Manage Sahi Pro Version Updates, Rollbacks, Add-Ons and Support Patches

abstract This section allows upgrade to a new Sahi version, rollback to last working version, install add-ons and company-specific patches.

Update Sahi Pro page

  1. Click on the All Settings button on the Dashboard. It will open up all Settings dialog.
  2. Click on the Sahi Pro Settings button. It will open up Configure Sahi Pro page.
  3. Select the Update Sahi Pro link on the left panel of Configure Sahi Pro page. This will open page similar to image given below.

Install Updates

This functionality allows the user to install an update from the list of available updates. User can also rollback to the last working version.

Install Major Version Updates

  1. Open Update Sahi Pro page.
    Or, Launch the Sahi Pro dashboard and click on A new update is available.
  2. On the Update Sahi Pro page, click on Download button next to the major version details.
  3. Click OK on the confirmation diaog to continue the update.
  4. The downloading process will start and take a few seconds to complete.
  5. Once the downloading is complete, click on Installbutton.
  6. The installation process will start and take a few seconds to complete.
info Sahi will automatically restart to make sure the changes are reflected.

Install Minor Version Updates

  1. Launch the Sahi Pro dashboard.
  2. Click on A new update is available link.
  3. The Configure Sahi Pro page opens. Click on the Update button next to the required version number.
  4. Click OK on the confirmation diaog to continue the update.
  5. The process will take a few seconds.
  6. A new Sahi Pro comsole will be launched for each of the Add-Ons installed on the user's PC.
  7. info Sahi will automatically restart to make sure the changes are reflected.


  1. Open Update Sahi Pro page or refresh the page if it is open.
  2. Click on Rollback to previous version ... link.
  3. Details of versions shown to rollback. Click on Rollback to this version button.
  4. Click OK on the confirmation dialog.
  5. The process will take a few seconds.
  6. info Sahi will automatically restart to make sure the changes are reflected.

Install Add-ons for Sahi Pro

Sahi now allows user to install add-ons by simply selecting the desired add-on link. User will need respective licenses for these add-ons.
  1. Open Update Sahi Pro page.
  2. Under Manage Add-ons for Sahi Pro section, click on Install link of the desired add on.
  3. Click OK on the confirmation diaog to continue the update.
  4. The installation process will start and take a few seconds to complete.
  5. The add-on can be uninstalled if not required by clicking on the Uninstall link.
info Sahi will automatically restart to make sure the changes are reflected.

Sync Add-ons

info Sahi will automatically restart to make sure the changes are reflected.

Install Patches

This functionality allows the user to install company-specific patches. Patches can be applied in two ways
  • Open Update Sahi Pro page.
  • Navigate to Install Patches section.
  • Follow the suitable option of installing the patch:
    • Uploading File: Patch provided by the Sahi's support team will be uploaded here.
    • Applying from URL: Patch can also be applied by using the URL provided by the Sahi's support team.
  • info Sahi will automatically restart to make sure the changes are reflected.