Windows APIs

Windows automation is supported since Sahi Pro Desktop Add-on

Set Selected Excel Tab

Select the specified sheet in Excel

$elementstring Excel Sheet.
Return Value

Modes Supported :
Raw Script
_selectWindow("Book1 - Excel");
_setSelectedExcelTab("Sheet2");   // selects "Sheet2" tab in Book1 - Excel.

Sahi Pro Classic API :_setSelectedExcelTab

Set Cell

Value entered into the specified cell of the currently selected sheet Supports only cells within MS Excel framework

$elementWindows element cell whose value is to be set
$valuestring Value to be set
Return Value

Modes Supported :
Raw Script

Sahi Pro Classic API :_setCell

Type Cell

Value appended to the specific cell of the currently selected sheet Supports only cells within MS Excel framework

$elementWindows element cell element in which the text is to be typed
$valuestring Value to be set
Return Value

Modes Supported :
Raw Script

Sahi Pro Classic API :_typeCell


Simulates a drag action

$dragElementWindows element element to be dragged
Return Value

Modes Supported :
Raw Script
// Drag the item

Sahi Pro Classic API :_drag


Simulates a drag and drop action

$dropElementWindows element where the dragged element will be dropped
Return Value

Modes Supported :
Raw Script
// Drop it at images folder

Sahi Pro Classic API :_drop


Attach Exe

Launches application with NX extension DLL for the specified architecture of a control in a window.

$exeArgsstring path of the application including command line arguments.
$archinteger architecture of the executable program. Can be either 32 or 64.
Return Value

Modes Supported :
Raw Script
_attachExe("app.exe -someOption=1",32);

Sahi Pro Classic API :_attachExe


Attaches the NX extension DLL for the specified coordinates and architecture of a control in a window.
info Note: To make the Attach API work it is required to start the SahiWinNX.exe or SahiWinNX64.exe under SAHI_INSTALLATION/windows/bin directory.
info Note: Use this action only if you don't have access to the application's executable file or the application doesn't have an executable format.

$xinteger x-coordinate of the control
$yinteger y-coordinate of the control
$archinteger architecture of the executable program. Can be either 32 or 64
Return Value

Modes Supported :
Raw Script
_selectWindow("Application window name");
$pos = _position(_pane("Custom1"));

Sahi Pro Classic API :_attach


Starts capturing native text API calls for the specified coordinates of a control in a window.

$xinteger x-coordinate of the control
$yinteger y-coordinate of the control
Return Value

Modes Supported :
Raw Script
$pos = _position(_pane("Custom1"));
_wait(2000); // specify wait for the NX extension to capture adequate UI render calls

Sahi Pro Classic API :_capture

Capture UI

Starts capturing native text API calls for the specified coordinates of a control in a window.

$windowNamestring name of the application window
$controlstring name of the control inside the window
$durationinteger optionalduration for capturing UI render calls in milliseconds
Return Value

Modes Supported :
Raw Script
_captureUI("windowName", "custom1");
_captureUI("windowName", "custom1", 5000);

Sahi Pro Classic API :_captureUI

Stop Capture

Stops capturing UI render calls. Contructs the NX psuedo-element tables after this call.

Return Value

Modes Supported :
Raw Script
var $pos = _position(_pane("Custom1"));
_wait(2000); // specify wait for the NX extension to capture adequate UI render calls

Sahi Pro Classic API :_stopCapture

Nx Table Count

Gets the number of tables.

Return Value
integerNumber of tables rendered from NX

Modes Supported :
Raw Script
//example using _capture API
var $pos = _position(_pane("Custom1"));
_wait(2000); // specify wait for the NX extension to capture adequate UI render calls
var $noOfTables = _nxTableCount();

Sahi Pro Classic API :_nxTableCount

Nx Table

Gets the table data for a given table index.

$tableinteger Index of the table for getting the table data
Return Value
objectTable data containing rows and cells

Modes Supported :
Raw Script
var $pos = _position(_pane("Custom1"));
var $table = _nxTable(0);
/* returns [[{"text":"&File","x":687,"y":387,"tab":0,"row":0,"col":0}
            ,{"text":"&Help","x":809,"y":387,"tab":0,"row":0,"col":3}]] */

Sahi Pro Classic API :_nxTable

Nx Cell

Gets the cell data for given row, column and table index.

$rowinteger Index of the row
$columninteger Index of the column
$tableinteger Index of the table
Return Value
objectcell data

Modes Supported :
Raw Script
_selectWindow("MFC Grid Control Demo");
var $pos = _position(_pane("Custom1"));
_caputureUI("windowName", "control");
var $cell = _nxCell(0,0,0); // returns {"text":"&File","x":687,"y":387,"tab":0,"row":0,"col":0}

Sahi Pro Classic API :_nxCell