Flowcharts Controller

abstract The Flowcharts Controller helps identify elements, interact with the Application Under Test and implement automation steps.
The Add Step dialog has an Inspect Element tab where we can identify and interact with the application. To work with the application and identify elements, we can keep the application window and Flowcharts window side by side.
However since the Flowcharts window is big, this can be inconvenient - especially on Mac, since focus is needed to interact with the browser.

Flowcharts Controller solves this problem.

In-Page Controller

Flowcharts Controller can be launched from a web application using ALT + Double Click (pressing ALT key and Double Clicking) on the page.
For Mac, use Command + Double Click.

This will open a Controller inside the page itself.

Controller Functionality

Pop-out Controller

When working with multiple browser windows or when working with other modes, we may need the Controller to be separate from the web application window.