Positive Validations

abstract Positive Validations are test flows that verify that the application works correctly for specific valid data.
info There may be some types of valid data that the application should definitely accept.

  • Boundary Values: If the valid age allowed in an age field is greater than or equal to 18, we need to specifically ensure that age 18 works correctly.
  • Specific Data: We may know from prior experience that Japanese characters break a form submission. We could check specifically with such Japanese characters.
Valid data can be defined for each entity attribute.
goal Define and Run a test flow with various valid data using Positive Validations.

Discover Values for Positive Validations

The values we need to check for Positive Validations can be derived from various sources: In the User Registration case, let us see what validation messages are shown.
Navigate to the registration page manually and click on Submit without entering any value.
The following error messages are seen
For Firstname, the message says "First Name must be between 1 and 32 characters!"
As a tester, we need to ensure that the firstname field accepts the following:

Set Values for Positive Validation

  1. Click on the Flowchart path node.
  2. Click on Automate.
  3. On the Automate dialog, navigate to Entities tab.
  4. Entity tab shows the Entity's Attributes on the Left pane and it has more sub-tabs on the Right pane.
  5. Navigate to the Positive Validations tab and select Entity: $user and Attribute firstname.
  6. Type the Input values and comments to define it.
  7. Similarly, it can be defined for other attributes too.
  8. Once we are done with setting Input values for Positive validations, click on Save Entity button.
    infoThe '*' mark on the Entities tab shows that the Entity's changes have not yet been saved. Once we save the Entity, the '*' mark disappears.

Run the Positive Validations

  1. Check for the path settings:
    Click on path tab and select the checkbox for Enable Validations.
  2. Click on the Run button.
  3. Run Settings dialog opens. Select the checkbox Run Positive validations only and deselect others.
  4. Click on Run button.

View Report for Positive Validations

Check the Report after running/executing the Positive validations :

  1. Click on the Reports button.
  2. The Report window will open in a new tab. It will show the Success of flow.
  3. Click on Registration VALIDATION POSITIVE P0

  4. Suite Report will open :
  5. In the suite report, it can be seen that the same flow has been executed twice with different sets of test data in parallel.
    In the first report, the firstname is given as a and in the second test firstname is thirtytwocharacterlongstringabcd
  6. Click on each to see more details. You can click on Expand All to view details of each attribute.
    Under the expanded Enter $user details keyword, you can see the details of values taken as input for each attribute.
outcome Congratulations! You have successfully run a few Positive Validations!