What is new in Sahi Pro v6.2.0
Sahi Pro v6.2.0 is a major release and contains many new features and bugfixes.
Sahi Pro Runner has been introduced since this version (v6.2.0)
Sahi Pro Runner has been introduced since this version (v6.2.0)
Key Features
Microsoft Edge Support
Sahi Pro V6.2.0 adds support for the latest Microsoft Edge browser.info
NOTE: Microsoft Edge supports only single thread, so parallel execution not supported for this browser.
You need to close any running instance of Microsoft Edge before playback.
Passing External Data in Excel
Normally, parameter data is passed inline to keywords/functions in scenario files. However, one may want to keep the parameter data in a separate file for easier maintenance. Sahi Pro 6.2 adds the ability to represent data in external files or database and allows an easy way of accessing such externalized data. Please read the documentation Passing External Data for more details.Restrict Remote Access
Any user on the network could access Sahi Pro via web browser and modify its configuration and settings.This new feature helps prevent other remote machines from directly accessing the Editor, Logs and Configuration of the host machine. Please refer to Restrict Remote Access section for more details.
Sahi Pro License Server
Organizations using Sahi Pro Concurrent licenses can now manage licenses using a central License Server. The License Server is available on request. Please email support@sahipro.com.Sahi Pro Runner
Sahi Pro Runner is a leaner version of Sahi Pro, to be used for pure playback purposes especially from automated build systems. It does not have the Controller or Editor. It is well suited for running with Jenkins or for use as a Central Reporting server. Sahi Pro Runner is available as a separate download on the downloads archive page.Support for Multiple Languages
Sahi allows testing of websites in any language using the same scripts as long as translations are available for that language. Please refer to Multi Language API section for more details.Download Artifacts
All artifacts in a suite or script can now be downloaded as a zip from the corresponding suite or script report page.Download Reports Offline
Suite logs and script logs(within a suite) can now be downloaded directly from the logs page. These log reports can be of different types (email, html, xml, excel, junit etc.).Auto Refresh Logs
Suite and script reports can be set to auto refresh to refresh the logs after every 2 seconds until the execution completes. This will be helpful to track reports in the middle of execution. Please refer to Auto Refresh Logs section for more details.Data Driven Suites with testcases
Added support to execute only specific testcases in data driven suites. Please read the documentation Data Driven Suites with testcases for more details.New APIs
Script/Suite Info APIs- _addToSuiteInfo: Appends the customFieldName and customFieldValue in Suite Info.
- _artifact: It is used to save a file as part of the logs. For example, one may want to store a snapshot of the server log file along with the script report.
- _logOutput: Keeps concatenating the message and is shown in suite and script reports.
- _isEdge: Returns true if the current browser is Microsoft Edge.
- _setLanguage: Sets the language in which the script will be executed.
Modified APIs
- _resource: This API has been modified to work for scenario files. Also now regex or folder path can be passed to this API.
_scriptPath, _resolvePath, _userDataDir, _userDataPath: An extra parameter $fileSeparator is added in these apis. Can be one of "\\" or "/" .Defaults to "/".
- _writeCSVFile : An extra parameter $forceQuotes is added. Force strings to be inside quotes in the csv file. Defaults to false.
- Screenshot apis are now modified to work for multiple screens also.
Other Features and Enhancements
- API - Added support for screenshot apis in case of multi screens.
- Controller - Error messages will be displayed in controller playback tab for quick reference. Failure messages will not be shown.
- Controller - Added controller.offline_logs.type property in sahi.properties for creating offline html logs form controller playback.
- Editor - In "Find Usage", result message will be shown as "x matches found in y files".
- Editor - Added support for properties file to support multi language.
- Editor - When any script is not saved, clicking on playback will give an alert and ask to save the files before playback.
- Editor - Tabs inside the editor can be closed using middle click of mouse.
- Editor - Highlighting active line in editor.
- Editor - Added red colour header symbol for new files created in editor.
- Editor - Maintaining tree state on page reload in editor's navigator.
- Editor - Deselect cell in spreadsheet when tab is changed.
- Editor - Added support to find on "Enter" key press in Find Usage.
- Excel - Added new methods deleteColumn and deleteColumns in excel API.
- Excel - In associative array2d.set method, one can use row/column header name instead of index.
- Excel - Removing start and end spaces from arguments in Excel Framework.
- Flex - Added functionality for scrolling horizontally and get cell of datagrid.
- Logs - Made DBReport's Sync DB dialogue box movable.
- Logs - Showing time(near steps) in 12-hr format with AM/PM.
- Logs - Added sync in progress message and disabled the sync button when sync in progress.
- Logs - Showing system exceptions in logs.
- Logs - Added support to remove a function from logs using fnName.noLog = true in Sahi script.
- Logs - Replaced timestamp with uuid(global id) in script/suite ids and modified reports accordingly.
- Added support for sending body data in DELETE request.
- Added support for window action on linux operating system.
- Make proxy_alert.disabled to false in userdata.properties.
- Added null check and setting default value of "mail.smtp.starttls.enable" to "false"
Bug Fixes
- API - _writeCSVFile API not able to write integer 0 in csv. Fixed.
- API - _byId API fix for iframes.
- API - Assertion for _cell API. Fixed.
- API - _isVisible() will should always return boolean value and not error. Fixed.
- API - Fix for onBeforeStep and onAfterStep with windowAction APIs leading to 150 seconds timeout.
- API - Fixed behavior of _renameFile. If file to be renamed is not present, it won't do anything.
- Controller - Fixed "Script Editor" link in controller for Windows.
- Controller - Recording of select box on IE6,7,8,9,10 not working properly. Fixed.
- Controller - Fix for identification of SVG elements with relational APIs.
- Controller - Check for blank files when evaluating from controller. Also fixed error messages from controller in case of no script or AR name while recording.
- Controller - Controller playback of a script was creating two folders for HTML offline logs. Fixed.
- Excel - Editing and saving an excel file(having multiple sheets) in Sahi's editor should not delete other sheets of that file. Fixed.
- Excel - deleteRows(index) method was not deleting last row from the sheet. Fixed.
- Editor - s.csv , dd.csv , xls files does not save the focused element content. Fixed.
- Editor - Playback of same suite inside the ddcsv with different arguments. Fixed.
- Editor - Showing correct message when .csv, .dd.csv, .xls, .xlsx type files are opened from other editor while being edited from Sahi's editor.
- Editor - Creating a new file should not reload the editor page. Fixed.
- Editor - Loading of last file should not happen if new file is opened and reloading the page. Fixed.
- Editor - Double scroll bar problem is fixed.
- Editor - Fixed masking issue to hide masked info.
- Editor - Creation of new file with name like a.csv.csv when providing the extension in input box. Fixed.
- Editor - Fixed issue where Replace won't work if $ is used in the search and replace.
- Logs - Showing testcase summary in logs while doing distributed run.
- Logs - Fixed total steps count and testcases count in logs.
- While doing distributed run, copying of images from slave to master is fixed.
- Fixed drun unzip issue on mac: using CanonicalPath for zipping/unzipping files.
- Fixed drun going into infinite loop. Added flag "drun.node_inactive_timeout" in sahi.properties for marking node as inactive and come out from the loop.
- Parsing of switch case inside a script is fixed.
- More preferences are added for firefox to prevent SSL handshake errors in Firefox.
- Saving date object value in variable in script. Fixed.
- Adding Listeners to frame. Fixed.
- Scenario file with tags should run when used in dd.csv using tags. Fixed.