Raw Script Step

abstract Raw Script allows calling custom Sahi script code as part of a Keyword implementation.
goal Use Raw Script to connect to a database and run a query.
  1. Click on the node where you need to add the raw step on the flowchart and select Automate.
  2. Automate dialog opens up with the selected node.
  3. Click on Add Step
  4. Check the Raw Script checkbox
  5. Add the raw script to connect to the database. (Refer _getDB for more information on how to connect the database.)
  6. info The Validate checkbox will validate the syntax of the raw script.
  7. Similarly, add any script/step you want to use in Flowhcarts.
  8. Click on Update button to add the script/step in the Keyword
info Raw Script Step can also be added from the Flowcharts Controller
outcome Congratulations! You have created a Step with Raw Script.