What is new in Sahi Pro v11.1.0.0

abstract Sahi Pro v11.1.0.0 is a minor release with features and improvements in Sahi Pro Flowcharts.

Key Features

Artificial Intelligence for Mobile Automation

Sahi Pro AI Assist Add-on is now available for Mobile automation. This Add-on already supports automating browsers, desktop applications, etc. Now, it can also be used to automate Android and iOS applications.

Import from Postman

Now, you can easily import your REST API requests created in the Postman API Platform to your Flowcharts. Click here for details.

Keyword and Step Override

Let's say your Application is evolving from an older UI to a newer UI. Actions to be performed on both these user interfaces are similar except they could differ for specific steps. Also, an entire keyword may need to be overridden for the new UI. Refer Keyword and Step Override for details.

Improvements and Bug Fixes

What is new in Sahi Pro Desktop Add-on v11.1.0.0


What is new in Sahi Pro Mobile Add-on v11.1.0.0

What is new in Sahi Pro SAP Add-on v11.1.0.0

What is new in Sahi Pro AI Assist Add-on v11.1.0.0
