Layout verification APIs

abstract The following APIs are used for testing the layout of a webpage. It is useful to test responsive design.

Get Layout

Returns string representing page layout. User can provide the element apis as a first argument which he wants to ignore in layout. It needs to be used with _writeFile followed by _readLayoutFile and _verifyLayout.

$elementAPIsarray optionalelement apis which user wants to ignore in layout.
$elementsarray optionalprovide elements to take page layout of sections covered by these elements.
Return Value
stringRepresents page layout.

Modes Supported :
Raw Script
// Example:
var $all = _getLayout(); //returns string representing page layout
_writeFile($all, "D:/getLayout.txt", true); //writes returned string to text file
var $temp = _readLayoutFile("D:/getLayout.txt");
//read the layout text file and return a 2 dimensional array of elements
_verifyLayout($temp,9); //verifying the page layout and layout from _getLayout

var $data = _getLayout(["_heading2", "_div", "_row", "_cell"]); //ignoring (_heading2,_div, _row and _cell) from page
_writeFile($data, "D:/getLayout.txt", true); //writes returned string to text file
var $temp = _readLayoutFile("D:/getLayout.txt");
//read the layout text file and return a 2 dimensional array of elements
_verifyLayout($temp,9); //verifying the page layout and layout from _getLayout

var $all = _getLayout(null, [_div("section"), _div("new-section")]); //returns string representing page layout of sections covered by _div("section") and _div("new-section")] elements.
var $all = _getLayout([_span], [_div("section"), _div("new-section")]); //returns string representing page layout of sections covered by _div("section") and _div("new-section")] elements ignoring _span apis.

Sahi Pro Classic API :_getLayout

Read Layout File

Reads the layout text file and returns a 2 dimensional array of elements. The layout file is a simple way of defining layout in a text file.

Elements on a line are treated as horizontally aligned. Elements higher up in the layout file are vertically above elements defined on a lower line.

Text file path.
Text file path. Relative path resolves relative to files folder of the current project.
Return Value
two dimensional array of element stubsTwo dimensional array of elements

Modes Supported :
Raw Script
// For example, in
_cell("Python Cookbook"),_cell("7"),_cell("Rs. 350"),_textbox("q[2]")

Sahi Pro Classic API :_readLayoutFile

Verify Layout

Validates the page layout based on $data.

$datatwo dimensional array of element stubs Elements in same row are considered horizontal. Elements in subsequent rows are vertically below elements in previous row.
$thresholdinteger If the vertical distance between the top left of 2 elements is within threshold number of pixels, they are considered to be horizontally aligned.
Return Value
booleantrue if the page layout is valid, else throws error

Modes Supported :
Raw Script
// Example:
 var $data = _readLayoutFile("page_layout.txt");
_verifyLayout($data, 10);

Sahi Pro Classic API :_verifyLayout

Layout verification example

Following is an example of a sample webpage and the sample page_layout.txt page_layout.txt
_cell("Title"),_cell("In stock"),_cell("Cost"),_cell("Add quantity to cart")
_cell("Core Java"),_cell("5"),_cell("Rs. 300"),_textbox("q")
_cell("Ruby for Rails"),_cell("12"),_cell("Rs. 200"),_textbox("q[1]")
_cell("Python Cookbook"),_cell("7"),_cell("Rs. 350"),_textbox("q[2]")

var $data = _readLayoutFile("page_layout.txt");
_verifyLayout($data, 10);