What is new in Sahi Pro v11.2.0.0

abstract Sahi Pro v11.2.0.0 is a minor release with features and improvements primarily in Sahi Pro Flowcharts.

Key Features

Merge Conflict in Flowcharts

It is prudent to version control your automation artifacts, thus facilitating collaboration. However, at times you also need to resolve Merge Conflicts. Sahi Pro's Diff and Merge UI provides an intuitive user interface to visualize differences between automation artifacts as well as enabling users to easily resolve Merge Conflicts in Flowcharts.

Environment based Datasets

You would want to verify your application in multiple software environments like Quality Assurance, Staging, User Acceptance Testing, Production Environment, etc. Consequently, you would want to run a flowchart/project with different data for different environments without modifying this flowchart/project for each environment. You can achieve this by using Environment based Datasets to override datasets and use different data based on the execution environments.

Controlling Branch Flow with Sub-Label Grouping

Now, a new provision Sub-Label Grouping is introduced to control the branch flow without adding a condition. Sub-label groups are used to ensure that paths follow specific branches only. Sub-label groups are useful when a flowchart branches, converges and then branches again.

Dependency at Flowcharts Level

When running a Project, you may need a specific flowchart to run successfully before running another flowchart. For example, in a shopping cart application, we would want the "Create Product" flowchart to run successfully before running the "Checkout" flowchart. For this, you can now define a dependency between different flowcharts using the Flowchart Dependency feature.

Add Data / Loop Boundary on Node

You can now data drive multiple nodes together by attaching a Dataset. For this, you can define the start and end boundaries for the Dataset at the Node level. This will facilitate running all the Keywords within this start and end boundaries in a loop for all rows of the dataset. Refer here for details.


New Actions

Modified Actions

Bug Fixes

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