Javascript Dialogs
Browser modal dialogs can be troublesome for automation testers. Since it is a modal, the browser does not proceed with automation unless someone acts upon these dialogs. Sahi is built for parallel playback where browsers need not be in focus. Sahi has specific mechanisms to deal with modal dialogs.Sahi handles these dialogs by mocking them out. You will not see a dialog box when you playback via Sahi. However you will be able to control the user interaction with these dialogs with specific Sahi APIs.
An alert box looks like this:
$allalerts | boolean optional | If true, returns array of all alert messages. |
Return Value
string | last alert message if $allalerts is false |
array of strings | an array of all alert messages in the browser if $allalerts is true |
Modes Supported :
Raw Script
//return array of all alerts in the browser.
var $allAlerts = _lastAlert(true);
//return only last alert.
var $lastAlert= _lastAlert();
Sahi Pro Classic API :_lastAlert
Expect Alert tells Sahi to react with OK for a dialog with given message.
NOTE: To log javascript popup messages in reports, value must be provided for the properties. For more details refer here.
$message | string | message to expect in dialog. This can also be a regular expression |
$persist | boolean optional | if true, will accept a single _expectAlert statement for all alerts coming after the statement. If false, will accept only the next alert box to work with the _expectAlert statement. Default is false. |
Return Value
Modes Supported :
Raw Script
//If Alert word expect in dialog then Sahi react with OK.
_expectAlert("/abc/",true); //Accept all alerts with "abc" message.
_expectAlert("/abc/"); //Accept only the next alert with "abc" message.
Sahi Pro Classic API :_expectAlert
Removes the last alert from session so that further occurrence of alerts can be checked
None |
Return Value
Modes Supported :
Raw Script
Sahi Pro Classic API :_clearLastAlert
Alert Example
_expectAlert("/abc/", false); // Tell Sahi to press OK for dialog with message containing "abc"
_click(_button("Click Me")); // trigger the alert
_assertEqual("abc", _lastAlert()); // verify the alert message
A confirm dialog looks like this:
$allconfirms | boolean optional | If true, returns array of all confirm dialog messages. |
Return Value
string | last confirm message if $allconfirms is false |
array of strings | an array of all confirm messages in the browser if $allconfirms is true |
Modes Supported :
Raw Script
//return array of all Confirms in the browser.
var $allConfirms = _lastConfirm(true);
//return only last Confirm.
var $lastConfirm= _lastConfirm();
Sahi Pro Classic API :_lastConfirm
Expect Confirm tells Sahi to react with OK or Cancel for a dialog with given message.
NOTE: To log javascript popup messages in reports, value must be provided for the properties. For more details refer here.
$message | string | message to expect in dialog. This can also be a regular expression |
$value | boolean | if true will press OK when a confirm dialog with given message appears. If false, will click on Cancel. |
$persist | boolean optional | if true, will accept a single _expectConfirm statement for all confirms coming after the statement. If false, will accept only the next confirm box to work with the _expectConfirm statement. Default is false. |
Return Value
Modes Supported :
Raw Script
Sahi Pro Classic API :_expectConfirm
Removes the last confirm from session so that further occurrence of confirms can be checked
None |
Return Value
Modes Supported :
Raw Script
Sahi Pro Classic API :_clearLastConfirm
Confirm Example
// To click Cancel, use
_expectConfirm("/question/", false); // Tell Sahi to press Cancel for dialog with message containing "question"
_click(_button("Click For Confirm")); // Invoke the dialog
// Sahi would click cancel on it now
_assertEqual("Some question?", _lastConfirm()); // verify the actual confirm message
A prompt box looks like this:
$allprompts | boolean optional | If true, returns array of all prompt messages. |
Return Value
string | last prompt message if $allprompts is false |
array of strings | an array of all prompt messages in the browser if $allprompts is true |
Modes Supported :
Raw Script
//return array of all Prompts in the browser.
var $allPrompts = _lastPrompt(true);
//return only last Prompt.
var $lastPrompt= _lastPrompt();
Sahi Pro Classic API :_lastPrompt
Expect Prompt tells Sahi to respond with given response for a prompt dialog with given promptMessage.
$persist added in 7.5.0. Scripts written before 7.5.0 do NOT need changes.
NOTE: To log javascript popup messages in reports, value must be provided for the properties. For more details refer here.
$promptMessage | string | message to expect in dialog. This can also be a regular expression |
$response | string | Response to enter into the prompt. null to behave as if Cancel was pressed. |
$persist | boolean optional | if true, will accept a single _expectPrompt statement for all prompts coming after the statement. If false, will accept only the next prompt box to work with the _expectPrompt statement. Default is false. Added in 7.5.0 |
Return Value
Modes Supported :
Raw Script
Sahi Pro Classic API :_expectPrompt
Removes the last prompt from session so that further occurrence of prompts can be checked
None |
Return Value
Modes Supported :
Raw Script
Sahi Pro Classic API :_clearLastPrompt
Prompt Example
_expectPrompt("/Some prom/", "abc"); // set expectation
_click(_button("Click For Prompt")); // click for prompt
// abc would be entered by Sahi in the prompt box.
_assertEqual(_lastPrompt(), "Some prompt?"); // verify the full prompt dialog message
Print dialog
Calling the print dilaog during functional test automation is not of much use. However, we can verify if window.print() was called using the following APIsParameters
None |
Return Value
boolean | true if window.print() was called, else false |
Modes Supported :
Raw Script
Sahi Pro Classic API :_printCalled
Expect Print tells Sahi to react with CANCEL for a print dialog.
NOTE: To log javascript popup messages in reports, value must be provided for the properties. For more details refer here.
$persist | boolean optional | if true, will accept a single _expectPrint statement for all prints coming after the statement. If false, will accept only the next print box to work with the _expectPrint statement. Default is false. |
Return Value
Modes Supported :
Raw Script
Sahi Pro Classic API :_expectPrint
Resets _printCalled to false, so that _printCalled can be checked once more in the script.
None |
Return Value
Modes Supported :
Raw Script
Sahi Pro Classic API :_clearPrintCalled
infoYou will not see the print dialog box during playback as Sahi handles it. If you still want the print dialog to be displayed, refer the example below.
_call(_sahi.displayPrintDialog=true); // Enable displaying print dialog
_click(_submit("Print Records")); // Perform action to launch the print dialog