Run/Execute Flows

abstract Flowcharts can be run at the Path, Flowchart or Project level.

Path Run

  1. Open a Flowchart
  2. Click on any node and click on Automate
  3. Click Run at the top right.
  4. This brings up the Run dialog.
  5. Set the Browser, Start URL etc.
  6. You can check any combination of:
    • Run Normal Path
    • Run Positive Validations
    • Run Negative Validations
Depending on what you chose, multiple browsers may open up and execute the flows.

Flowchart Run

  1. Open a Flowchart
  2. Click on Run button at the top.
  3. The rest is similar to Path Run.

Path Execution Order

The execution order of paths in a flowchart is automatically decided by Flowcharts.
This is mostly the natural order in which the paths were added to the flowchart.
However, if you wish to change the order, you can do it as follows:

  1. Click on the dropdown arrow to the right of Run button and choose Execution Order
  2. This shows the paths in a tabular format.
  3. Each row has a draggable handle at the left. Drag and drop to re-order the paths.
  4. When a flowchart is run, the paths will be triggered in the specified order.

Depends - Path Dependency

If more control is needed, we can use Path Dependency.
  1. On the Execution Order dialog, Click on "Depends On" near a path (path 2).
  2. Choose the other path that it depends on (path 1).
  3. Click Save.
  4. In this case, Path 2 will execute only if Path 1 has executed and has passed. Else Path 2 will be skipped.
    For example, we don't want to run other flows which depend on a successful product creation, if product creation itself is failing.
    This will save build time and give faster feedback.

Project Run

  1. Open a Project
  2. Click on Run button at the top right.
  3. The rest is similar to Path Run and Flowchart Run.

Flowchart Execution Order

The execution order of flowchart in a project is automatically decided by Flowcharts.
This is mostly the natural order in which the flowcharts were created in the project.
However, if you wish to change the order, you can do it as follows:

  1. Click on the dropdown arrow to the right of Run button and choose Execution Order
  2. This shows the flowcharts in a tabular format.
  3. Each row has a draggable handle at the left. Drag and drop to re-order the paths.
When a project is run, the flowcharts will be triggered in the specified order.


Tags help control which subset of paths should be run when running from flowchart or project level.

Path Tags

To set tags at the Path level:
  1. Click on a Node -> Automate -> Path tab -> Path Info -> Path Tags -> Add/Edit Path Tag
  2. Enter a tag or multiple tags separated by commas
    • admin
    • admin,smoketests,version6plus
  3. click OK.
  1. Click on Table View button on the top of the flowchart.
  2. Go to either Truth Table View or Execution Order tab and edit Path Tags against each Path.

Flowchart Tags

To set tags at the Flowchart level:
  1. Go to the Projects page
  2. Click on the vertical dots on the top right of the relevant flowchart and click Settings.
  3. In the Artifact Tags field, enter a tag or multiple tags separated by commas
    • admin
    • admin,smoketests,version6plus
  4. click Save Changes.

Execution with Tag Filters

To Execute only selective tags,
  1. Open the Run dialog
  2. In Tags field, add a tag or a boolean expression of tags.
    • smoketests
    • version6plus
    • admin && smoketests
    • (admin || user) && highpriority

CI/CD Integration

Reach out to our support team for instructions to trigger from CI/CD.