Java APIs

Launch Java Application

Launch Java Application.

$applicationPathstring absolute path of the Java application
$applicationLaunchCommandstring optional command to launch the Java application.
$applicationTypestring optional parameter specifying the type of java application.
Return Value

Modes Supported :
Raw Script
_launchJavaApplication("C:/Users/sample.jar", "java -jar");
_launchJavaApplication("C:/Users/sampleOracleApp.jar", "java -jar", "ORACLE");
_launchJavaApplication("C:/Users/sampleJavaFxApp.jar", "java -jar", "JAVAFX");

_launchJavaApplication("C:/Users/SampleJavaWS.jnlp", "javaws");

Sahi Pro Classic API :_launchJavaApplication

Launch Browser For Applet

Launch browser for Applet and open the specified URL. This API is required for Automating Applet Using Only Desktop Automation.

$URLstring URL to launch the Applet
$browserLaunchCommandstring command to launch the browser for Applet.
Return Value

Modes Supported :
Raw Script
_launchBrowserForApplet("", "C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft/Edge/Application/msedge.exe");

_launchBrowserForApplet("", "C:/Program Files/Internet Explorer/iexplore.exe -private");

Sahi Pro Classic API :_launchBrowserForApplet

Exit Java Process

Exits the Java Application process.
Use this api instead of _closeWindow if the java process is not exiting after closing the application manually or through Sahi Pro. This api helps to release resoures from machine.

Return Value

Modes Supported :
Raw Script

Sahi Pro Classic API :_exitJavaProcess

Drag Native

Simulates a drag action

$elementelement element to be dragged
Return Value

Modes Supported :
Raw Script
// Drag the item
_dragNative(_jvJListItem(_jvJList("Countries"), "India"));

Sahi Pro Classic API :_dragNative

Drop Native

Simulates a drop action

$elementelement element where the dragged element will be dropped
Return Value

Modes Supported :
Raw Script
// drop the item

Sahi Pro Classic API :_dropNative

Get Cell Index

$tableElelement Table element
Return Value
array of integersarray with first value as row index and second value as column index of the table.

Modes Supported :
Raw Script
var $cell = _getCellIndex(_jvCell(_jvJTable("SampleTable"), "43"));
_assertEqual(0, $cell[0]); // row number is 0 (i.e index 0 of $cell array).
_assertEqual(1, $cell[1]); // column number is 1 (i.e index 1 of $cell array).

_assertEqual("43", _getText(_jvCell(_jvJTable("SampleTable"), $cell[0], $cell[1]))); //Fetch value of table cell at [0,1].

Sahi Pro Classic API :_getCellIndex

Get Icon Path

$elementelement Element whose icon's path we need
Return Value
stringPath of the graphic image that the element displays.

Modes Supported :
Raw Script
var $icon_path = _getIconPath(_jvJLabel("Success"));
_assertEqual("/success.png/", $icon_path);

Sahi Pro Classic API :_getIconPath