_paperCharCounter("paperCharCounter_id")));


Sahi Pro

API_paperInputDecorator(identifier [, relation1 [, relation2 ...]])
 aria-label="descriptive label"
 class="shaded bigfont"
 value="apple" >paperInputDecorator text</PAPER-INPUT-DECORATOR>
Identifiersaria-label, visible text, id, css class, index, label

Valid Accessors and alternatives: (Assume this is the 6th paperInputDecorator in the UI and 2nd paperInputDecorator with class "shaded bigfont")
_paperInputDecorator("descriptive label")
//visible text
_paperInputDecorator("paperInputDecorator text")
//visible text with regular expression
_paperInputDecorator("/tDecorator te/")
//visible text with regular expression
//css class with index
_paperInputDecorator("shaded bigfont[1]")
//css class with regular expression and index
//multiple attributes as JSON
_paperInputDecorator({className: "shaded bigfont", sahiIndex: 1})
//multiple attributes as JSON including regular expression
_paperInputDecorator({className: "/shaded .*font/", sahiIndex: 1})
// Use sahiIndex for index, className for class and sahiText for visible text attributes.
Relations Relational APIs _in, _near, _leftOf, _rightOf, _under, _above can be used. Relations Sample
// with _in
_paperInputDecorator("descriptive label", _in(_div("Container")))

// index with 2 relational APIs, _rightOf and _under
_paperInputDecorator(0, _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))

// with regular expression and relations
_paperInputDecorator("/bigfont/", _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))
Valuevalue (this is the default attribute used in assertions etc.)
Actions Default event recorded is _click

Example usage:
_click(_paperInputDecorator("descriptive label"));
_click(_paperInputDecorator("/bigfont/[1]", _rightOf(_span("Name"))));
Assertions Example assertions:
// Check if element exists
// Check if element is visible
_assertEqual("apple", _getValue(_paperInputDecorator("paperInputDecorator_id")));


Sahi Pro

API_paperInput(identifier [, relation1 [, relation2 ...]])
 aria-label="descriptive label"
 class="shaded bigfont" >paperInput text</PAPER-INPUT>
Identifiersaria-label, visible text, id, css class, index

Valid Accessors and alternatives: (Assume this is the 6th paperInput in the UI and 2nd paperInput with class "shaded bigfont")
_paperInput("descriptive label")
//visible text
_paperInput("paperInput text")
//visible text with regular expression
_paperInput("/Input te/")
//visible text with regular expression
//css class with index
_paperInput("shaded bigfont[1]")
//css class with regular expression and index
//multiple attributes as JSON
_paperInput({className: "shaded bigfont", sahiIndex: 1})
//multiple attributes as JSON including regular expression
_paperInput({className: "/shaded .*font/", sahiIndex: 1})
// Use sahiIndex for index, className for class and sahiText for visible text attributes.
Relations Relational APIs _in, _near, _leftOf, _rightOf, _under, _above can be used. Relations Sample
// with _in
_paperInput("descriptive label", _in(_div("Container")))

// index with 2 relational APIs, _rightOf and _under
_paperInput(0, _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))

// with regular expression and relations
_paperInput("/bigfont/", _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))
Valuevisible text (this is the default attribute used in assertions etc.)
Actions Default event recorded is

Example usage:
_click(_paperInput("descriptive label"));
_click(_paperInput("/bigfont/[1]", _rightOf(_span("Name"))));
Assertions Example assertions:
// Check if element exists
// Check if element is visible
_assertEqual("paperInput text", _getText(_paperInput("paperInput_id")));


Sahi Pro

API_paperItem(identifier [, relation1 [, relation2 ...]])
 aria-label="descriptive label"
 class="shaded bigfont" >paperItem text</PAPER-ITEM>
Identifiersaria-label, visible text, id, css class, index

Valid Accessors and alternatives: (Assume this is the 6th paperItem in the UI and 2nd paperItem with class "shaded bigfont")
_paperItem("descriptive label")
//visible text
_paperItem("paperItem text")
//visible text with regular expression
_paperItem("/rItem te/")
//visible text with regular expression
//css class with index
_paperItem("shaded bigfont[1]")
//css class with regular expression and index
//multiple attributes as JSON
_paperItem({className: "shaded bigfont", sahiIndex: 1})
//multiple attributes as JSON including regular expression
_paperItem({className: "/shaded .*font/", sahiIndex: 1})
// Use sahiIndex for index, className for class and sahiText for visible text attributes.
Relations Relational APIs _in, _near, _leftOf, _rightOf, _under, _above can be used. Relations Sample
// with _in
_paperItem("descriptive label", _in(_div("Container")))

// index with 2 relational APIs, _rightOf and _under
_paperItem(0, _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))

// with regular expression and relations
_paperItem("/bigfont/", _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))
Valuevisible text (this is the default attribute used in assertions etc.)
Actions Default event recorded is _click

Example usage:
_click(_paperItem("descriptive label"));
_click(_paperItem("/bigfont/[1]", _rightOf(_span("Name"))));
Assertions Example assertions:
// Check if element exists
// Check if element is visible
_assertEqual("paperItem text", _getText(_paperItem("paperItem_id")));


Sahi Pro

API_paperMenuButton(identifier [, relation1 [, relation2 ...]])
 aria-label="descriptive label"
 class="shaded bigfont" >paperMenuButton text</PAPER-MENU-BUTTON>
Identifiersaria-label, visible text, id, css class, index

Valid Accessors and alternatives: (Assume this is the 6th paperMenuButton in the UI and 2nd paperMenuButton with class "shaded bigfont")
_paperMenuButton("descriptive label")
//visible text
_paperMenuButton("paperMenuButton text")
//visible text with regular expression
_paperMenuButton("/nuButton te/")
//visible text with regular expression
//css class with index
_paperMenuButton("shaded bigfont[1]")
//css class with regular expression and index
//multiple attributes as JSON
_paperMenuButton({className: "shaded bigfont", sahiIndex: 1})
//multiple attributes as JSON including regular expression
_paperMenuButton({className: "/shaded .*font/", sahiIndex: 1})
// Use sahiIndex for index, className for class and sahiText for visible text attributes.
Relations Relational APIs _in, _near, _leftOf, _rightOf, _under, _above can be used. Relations Sample
// with _in
_paperMenuButton("descriptive label", _in(_div("Container")))

// index with 2 relational APIs, _rightOf and _under
_paperMenuButton(0, _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))

// with regular expression and relations
_paperMenuButton("/bigfont/", _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))
Valuevisible text (this is the default attribute used in assertions etc.)
Actions Default event recorded is _click

Example usage:
_click(_paperMenuButton("descriptive label"));
_click(_paperMenuButton("/bigfont/[1]", _rightOf(_span("Name"))));
Assertions Example assertions:
// Check if element exists
// Check if element is visible
_assertEqual("paperMenuButton text", _getText(_paperMenuButton("paperMenuButton_id")));


Sahi Pro

API_paperProgress(identifier [, relation1 [, relation2 ...]])
 aria-label="descriptive label"
 class="shaded bigfont"
 value="apple" >paperProgress text</PAPER-PROGRESS>
Identifiersaria-label, visible text, id, css class, index, value

Valid Accessors and alternatives: (Assume this is the 6th paperProgress in the UI and 2nd paperProgress with class "shaded bigfont")
_paperProgress("descriptive label")
//visible text
_paperProgress("paperProgress text")
//visible text with regular expression
_paperProgress("/rogress te/")
//visible text with regular expression
//css class with index
_paperProgress("shaded bigfont[1]")
//css class with regular expression and index
//multiple attributes as JSON
_paperProgress({className: "shaded bigfont", sahiIndex: 1})
//multiple attributes as JSON including regular expression
_paperProgress({className: "/shaded .*font/", sahiIndex: 1})
// Use sahiIndex for index, className for class and sahiText for visible text attributes.
Relations Relational APIs _in, _near, _leftOf, _rightOf, _under, _above can be used. Relations Sample
// with _in
_paperProgress("descriptive label", _in(_div("Container")))

// index with 2 relational APIs, _rightOf and _under
_paperProgress(0, _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))

// with regular expression and relations
_paperProgress("/bigfont/", _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))
Valuevisible text (this is the default attribute used in assertions etc.)
Actions Default event recorded is _click

Example usage:
_click(_paperProgress("descriptive label"));
_click(_paperProgress("/bigfont/[1]", _rightOf(_span("Name"))));
Assertions Example assertions:
// Check if element exists
// Check if element is visible
_assertEqual("paperProgress text", _getText(_paperProgress("paperProgress_id")));


Sahi Pro

API_paperRadioButton(identifier [, relation1 [, relation2 ...]])
 aria-label="descriptive label"
 class="shaded bigfont" >paperRadioButton text</PAPER-RADIO-BUTTON>
Identifiersaria-label, visible text, id, css class, index

Valid Accessors and alternatives: (Assume this is the 6th paperRadioButton in the UI and 2nd paperRadioButton with class "shaded bigfont")
_paperRadioButton("descriptive label")
//visible text
_paperRadioButton("paperRadioButton text")
//visible text with regular expression
_paperRadioButton("/ioButton te/")
//visible text with regular expression
//css class with index
_paperRadioButton("shaded bigfont[1]")
//css class with regular expression and index
//multiple attributes as JSON
_paperRadioButton({className: "shaded bigfont", sahiIndex: 1})
//multiple attributes as JSON including regular expression
_paperRadioButton({className: "/shaded .*font/", sahiIndex: 1})
// Use sahiIndex for index, className for class and sahiText for visible text attributes.
Relations Relational APIs _in, _near, _leftOf, _rightOf, _under, _above can be used. Relations Sample
// with _in
_paperRadioButton("descriptive label", _in(_div("Container")))

// index with 2 relational APIs, _rightOf and _under
_paperRadioButton(0, _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))

// with regular expression and relations
_paperRadioButton("/bigfont/", _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))
Valuevisible text (this is the default attribute used in assertions etc.)
Actions Default event recorded is _click

Example usage:
_click(_paperRadioButton("descriptive label"));
_click(_paperRadioButton("/bigfont/[1]", _rightOf(_span("Name"))));
Assertions Example assertions:
// Check if element exists
// Check if element is visible
_assertEqual("paperRadioButton text", _getText(_paperRadioButton("paperRadioButton_id")));


Sahi Pro

API_paperRadioGroup(identifier [, relation1 [, relation2 ...]])
 aria-label="descriptive label"
 class="shaded bigfont"
 value="apple" >paperRadioGroup text</PAPER-RADIO-GROUP>
Identifiersaria-label, visible text, id, css class, index

Valid Accessors and alternatives: (Assume this is the 6th paperRadioGroup in the UI and 2nd paperRadioGroup with class "shaded bigfont")
_paperRadioGroup("descriptive label")
//visible text
_paperRadioGroup("paperRadioGroup text")
//visible text with regular expression
_paperRadioGroup("/dioGroup te/")
//visible text with regular expression
//css class with index
_paperRadioGroup("shaded bigfont[1]")
//css class with regular expression and index
//multiple attributes as JSON
_paperRadioGroup({className: "shaded bigfont", sahiIndex: 1})
//multiple attributes as JSON including regular expression
_paperRadioGroup({className: "/shaded .*font/", sahiIndex: 1})
// Use sahiIndex for index, className for class and sahiText for visible text attributes.
Relations Relational APIs _in, _near, _leftOf, _rightOf, _under, _above can be used. Relations Sample
// with _in
_paperRadioGroup("descriptive label", _in(_div("Container")))

// index with 2 relational APIs, _rightOf and _under
_paperRadioGroup(0, _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))

// with regular expression and relations
_paperRadioGroup("/bigfont/", _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))
Valuevalue (this is the default attribute used in assertions etc.)
Actions Default event recorded is _click

Example usage:
_click(_paperRadioGroup("descriptive label"));
_click(_paperRadioGroup("/bigfont/[1]", _rightOf(_span("Name"))));
Assertions Example assertions:
// Check if element exists
// Check if element is visible
_assertEqual("apple", _getValue(_paperRadioGroup("paperRadioGroup_id")));


Sahi Pro

API_paperRipple(identifier [, relation1 [, relation2 ...]])
 aria-label="descriptive label"
 class="shaded bigfont" >paperRipple text</PAPER-RIPPLE>
Identifiersaria-label, visible text, id, css class, index

Valid Accessors and alternatives: (Assume this is the 6th paperRipple in the UI and 2nd paperRipple with class "shaded bigfont")
_paperRipple("descriptive label")
//visible text
_paperRipple("paperRipple text")
//visible text with regular expression
_paperRipple("/Ripple te/")
//visible text with regular expression
//css class with index
_paperRipple("shaded bigfont[1]")
//css class with regular expression and index
//multiple attributes as JSON
_paperRipple({className: "shaded bigfont", sahiIndex: 1})
//multiple attributes as JSON including regular expression
_paperRipple({className: "/shaded .*font/", sahiIndex: 1})
// Use sahiIndex for index, className for class and sahiText for visible text attributes.
Relations Relational APIs _in, _near, _leftOf, _rightOf, _under, _above can be used. Relations Sample
// with _in
_paperRipple("descriptive label", _in(_div("Container")))

// index with 2 relational APIs, _rightOf and _under
_paperRipple(0, _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))

// with regular expression and relations
_paperRipple("/bigfont/", _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))
Valuevisible text (this is the default attribute used in assertions etc.)
Actions Default event recorded is

Example usage:
_click(_paperRipple("descriptive label"));
_click(_paperRipple("/bigfont/[1]", _rightOf(_span("Name"))));
Assertions Example assertions:
// Check if element exists
// Check if element is visible
_assertEqual("paperRipple text", _getText(_paperRipple("paperRipple_id")));


Sahi Pro

API_paperShadow(identifier [, relation1 [, relation2 ...]])
 aria-label="descriptive label"
 class="shaded bigfont" >paperShadow text</PAPER-SHADOW>
Identifiersaria-label, visible text, id, css class, index, z

Valid Accessors and alternatives: (Assume this is the 6th paperShadow in the UI and 2nd paperShadow with class "shaded bigfont")
_paperShadow("descriptive label")
//visible text
_paperShadow("paperShadow text")
//visible text with regular expression
_paperShadow("/Shadow te/")
//visible text with regular expression
//css class with index
_paperShadow("shaded bigfont[1]")
//css class with regular expression and index
//multiple attributes as JSON
_paperShadow({className: "shaded bigfont", sahiIndex: 1})
//multiple attributes as JSON including regular expression
_paperShadow({className: "/shaded .*font/", sahiIndex: 1})
// Use sahiIndex for index, className for class and sahiText for visible text attributes.
Relations Relational APIs _in, _near, _leftOf, _rightOf, _under, _above can be used. Relations Sample
// with _in
_paperShadow("descriptive label", _in(_div("Container")))

// index with 2 relational APIs, _rightOf and _under
_paperShadow(0, _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))

// with regular expression and relations
_paperShadow("/bigfont/", _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))
Valuevisible text (this is the default attribute used in assertions etc.)
Actions Default event recorded is _click

Example usage:
_click(_paperShadow("descriptive label"));
_click(_paperShadow("/bigfont/[1]", _rightOf(_span("Name"))));
Assertions Example assertions:
// Check if element exists
// Check if element is visible
_assertEqual("paperShadow text", _getText(_paperShadow("paperShadow_id")));


Sahi Pro

API_paperSlider(identifier [, relation1 [, relation2 ...]])
 aria-label="descriptive label"
 class="shaded bigfont" >paperSlider text</PAPER-SLIDER>
Identifiersaria-label, visible text, id, css class, index

Valid Accessors and alternatives: (Assume this is the 6th paperSlider in the UI and 2nd paperSlider with class "shaded bigfont")
_paperSlider("descriptive label")
//visible text
_paperSlider("paperSlider text")
//visible text with regular expression
_paperSlider("/Slider te/")
//visible text with regular expression
//css class with index
_paperSlider("shaded bigfont[1]")
//css class with regular expression and index
//multiple attributes as JSON
_paperSlider({className: "shaded bigfont", sahiIndex: 1})
//multiple attributes as JSON including regular expression
_paperSlider({className: "/shaded .*font/", sahiIndex: 1})
// Use sahiIndex for index, className for class and sahiText for visible text attributes.
Relations Relational APIs _in, _near, _leftOf, _rightOf, _under, _above can be used. Relations Sample
// with _in
_paperSlider("descriptive label", _in(_div("Container")))

// index with 2 relational APIs, _rightOf and _under
_paperSlider(0, _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))

// with regular expression and relations
_paperSlider("/bigfont/", _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))
Valuevisible text (this is the default attribute used in assertions etc.)
Actions Default event recorded is _click

Example usage:
_click(_paperSlider("descriptive label"));
_click(_paperSlider("/bigfont/[1]", _rightOf(_span("Name"))));
Assertions Example assertions:
// Check if element exists
// Check if element is visible
_assertEqual("paperSlider text", _getText(_paperSlider("paperSlider_id")));


Sahi Pro

API_paperSpinner(identifier [, relation1 [, relation2 ...]])
 aria-label="descriptive label"
 class="shaded bigfont" >paperSpinner text</PAPER-SPINNER>
Identifiersaria-label, visible text, id, css class, index

Valid Accessors and alternatives: (Assume this is the 6th paperSpinner in the UI and 2nd paperSpinner with class "shaded bigfont")
_paperSpinner("descriptive label")
//visible text
_paperSpinner("paperSpinner text")
//visible text with regular expression
_paperSpinner("/pinner te/")
//visible text with regular expression
//css class with index
_paperSpinner("shaded bigfont[1]")
//css class with regular expression and index
//multiple attributes as JSON
_paperSpinner({className: "shaded bigfont", sahiIndex: 1})
//multiple attributes as JSON including regular expression
_paperSpinner({className: "/shaded .*font/", sahiIndex: 1})
// Use sahiIndex for index, className for class and sahiText for visible text attributes.
Relations Relational APIs _in, _near, _leftOf, _rightOf, _under, _above can be used. Relations Sample
// with _in
_paperSpinner("descriptive label", _in(_div("Container")))

// index with 2 relational APIs, _rightOf and _under
_paperSpinner(0, _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))

// with regular expression and relations
_paperSpinner("/bigfont/", _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))
Valuevisible text (this is the default attribute used in assertions etc.)
Actions Default event recorded is _click

Example usage:
_click(_paperSpinner("descriptive label"));
_click(_paperSpinner("/bigfont/[1]", _rightOf(_span("Name"))));
Assertions Example assertions:
// Check if element exists
// Check if element is visible
_assertEqual("paperSpinner text", _getText(_paperSpinner("paperSpinner_id")));


Sahi Pro

API_paperTabs(identifier [, relation1 [, relation2 ...]])
 aria-label="descriptive label"
 class="shaded bigfont" >paperTabs text</PAPER-TABS>
Identifiersaria-label, visible text, id, css class, index

Valid Accessors and alternatives: (Assume this is the 6th paperTabs in the UI and 2nd paperTabs with class "shaded bigfont")
_paperTabs("descriptive label")
//visible text
_paperTabs("paperTabs text")
//visible text with regular expression
_paperTabs("/rTabs te/")
//visible text with regular expression
//css class with index
_paperTabs("shaded bigfont[1]")
//css class with regular expression and index
//multiple attributes as JSON
_paperTabs({className: "shaded bigfont", sahiIndex: 1})
//multiple attributes as JSON including regular expression
_paperTabs({className: "/shaded .*font/", sahiIndex: 1})
// Use sahiIndex for index, className for class and sahiText for visible text attributes.
Relations Relational APIs _in, _near, _leftOf, _rightOf, _under, _above can be used. Relations Sample
// with _in
_paperTabs("descriptive label", _in(_div("Container")))

// index with 2 relational APIs, _rightOf and _under
_paperTabs(0, _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))

// with regular expression and relations
_paperTabs("/bigfont/", _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))
Valuevisible text (this is the default attribute used in assertions etc.)
Actions Default event recorded is _click

Example usage:
_click(_paperTabs("descriptive label"));
_click(_paperTabs("/bigfont/[1]", _rightOf(_span("Name"))));
Assertions Example assertions:
// Check if element exists
// Check if element is visible
_assertEqual("paperTabs text", _getText(_paperTabs("paperTabs_id")));


Sahi Pro

API_paperTab(identifier [, relation1 [, relation2 ...]])
 aria-label="descriptive label"
 class="shaded bigfont" >paperTab text</PAPER-TAB>
Identifiersaria-label, visible text, id, css class, index

Valid Accessors and alternatives: (Assume this is the 6th paperTab in the UI and 2nd paperTab with class "shaded bigfont")
_paperTab("descriptive label")
//visible text
_paperTab("paperTab text")
//visible text with regular expression
_paperTab("/rTab te/")
//visible text with regular expression
//css class with index
_paperTab("shaded bigfont[1]")
//css class with regular expression and index
//multiple attributes as JSON
_paperTab({className: "shaded bigfont", sahiIndex: 1})
//multiple attributes as JSON including regular expression
_paperTab({className: "/shaded .*font/", sahiIndex: 1})
// Use sahiIndex for index, className for class and sahiText for visible text attributes.
Relations Relational APIs _in, _near, _leftOf, _rightOf, _under, _above can be used. Relations Sample
// with _in
_paperTab("descriptive label", _in(_div("Container")))

// index with 2 relational APIs, _rightOf and _under
_paperTab(0, _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))

// with regular expression and relations
_paperTab("/bigfont/", _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))
Valuevisible text (this is the default attribute used in assertions etc.)
Actions Default event recorded is _click

Example usage:
_click(_paperTab("descriptive label"));
_click(_paperTab("/bigfont/[1]", _rightOf(_span("Name"))));
Assertions Example assertions:
// Check if element exists
// Check if element is visible
_assertEqual("paperTab text", _getText(_paperTab("paperTab_id")));


Sahi Pro

API_paperToast(identifier [, relation1 [, relation2 ...]])
 aria-label="descriptive label"
 class="shaded bigfont" >paperToast text</PAPER-TOAST>
Identifiersaria-label, visible text, id, css class, index

Valid Accessors and alternatives: (Assume this is the 6th paperToast in the UI and 2nd paperToast with class "shaded bigfont")
_paperToast("descriptive label")
//visible text
_paperToast("paperToast text")
//visible text with regular expression
_paperToast("/Toast te/")
//visible text with regular expression
//css class with index
_paperToast("shaded bigfont[1]")
//css class with regular expression and index
//multiple attributes as JSON
_paperToast({className: "shaded bigfont", sahiIndex: 1})
//multiple attributes as JSON including regular expression
_paperToast({className: "/shaded .*font/", sahiIndex: 1})
// Use sahiIndex for index, className for class and sahiText for visible text attributes.
Relations Relational APIs _in, _near, _leftOf, _rightOf, _under, _above can be used. Relations Sample
// with _in
_paperToast("descriptive label", _in(_div("Container")))

// index with 2 relational APIs, _rightOf and _under
_paperToast(0, _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))

// with regular expression and relations
_paperToast("/bigfont/", _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))
Valuevisible text (this is the default attribute used in assertions etc.)
Actions Default event recorded is _click

Example usage:
_click(_paperToast("descriptive label"));
_click(_paperToast("/bigfont/[1]", _rightOf(_span("Name"))));
Assertions Example assertions:
// Check if element exists
// Check if element is visible
_assertEqual("paperToast text", _getText(_paperToast("paperToast_id")));


Sahi Pro

API_paperToggleButton(identifier [, relation1 [, relation2 ...]])
 aria-label="descriptive label"
 class="shaded bigfont"
 value="apple" >paperToggleButton text</PAPER-TOGGLE-BUTTON>
Identifiersaria-label, visible text, id, css class, index

Valid Accessors and alternatives: (Assume this is the 6th paperToggleButton in the UI and 2nd paperToggleButton with class "shaded bigfont")
_paperToggleButton("descriptive label")
//visible text
_paperToggleButton("paperToggleButton text")
//visible text with regular expression
_paperToggleButton("/gleButton te/")
//visible text with regular expression
//css class with index
_paperToggleButton("shaded bigfont[1]")
//css class with regular expression and index
//multiple attributes as JSON
_paperToggleButton({className: "shaded bigfont", sahiIndex: 1})
//multiple attributes as JSON including regular expression
_paperToggleButton({className: "/shaded .*font/", sahiIndex: 1})
// Use sahiIndex for index, className for class and sahiText for visible text attributes.
Relations Relational APIs _in, _near, _leftOf, _rightOf, _under, _above can be used. Relations Sample
// with _in
_paperToggleButton("descriptive label", _in(_div("Container")))

// index with 2 relational APIs, _rightOf and _under
_paperToggleButton(0, _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))

// with regular expression and relations
_paperToggleButton("/bigfont/", _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))
Valuevalue (this is the default attribute used in assertions etc.)
Actions Default event recorded is _click

Example usage:
_click(_paperToggleButton("descriptive label"));
_click(_paperToggleButton("/bigfont/[1]", _rightOf(_span("Name"))));
Assertions Example assertions:
// Check if element exists
// Check if element is visible
_assertEqual("apple", _getValue(_paperToggleButton("paperToggleButton_id")));


Sahi Pro

API_paperFab(identifier [, relation1 [, relation2 ...]])
 aria-label="descriptive label"
 class="shaded bigfont"
 value="apple" >paperFab text</PAPER-FAB>
Identifiersaria-label, visible text, id, css class, index, icon

Valid Accessors and alternatives: (Assume this is the 6th paperFab in the UI and 2nd paperFab with class "shaded bigfont")
_paperFab("descriptive label")
//visible text
_paperFab("paperFab text")
//visible text with regular expression
_paperFab("/rFab te/")
//visible text with regular expression
//css class with index
_paperFab("shaded bigfont[1]")
//css class with regular expression and index
//multiple attributes as JSON
_paperFab({className: "shaded bigfont", sahiIndex: 1})
//multiple attributes as JSON including regular expression
_paperFab({className: "/shaded .*font/", sahiIndex: 1})
// Use sahiIndex for index, className for class and sahiText for visible text attributes.
Relations Relational APIs _in, _near, _leftOf, _rightOf, _under, _above can be used. Relations Sample
// with _in
_paperFab("descriptive label", _in(_div("Container")))

// index with 2 relational APIs, _rightOf and _under
_paperFab(0, _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))

// with regular expression and relations
_paperFab("/bigfont/", _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))
Valuevalue (this is the default attribute used in assertions etc.)
Actions Default event recorded is _click

Example usage:
_click(_paperFab("descriptive label"));
_click(_paperFab("/bigfont/[1]", _rightOf(_span("Name"))));
Assertions Example assertions:
// Check if element exists
// Check if element is visible
_assertEqual("apple", _getValue(_paperFab("paperFab_id")));


Sahi Pro

API_selectInput(identifier [, relation1 [, relation2 ...]])
 aria-label="descriptive label"
 class="shaded bigfont"
 value="apple" >selectInput text</SELECT-INPUT>
Identifiersaria-label, visible text, id, css class, index, icon

Valid Accessors and alternatives: (Assume this is the 6th selectInput in the UI and 2nd selectInput with class "shaded bigfont")
_selectInput("descriptive label")
//visible text
_selectInput("selectInput text")
//visible text with regular expression
_selectInput("/tInput te/")
//visible text with regular expression
//css class with index
_selectInput("shaded bigfont[1]")
//css class with regular expression and index
//multiple attributes as JSON
_selectInput({className: "shaded bigfont", sahiIndex: 1})
//multiple attributes as JSON including regular expression
_selectInput({className: "/shaded .*font/", sahiIndex: 1})
// Use sahiIndex for index, className for class and sahiText for visible text attributes.
Relations Relational APIs _in, _near, _leftOf, _rightOf, _under, _above can be used. Relations Sample
// with _in
_selectInput("descriptive label", _in(_div("Container")))

// index with 2 relational APIs, _rightOf and _under
_selectInput(0, _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))

// with regular expression and relations
_selectInput("/bigfont/", _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))
Valuevalue (this is the default attribute used in assertions etc.)
Actions Default event recorded is _click

Example usage:
_click(_selectInput("descriptive label"));
_click(_selectInput("/bigfont/[1]", _rightOf(_span("Name"))));
Assertions Example assertions:
// Check if element exists
// Check if element is visible
_assertEqual("apple", _getValue(_selectInput("selectInput_id")));


Sahi Pro

API_selectInputItem(identifier [, relation1 [, relation2 ...]])
 aria-label="descriptive label"
 class="shaded bigfont"
 value="apple" >selectInputItem text</SELECT-INPUT-ITEM>
Identifiersaria-label, visible text, id, css class, index, icon

Valid Accessors and alternatives: (Assume this is the 6th selectInputItem in the UI and 2nd selectInputItem with class "shaded bigfont")
_selectInputItem("descriptive label")
//visible text
_selectInputItem("selectInputItem text")
//visible text with regular expression
_selectInputItem("/nputItem te/")
//visible text with regular expression
//css class with index
_selectInputItem("shaded bigfont[1]")
//css class with regular expression and index
//multiple attributes as JSON
_selectInputItem({className: "shaded bigfont", sahiIndex: 1})
//multiple attributes as JSON including regular expression
_selectInputItem({className: "/shaded .*font/", sahiIndex: 1})
// Use sahiIndex for index, className for class and sahiText for visible text attributes.
Relations Relational APIs _in, _near, _leftOf, _rightOf, _under, _above can be used. Relations Sample
// with _in
_selectInputItem("descriptive label", _in(_div("Container")))

// index with 2 relational APIs, _rightOf and _under
_selectInputItem(0, _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))

// with regular expression and relations
_selectInputItem("/bigfont/", _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))
Valuevalue (this is the default attribute used in assertions etc.)
Actions Default event recorded is _click

Example usage:
_click(_selectInputItem("descriptive label"));
_click(_selectInputItem("/bigfont/[1]", _rightOf(_span("Name"))));
Assertions Example assertions:
// Check if element exists
// Check if element is visible
_assertEqual("apple", _getValue(_selectInputItem("selectInputItem_id")));