What is new in Sahi Pro Mobile Add-on v8.0.0

abstract Sahi Pro Mobile Add-on v8.0.0 is a major release with significant feature additions and modifications. The following summarizes features and enhancements in Sahi Pro Mobile Add-on v8.0.0
infoNote: Sahi Pro Mobile Add-on requires a different license file than that of Sahi Pro.
Refer to Sahi Pro Mobile Add-on page for details.

Key Features

warningRead this section, before upgrading to Sahi Pro Mobile Add-on v8.0.0


    • Sahi Controller: Fixed element identification with respect to the relational apis.
    • Java Controller: Fixed recording and element identification with respect to the relational apis.

    Android/iOS Viewer

    • Optimize Viewer checkbox has been removed from the iOS Viewer. By default, the viewer is optimized.
    • Added Webview support in Android.


    • Added ios_devices.xml and android_devices.xml at <SahiPath>/userdata/config. Device list will be fetched from the respective xml file.
    • Added property ios.keyboard.buttons.autoclick, in which user can specify the name of the keyboard button which is used to hide the keyboard. Separate multiple names with semi-colon.


    • Implemented distributed playback for Mobile Add-on.
    • Fixed Android/iOS Java Driver playback from scenario file.

New APIs

Android Application

    Action APIs
    • _check: Checks the given checkbox or radio button.
    • _uncheck: Unchecks the given checkbox.
    Screenshot APIs
    • _takePageScreenShot: Take a full screenshot of a application element or the device.
    • _assertSnapShot: Takes the full screen shot of the screen or the element if specified, and compares with the reference image.
    Android WebView APIs
    • _aStartWebContext: Change the execution mode to ANDROID_WEBVIEW and start the execution of the following steps as Web.
    • _aStopWebContext: Stop execution in Android WebView.
    Other APIs
    • _deviceInfo: Returns device information as an associative array.

iOS Application

    Action APIs
    • _check: Checks the given checkbox or radio button.
    • _uncheck: Unchecks the given checkbox.
    Fetch APIs
    • _isChecked: Returns the current status of checkbox or radio button.
    Screenshot APIs
    • _takePageScreenShot: Take a full screenshot of a application element or the device.
    • _assertSnapShot: Takes the full screen shot of the screen or the element if specified, and compares with the reference image.
    Other APIs

Modified APIs

    Android Application

    iOS Application

    • _takeScreenShots: Added $noLogs (it will not log the images in Sahi logs) parameter.
    • _setValue: Implemented $props arguments, which is used to dismiss the keyboard as well as clear the text.

Bug Fixes

    • _setValue for Android versions below Lollipop.
warning Refer What's new in Sahi Pro v8.0.0 for features and enhancements done in Sahi Pro v8.0.0.
warning Refer What's new in Sahi Pro Desktop Add-on v8.0.0 for features and enhancements done in Sahi Pro Desktop Add-on v8.0.0.