Sahi Documentation

What is new in Sahi Pro Mobile Add-on v9.0.0

abstract Sahi Pro Mobile Add-on v9.0.0 is a major release with significant feature additions and modifications. The following summarizes features and enhancements in Sahi Pro Mobile Add-on v9.0.0
infoNote: Sahi Pro Mobile Add-on requires a different license than that of Sahi Pro.
Refer to Sahi Pro Mobile Add-on page for details.

Key Features

warningRead this section, before upgrading to Sahi Pro Mobile Add-on v9.0.0

    Android Viewer

    • Security restrictions may prohibit Android Viewer from capturing the screen shot to be displayed. In such a case, now you can use the Screenshot Outline View feature in Android viewer.

    AWS Devicefarm Integration

    • Apart from local machines with tethered mobile devices, Sahi Pro now integrates with AWS Device Farm on the cloud. This makes testing multiple mobile OSes and Devices much more manageable.

    iOS Hybrid App

    • Now we can identify as well as record elements in hybrid apps as HTML web elements.

New APIs

Android Application

    Action APIs
    • _doubleClick: Simulates double click on the given element.
    • _eval: Evals the code in android uiautomator.
    • _mSetOrientation: Rotates the device screen based on the orientation type.
    Fetch APIs Other APIs
    • _mStartWebContext: Changes the execution mode to Android Webview and starts the execution of the following steps as Web.
    • _mStopWebContext: Stops the execution of following steps in Android WebView.
    • _launchNewMobileBrowser2: Launches a new browser instance on a device. This will consume a device so that no other script will run on that device until browser execution finished.

iOS Application

    Action APIs Fetch APIs Other APIs
    • _mStartWebContext: Changes the execution mode to Android Webview and starts the execution of the following steps as Web.
    • _mStopWebContext: Stops the execution of following steps in Android WebView.
    • _launchNewMobileBrowser: Launches a new browser instance on a device.
    • _launchNewMobileBrowser2: Launches a new browser instance on a device. This will consume a device so that no other script will run on that device until browser execution finished.

Bug Fixes