Sahi Documentation

Sahi Framework

abstract The Sahi Framework allows testers to write their testcases in Spreadsheet (Excel like) format and run it from Sahi. Often a testing team consists of a mix of subject matter experts, some manual testers and testers with some automation experience. Writing tests in the language of the business allows all stake holders to participate and derive value out of the automation process.

Layers in Automation

Sahi Framework broadly breaks down automation code into 3 layers.

Business Layer

This layer expresses business intent. It is agnostic of the UI, testing tool and interaction code.
Eg. Create User, Approve User, Login User etc. talk in the language of the business, without assuming anything about the UI, tool or code.

In Sahi, this layer is implemented as Scenario files. This is csv file which can be edited in our Editor or via MS Excel. A sample scenario looks like this:

TestCase Key Word Argument1 Argument2 Argument3
loadSahi "books_lib.sah"
Check shopping cart total [Documentation] Smoke test for add books
login "test" "secret"
addBooks 3 2 1
verifyTotal 1640

Implementation Layer

This layer implements the business keywords specified in the previous layer. For example, login mentioned above, is implemented in books_lib.sah as below:
function login($username, $password){
	_setValue($_TEXTBOX_USER, $username);
	_setValue($_PASSWORD_PASSWORD, $password);

Accessor Repository Layer

This is a place to keep all the Accessors (object identifiers). This is implemented as an Accessor Repository (AR) file. AR files are just simple Sahi script files with _AR.sah suffix. A sample AR file named cart_AR.sah looks like this:

var $_TEXTBOX_USER = _textbox("user");
var $_PASSWORD_PASSWORD = _password("password");
var $_SUBMIT_LOGIN = _submit("Login");
