Logging APIs

abstract Logging APIs allow adding additional information to playback logs.


$messagestring Message to log
$logTypestring optional Specifies the type of log statement. FAILURE will mark the step as failed (in red) and also fail the script. The other modes display the step in different colors. Can be one of "INFO", "SUCCESS", "FAILURE", "CUSTOM", "CUSTOM1", "CUSTOM2", "CUSTOM3", "CUSTOM4", "CUSTOM5" Defaults to "INFO"
$imagePathstring optional
Path to image file which will be logged along with the message. Relative paths will be resolved relative to current script. Introduced since Sahi Pro 6.0.0
Path to image file which will be logged along with the message. Relative paths will be resolved relative to files folder of the current project. Introduced since Sahi Pro 6.0.0
Return Value

Modes Supported :
Raw Script
_log("Current user is " + $user); // Will log as plain text

_log("Current user is " + $user, "CUSTOM1"); // Will log in a different color

_log("Current user is " + $user, "INFO", "tiger.png"); // Will also add tiger.png in logs.

Sahi Pro Classic API :_log

Log Exception

Log Exception is used within a catch block to log the Exception in playback logs. The logged line will be in plain text and the script status will not be affected by this.

$exceptionException Exception passed to catch block
Return Value

Modes Supported :
Raw Script
  _click(_link("does not exist"));
  _logException($e); // Logs the exception, but does not fail

Sahi Pro Classic API :_logException

Log Exception As Failure

Log Exception As Failure is used within a catch block to log the Exception in playback logs. The logged line will be in red and the script will be marked failed because of this.

$exceptionException Exception passed to catch block
Return Value

Modes Supported :
Raw Script
  _click(_link("does not exist"));
  _logExceptionAsFailure($e); // Logs the exception, and fails,
   // and in the logs, points to the original line as source of failure.

Sahi Pro Classic API :_logExceptionAsFailure

Log Image

Path to image file which will be logged along with the message. Relative paths will be resolved relative to current script.
Path to image file which will be logged along with the message. Relative paths will be resolved relative to files folder of the current project.
$messagestring optionalMessage to log
$logTypestring optional Changes the color in which log statement is displayed. Can be one of "INFO", "SUCCESS", "FAILURE", "CUSTOM", "CUSTOM1", "CUSTOM2", "CUSTOM3", "CUSTOM4", "CUSTOM5" Defaults to "INFO"
Return Value

Modes Supported :
Raw Script
_logImage("../tiger.png"); // Will add the image to logs

_logImage("C:/tiger.png", "This is a tiger"); // Will log image along with message

_logImage("C:/tiger.png", "This is a tiger in custom log message", "CUSTOM1");
// Will log image with message in a different color

Sahi Pro Classic API :_logImage

Log Output

Log Output allows concatenating multiple output messages during a script execution, and display the concatenated string in the script and suite reports.

Sample Script:

$messagestring Message to log
Return Value

Modes Supported :
Raw Script
_logOutput("Script started."); // Logging output: Script started. 
_setValue(_textbox("user"), "test");
_setValue(_password("password"), "secret");
_logOutput("Login passed."); // Logging output: Login passed.
_logOutput("Script stopped."); // Logging output: Script stopped.

Sahi Pro Classic API :_logOutput


Artifact is used to save a file as part of the logs. For example, one may want to store a report from your application along with the script report. Each artifact is uniquely named and associated with a script report, so that multiple runs do not over write the same artifact file.

A link to the artifact will be visible on the script report. All artifacts in a suite can be downloaded as a zip from the suite report page.

File path of the artifact files. If artifactPath is a relative path, it is evaluated relative to the script that includes it. Can be folder path. Wildcard * is also supported.
File path of the artifact files. If artifactPath is a relative path, it is evaluated relative to the files folder of the current project. Can be folder path. Wildcard * is also supported.
$labelstring optionalLabel to add to the artifacts. If the label is not specified its default value will be artifactPath.
Return Value

Modes Supported :
Raw Script
_artifact("data.xls"); // Logging artifact: data.xls

_artifact("../myartifacts/*.txt", "all"); // Logging artifact: all

Sahi Pro Classic API :_artifact

Masking logs

Mask Logs

Mask Logs tells Sahi not to display further steps in the playback logs and in the Controller. This is used when sensitive information like password may be entered via script, but we do not want it stored/displayed anywhere Toggled by _unmaskLogs.

$messagestring optionalMessage to print when logging this mask statement
Return Value

Modes Supported :
Raw Script

Sahi Pro Classic API :_maskLogs

Unmask Logs

Unmask Logs tells Sahi to start displaying steps in the playback logs and in the Controller. Used after _maskLogs.

$messagestring optionalMessage to print when logging this unmask statement
Return Value

Modes Supported :
Raw Script

Sahi Pro Classic API :_unmaskLogs

Example of _maskLogs _unmaskLogs

_setValue(_textbox("user"), "test");
_maskLogs("Password Information start");
_setValue(_password("password"), "secret");
_unmaskLogs("Password Information end");

will show this in logs:

Playback Logs Controller Playback Tab

Disable/Enable INFO logging

Disable Info Logging

Disables logging of INFO (normal) steps in playback logs. Only SUCCESS, FAILURE and CUSTOM steps are logged.

Return Value

Modes Supported :
Raw Script

Sahi Pro Classic API :_disableInfoLogging

Enable Info Logging

Enables logging of INFO (normal) steps in playback logs which was previously disabled using _disableInfoLogging.

Return Value

Modes Supported :
Raw Script

Sahi Pro Classic API :_enableInfoLogging

Disable/Enable error logging

Disable Default Error Logging

Disables automatic logging of errors. Used in exception handling. See Corrective Action and Log the Exception Message Corrective Action, Log and then Fail.

Return Value

Modes Supported :
Raw Script

Sahi Pro Classic API :_disableDefaultErrorLogging

Enable Default Error Logging

Enables automatic logging of errors.

Return Value

Modes Supported :
Raw Script

Sahi Pro Classic API :_enableDefaultErrorLogging

Code Folding

When a function is called in a Sahi script, the logs for that function call are automatically "folded" in the reports.

Disable Code Folding

Sometimes, for commonly called utility functions, one may choose not to log the code folded function. This can be done by adding
fnName.noLog = true
after the function definition.

function getTimeStamp() {
	return (new Date()).toString();
getTimeStamp.noLog = true;

Demarcating Test Cases

Sections of a script may need to be marked as separate testcases while viewing in logs. For example a single script can exercise login, verifyTotal and logout, and may be considered as 3 testcases in a single script.

HAR Logging

HTTP request response information summaries can be captured during playback. (HAR refers to HTTP ARchive format of storing request response information)

If enabled, a log step may look like this: It can be enabled globally or locally.

Globally enable HAR Logging

in userdata.properties Restart Sahi for this to take effect.

Locally enable HAR Logging

Locally enable or disable HAR logging inside a script using _startHarLogging() and _stopHarLogging() APIs.

Start Har Logging

Tells Sahi to start logging HTTP request/response information for all network calls in this script.

$enableResponseContentboolean optionalBy default, response content will not be stored in HAR logs. Pass true to store response content.
Return Value

Modes Supported :
Raw Script

Sahi Pro Classic API :_startHarLogging

Stop Har Logging

Tells Sahi to stop logging HTTP request/response information for all network calls in this script.

Return Value

Modes Supported :
Raw Script

Sahi Pro Classic API :_stopHarLogging

Get Har Logs

It returns an array of HAR logs accumulated while executing the steps between _startHarLogging and _stopHarLogging. Every HAR log object has following attributes:

  • requestMethod : returns the HTTP request method
  • requestUrl : returns the requested url
  • requestQueryString : returns an array of query parameters in the requested url
  • requestHeaders : returns the request headers as an array
  • requestData : returns the request body as an array
  • responseStatus : returns the HTTP response status code
  • responseStatusText : returns the HTTP response status message
  • responseHeaders : returns the response headers as an array
  • responseBodySize : returns the size of response body in bytes
  • responseContent : returns the response body if argument enableResponseContent passed to _startHarLogging API is true
  • time : returns the total duration from the start of the request to receiving the entire response

Return Value
array of objectsAn array of HAR logs

Modes Supported :
Raw Script
// Example 1 - Verify request to third party application
_setValue(_textbox("Name"), "test");
var $harLogs = _getHarLogs();
for (var $i=0; $i<$harLogs.length; $i++) {
	var $harLog = $harLogs[$i];
	_log( "Requested url : " + $harLog.requestUrl );
	if( $harLog.requestUrl.indexOf("https://www.google-analytics.com/collect") != -1 ) {
		_log( "HTTP request method : " + $harLog.requestMethod );
		var $parameters = $harLog.requestQueryString;
		for( var $j=0; $j < $parameters.length; $j++) {
			_log( "Query parameter " + $j + " : name=" + $parameters[$j].name + ", value=" + $parameters[$j].value);

		_log( "Response status code : " + $harLog.responseStatus );
		_log( "Response status message : " + $harLog.responseStatusText );
		_log( "Size of response body in bytes : " + $harLog.responseBodySize );
		_log( "Total duration : " + $harLog.time );

// Example 2 - Verify response content
_startHarLogging(true); // Enable reponse content in HAR logs
_check(_checkbox("Order XYZ434"));
_click(_submit("Approve")); // Approve Order XYZ434
_wait(2000, _isVisible(_div("Success")));
var $harLogs = _getHarLogs();
for (var $i=0; $i<$harLogs.length; $i++) {
	var $harLog = $harLogs[$i];
	if( $harLog.requestUrl.indexOf("https://www.example.com/approve") != -1 ) {
		_log( "Response status code : " + $harLog.responseStatus );
		_log( "Response status message : " + $harLog.responseStatusText );

		var $responseContent = $harLog.responseContent; // Server has sent a JSON containing the receipt number.
		_log( "Receipt number : " +  JSON.parse($responseContent).receiptNo);

Sahi Pro Classic API :_getHarLogs