What is new in Sahi Pro v11.1.0.0
Sahi Pro v11.1.0.0 is a minor release with features and improvements in Sahi Pro Flowcharts.
Key Features
Artificial Intelligence for Mobile Automation
Sahi Pro AI Assist Add-on is now available for Mobile automation. This Add-on already supports automating browsers, desktop applications, etc. Now, it can also be used to automate Android and iOS applications.Import from Postman
Now, you can easily import your REST API requests created in the Postman API Platform to your Flowcharts. Click here for details.Keyword and Step Override
Let's say your Application is evolving from an older UI to a newer UI. Actions to be performed on both these user interfaces are similar except they could differ for specific steps. Also, an entire keyword may need to be overridden for the new UI. Refer Keyword and Step Override for details.Improvements and Bug Fixes
- Script generation for flowcharts is now faster. This reduces the time it takes to start the execution when running a Project.
- Now, Variable Templates are also available in the Data Generator and the UI Elements.
- Validations can also be enabled from the Truth Table View and Execution order dialogs.
- Improvements for a node in Flowcharts
- Now, autocomplete in the node content will also look for partial match.
- Fixed: When renaming a keyword generated from node with multiple lines of content, the usage not coming correctly.
- Improvements in Automate Dialog:
- When we run a path from the Automate dialog, the keywords having a dataset attached will be shown in blue color during the run.
- Keywords inside the corresponding if/else block are now correctly displayed in the Keywords tab on the Automate dialog. Also, common keywords are listed after the if/else block.
- Fixed: After closing, unsaved attribute changes still remain in the Automate dialog.
- Fixes in Reports:
- Columns 'Origin Machine' and other custom columns(if any) will now be available in the consolidated report for the Suites list.
- Fixed: On the Comparison Suite page, graph for Statistical view is missing.
- Fixed: Expand and Collapse buttons are not working on the Comparing Screenshots page.
- Fixed: When Click action added from Flowcharts Controller is run, in the Reports a second argument "null" is shown for this Click action.
- Prohibitions:
- Now, name for entity attributes, screens, keywords cannot begin with a number.
- Now, special characters are not allowed while renaming keywords and screen names.
- In a Datasource file, the dataset names should be unique. Also, a dataset must be associated with a non-empty name. These restrictions are now also necessary when editing the raw data rows.
- In the Project page, 'Created on' and 'Last Modified' information is now removed for the Flowcharts.
- Empty node will not be allowed.
- If steps in a keyword contain references from multiple entities/screens, renaming any one of the entity/screen will now update only the references of that specific entity/screen, not those of the other entities/screens.
- Fixed: Run Step is not working for actions Set Value and Assert Text Equals, if UI Element value is empty in the Flowcharts Controller.
- Fixed: Unable to upload a file using _setFile3 API for a specific application.
- Fixed: Issue in shortcut created for Sahi Pro on Mac desktop shortcut issue.
- Fixed: Unable to identify on a web application as Sahi's pinging did not work.
- Fixed: Failure on 'Run Step' when step parameters are extracted to entity attributes.
- Fixed: Quick Extract not working for Assert action.
- Fixed: Unable to send XML content as body in a REST API Call.
- Fixed: Sahi Pro Dashboard does not render correctly on Mac OS.
- Fixed: External scripts directory does not load on startup.
- Fixed: Circular dependency in entity attributes was being allowed.
- Fixed: When renaming a keyword generated from dynamic condition node, the usage is not populated.
What is new in Sahi Pro Desktop Add-on v11.1.0.0
- To automate a Windows application, you would start recording actions on the application. However, Windows automation allows you to automate on the entire system screen. Thus, actions performed on other applications, Taskbar, Windows Start Menu, etc. also get recorded. To ignore such actions and restrict recording to a specific application process, a new provision is added. Refer here for details.
- Fixed: For _jvJComboBox element, Flowcharts Controller is generating wrong steps for actions Set Value & Assert Text Equals.
Windows Application
Java Application
What is new in Sahi Pro Mobile Add-on v11.1.0.0
- Fixed: Execution for iOS does not work if start mode is generic.
What is new in Sahi Pro SAP Add-on v11.1.0.0
- No changes.
What is new in Sahi Pro AI Assist Add-on v11.1.0.0
- AI Assist Add-on is now available for automating Android and iOS mobile applications.
- AI Assist Add-on now supports automating on intel based macOS systems.